
Thawne versus Thawne!

Eobard sped into the Starchives and slammed into the Reverse Flash, sending him flying and hitting into a shelf, causing him to drop a device in the process. Eobard looked around to see that Caitlin was laying unconscious on The floor. The Reverse Flash stood up and looked at the other speedster in yellow, analysing him. He said "you aren't the Flash". Eobard smirked and said "no, but I am a friend of the Flash". The Reverse Flash said "you can't be kid flash and you definitely aren't the Flash's daughter". Eobard chuckled and sarcastically remarked "clever observation Thawne". The Reverse Flash said "well let's see how fast you are". The Reverse Flash sped away with Thawne immediately chasing after him. The two trails of red and orange lightning zoomed around the city. They zoomed left and right, exchanging blows once Thawne caught up to The Reverse Flash. The Reverse Flash sped up The side of a building and then jumped over to another one while Thawne chased after him on the ground. The Reverse Flash sped down The side of a building as Thawne threw a lightning bolt at him, causing the Reverse Flash to fall and roll along The streets of Central City.

Jay sped into the Starchives once he saw The two Thawne's speed away. He asked "Caitlin". He then saw her unconscious form lying on the ground. He carefully lifted her up and sped to Star Labs and into the med bay. Barry stood up from his seat at the centre desk in the Cortex and then ran into The med bay. Kara handed Dawn over to Nora and then ran after him. Jay lowered Caitlin onto the bed as Barry came into the med bay, followed by Kara. Barry asked "is she ok". Jay said "I think so". Barry nodded and said "me and Kara can make sure, where is Thawne". Jay answered "he raced off after The Reverse Flash, I need to help". Kara nodded as Jay left The med bay. She then turned to Barry and asked "what do we do". Outside the med bay, Jay asked "where is Thawne at Cisco". Cisco replied "currently at the high rise apartments, he's stopped so if you hurry, they'll still be there when you arrive". Jay nodded and was about to take off when Cisco asked "is Caitlin ok". Jay nodded and looked into the med bay to see Barry and Kara gathering some equipment. He smiled and said "she'll be ok, she has those two keeping an eye on her". Cisco smiled a little and nodded before Jay then took off to help Thawne.

The Reverse Flash clambered to his feet as Eobard came to a stop. Thawne said "whatever you have planned, we'll stop you Thawne". The Reverse Flash smirked and said "that's highly unlikely". The Reverse Flash then sped towards Thawne and ducked at the punch thrown at him. He kicked Thawne from behind, causing Thawne to stumble forwards. Thawne turned around and asked "is that all you got". The Reverse Flash grinned and replied "nowhere close". The two speedsters raced at each other and threw punches at each other. Thawne managed to dodge or block a lot of The Reverse Flash's attacks but he did still manage to land a few. Thawne managed to land a few of his own blows, momentarily staggering The Reverse Flash, but he was quick to recover. The Reverse Flash sped in a circle forming a tornado and then he raced off. Jay spoke through the comms "I got it, you get the Reverse Flash". Thawne watched as an orange lightning trail sped around The tornado. Thawne then turned and sped away after The Reverse Flash.

Thawne pursued the Reverse Flash around the city but he was barely gaining on him. He activated his comms and asked "Cisco, are there any shortcuts I can use to catch up to Thawne". Cisco said "yeah, hold on..... Take the next left". Thawne immediately turned left. Cisco said "ok now turn right at the end of this road". Thawne did as Cisco said and raced along the street. Cisco said "if you phase now, you'll get right behind him". Thawne phased through the building and sped along the street, right behind the Reverse Flash. As he reached him, the Reverse Flash elbowed him in the side and then stick his leg out, tripping Thawne up. The Reverse Flash grabbed Thawne once he let him roll along the road, and slammed him against a wall. He smirked and said "you're nowhere near as good as the Flash". Thawne chuckled and said "no, no I'm not, but neither are you". The Reverse Flash shouted "I'm better than him, I am The one thing he cannot stop". The Reverse Flash vibrated his hand close to Thawne's chest. Thawne said "that's where you're wrong". Thawne smirked when Jay Garrick slammed into The Reverse Flash, knocking him away from Thawne. Thawne chuckled and said "took you long enough". Jay said "sorry, I was a bit preoccupied with something else, what are we gonna do with him". Thawne smirked and punched the Reverse Flash, knocking him out. He said "we'll lock him up in the pipeline, then we'll deal with him later, Flash will probably want to question him". Jay nodded and said "see you back there". Thawne nodded and lifted up the Reverse Flash as Jay sped away. Thawne chuckled and said "we've got him Cisco, I'm coming back". Cisco said "ok copy that, Caitlin's just waking up, she's ok". Thawne said "that's great to hear Cisco, get the pipeline ready, I'll be back in a second".

Caitlin opened her eyes to see the concerned looks from Barry and Kara. She smiled a little and asked "is this what it's like when you wake up after some villain knocks you out". Barry chuckled a little and said "more or less, how are you feeling". Caitlin smiled a little said "I feel fine, am I not supposed too". Kara smiled a little and replied "you were knocked hard on the head, but you are perfectly fine, we think your powers have something to do with that, but you were most likely just knocked out, no concussions or anything". Caitlin asked "so am I good to go Dr Allen's". Kara pouted and said "I wish it was Dr Allen Cait, but we aren't there yet". Caitlin smiled a little and replied "you'll get there Kara, you'll be Kara Allen again in no time". Kara smiled and said "thanks Cait". Caitlin sat up and said "well we all know it's going to happen, I'm just speaking the truth". Barry chuckled and wrapped his arm around Kara's waist. He said "Cait's right as always, it'll happen at some point". Kara giggled and rested her head on Barry's shoulder after giving him a peck on the cheek. She then said "I can't wait then". Caitlin asked "what about the Reverse Flash, did he get away". Kara smiled and said "Thawne and Jay got him, he'll be bringing him in now". Barry nodded and said "then we'll find out why he's hear, I doubt he's working for Savitar". Caitlin smiled and said "we'll find out soon enough".

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