

Barry sped into his house and looked around cautiously for any sign of Savitar but he found nothing. Caitlin and Nora walked into the room and looked at Barry in concern. Nora asked "are you ok Barry, is Cisco and Thawne ok". Barry said "it's... It's a distraction, Savitar wants us there, he has to be here, he's got to be". Caitlin shook her head and said "Barry, we haven't seen anything". Barry sighed as rubbed his eyes. He said "I... I need to go, Kara's still at Star Labs, of course Savitar is still there, I'm an idiot". Nora said "Barry, you aren't an idiot, you are just tired, you have yourself stretched thin with being the Flash, and being a father, as well as working on things for your company, you need the break, go, help Kara, I'm sure we can talk to you if anything happens here". Barry nodded and said "ok thanks mum....... Nora". Nora smiled and said "it's ok Barry, go". Barry was about to take off when Caitlin grabbed him by the arm and said "wait". Barry turned back to look at Caitlin. She said "take me with you, I can help". Barry shook his head and said "Cait, it's too dangerous". Caitlin said "please Barry, this is what you and Kara trained me for, I can help, I have control of it now, please let me help you". Barry sighed and reluctantly nodded. Nora asked "you can control what". Barry said "we'll explain later". Barry lifted Caitlin up and sped back towards Star Labs.

Caitlin glanced around the room to take in her surroundings once Barry had put her down. They were in the hallway close to the speed lab. Barry gave her a small nod as they walked towards the speed lab. Frost emanated from Caitlin's hand as they walked along the hallway getting closer to their destination. Barry gave her a small smile when he saw her ice white eyes. The smile disappeared when he heard Kara let out a cry of pain. Barry and Caitlin ran into the room to see Savitar approaching her with his blades drawn from his suit. Caitlin blasted a continuous stream of frost from her hands causing Savitar to freeze in place. Barry sped over to Kara's side and knelt down to check on her. He placed a hand on her waist and asked "are you ok". Kara nodded but winced in pain as Barry helped her to her feet. She said "I'm ok Bar, just not used to being punched around by a speedster". Barry chuckled a little and replied "sucks right". Kara giggled and said "yeah it does, I prefer the other pain I feel caused by a speedster". Barry's face turned bright red which caused Kara to giggle again. Barry asked "really, I mean I can tell why but did you really having to bring it up with Caitlin right there". Caitlin shouted "can you shut up about sex for a moment and do something,  you already did it earlier and I can't hold him forever so any time soon would be nice". Barry nodded and said "yeah we can, same time". Kara nodded and replied "same time". Barry and Kara rushed Savitar and punched him at their hardest. Savitar flew back and crashed into the wall before falling down to the ground. Barry, Kara and Caitlin stood a few feet from him. Barry said "Guess you can't beat the cold". Savitar stood up and asked "so you have cold powers here, that was unexpected". Caitlin asked "you know me". Savitar chuckled and said "I know everything Caitlin Snow". Barry asked "how do you know all of us, surely some of us didn't know each other in the original timeline". Savitar nodded and said "Cisco Ramon wasn't part of team Flash, neither was Joseph West, but Caitlin was". Kara asked "and me". Savitar said "You married Barry here, took you a while to realise your feelings for each other but it happened, there was no little Dawn Allen however, you never had kids since the Flash disappeared, he was last seen chasing after Thawne..". Barry finished "before Thawne time travelled and murdered my mum". Savitar nodded and said "Thawne may have changed everything but he was nowhere near breaking you Barry, yes you suffered but you healed from that, what I'm going to do, you won't heal from it". Barry scoffed and said "we'll stop you, you won't win". Savitar sped over and took Caitlin back to the spot he was at. he held her against the wall and chuckled as Barry readied to run at Savitar. Kara readied up her heat vision but the two stopped when Savitar spoke again. Savitar said "you are going to choose Barry, it's either Caitlin or Cisco". Barry and Kara watched as Girder 2.0 dragged Cisco into the room. Kara's eyes widened in shock making Savitar laugh again. He said "you thought you caught him didn't you, you thought wrong Kara". Kara said "but I put him in the pipeline". Savitar asked "you mean the cell that was already 'prepared' for him". Kara teared up and covered her mouth as realisation set in. She was fooled into thinking she had caught him. Savitar asked "so who is it going to be Flash"......

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