

Kara powered down her heat vision and searched for any weakness or moment that she could use to help both Caitlin and Cisco. She knew that Barry was doing the exact same thing. Savitar extended his blade and aimed it towards Caitlin. He said "time is ticking Barry, you better choose and fast". Barry took a deep breath and smirked when he saw Caitlin's eyes go ice white again. He said "How about both". Caitlin blasted Savitar with her powers, freeing her from his grasp. Barry sped at Savitar as he was recovering from Caitlin's blast. Barry grabbed him and sped them both outside, leaving, Kara and Caitlin to go against Girder 2.0. Kara blasted Girder 2.0 with her heat vision and then flew at him. She grabbed Girder and threw him across the room where he was hit by a blast of frost. Kara gave Caitlin a nod. Caitlin's eyes turned back to her normal brown colour as she ran over to Cisco. Girder 2.0 stood up and cracked his fingers. He said "you may have bested me the first time but I was caught of guard, this time, it's fair". Kara rolled her eyes and said "oh please, you do know they call me the girl of steel right". Girder 2.0 said "even steel has a breaking point, Savitar will break you, you and your boyfriend, after today, your precious team SuperFlash won't ever be the same again". Kara said "you're right, we'll grow, we'll learn and adapt like we have been doing". Girder 2.0 shook his head and said "that's where you are wrong Supergirl, your team will fall apart, it'll only be you and the speedster, Savitar has seen it, The God of speed will fulfil what is about to happen and he will drive a wedge between the heroes and their precious team". Kara sighed and lifted up a big metal pole. She then swung it at Girder 2.0, hitting him across the face with it. Girder 2.0 flew across the room and hit of the wall, being knocked out cold in the process. Kara dumped the pole on the ground and said "you talk too much".

Meanwhile, both Barry and Savitar were speeding all around the outside of Star Labs, lighting up the building and the surrounding area with their lightning as they ran. Barry started speeding in circles to prepare to throw a lightning bolt at Savitar. Savitar beat him to it and threw a lightning bolt at Barry, striking him in the chest. Barry flew backwards and rolled on the ground. Savitar sped over to him and lifted him up by the throat. He then slammed him against the wall of Star Labs and said "you cannot beat me Flash". Barry replied "everyone can be beaten, even you". Savitar said "there is nothing you can do that I won't prepare for, such as your plan to merge our earth with Kara's, I know every move you will make before you even think of it, there is nothing you can do to stop me Flash, your team will fall apart today, it's your destiny to lose to me Barry". Barry chuckled a little and said "you know Thawne told me that once, wasn't true was it". Before Savitar could reply, he was slammed into by Kara. Barry dropped down and gasped for air. Kara knelt down in front of him and asked "are you ok". Barry nodded and took Kara's hand. She smiled a little and helped him to his feet. They both turned to Savitar who was back on his feet. Kara said "let's end this". Savitar shouted "I agree". Barry and Kara rushed Savitar. Savitar narrowly dodged to the side as Kara swung at him. He punched her in the side and then ducked as Barry swung at him. Savitar lifted Barry up by the throat and punched him in the stomach. He then threw him at Kara who flew towards them. Kara caught Barry and put him down but by the time she did, Savitar had sped inside Star Labs.

Barry sped the two inside the speed lab where Savitar was standing behind Cisco. Caitlin was thrown back. Barry sped over and caught her, putting her on her feet. Savitar chuckled and said "guess you made your choice, say goodbye vibe". Barry rushed towards Savitar but Savitar was faster. His blade extended from his suit and he swung it at Cisco's arms. Savitar then sped away leaving Cisco to bleed out. Kara teared up and said "no". Caitlin ran over and shouted "Cisco". Barry said "he.... He's unconscious, Cait you need to freeze the wounds of he'll bleed out". Caitlin cleared away her tears and nodded. Barry brought her into Flashtime and answered Caitlin's question before she even asked it "it'll give us a better chance". Caitlin nodded and used her powers to freeze over the wounds. Barry exited Flashtime and lifted Cisco up. Caitlin said "get him to the med bay and fast, but no powers". Barry nodded and said "I know Cait". Barry left the speed lab as fast as he could and headed up to the med bay. Caitlin sniffed as she seen Cisco's arms on the floor. Kara wanted to throw up but she was too shocked to even bother. Caitlin turned around and ran over to Kara. She said "come on, let's get you out of here". Kara nodded and let Caitlin lead her out of the room. She sniffed and said "Rao it was all my fault". Caitlin shook her head and said "Kara don't, you know that Barry is going to blame himself too, it was Savitar, he outsmarted us". Kara sniffed and said "but how can we even be heroes of we can't even save our friends". Caitlin said "he is still alive Kara, we haven't lost him, I'm going to do my best to keep it that way, Cisco will live, go home with Barry ok, I'll keep you both updated". Kara sniffed and said "ok".

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