
Meta in the Labs

Barry and Kara arrived At Star Labs in their suits. Kara said "I put a lot of work into my make up and we just had to get called over here". Barry smiled a little and said "you still look very beautiful Kara, you should curl up your hair more for when fighting crime". Kara smiled a little and replied "for you, I will". Barry smiled a little and said "let's get This over with so we can go eat". Kara giggled and nodded. She said "Cisco, we're here, where is the meta". Cisco replied through comms "I don't know, I don't necessarily have access to cameras in here, when the building is in lockdown, Gideon isn't active, it was Barry's idea". Kara asked "so how will we find them, we need to get This over with and fast, we have a dinner to attend in a couple of hours". Barry sped Kara into the time vault which startled Cisco. Barry stepped towards the podium after setting Kara on her feet. He asked "Gideon, can you show us the security footage". Gideon activated and replied "certainly Barry". The three glanced over the security footage to locate the meta. Barry said "I may or may not have set it so that only me or Kara could access Gideon during a lockdown, sorry dude". Cisco smiled a little and said "no it's fine Barry, the less people who have access to it, the better".

Kara asked as she glanced over at Thawne's unconscious body, "how is Thawne doing". Cisco said "he was knocked out, I didn't see any wounds so he might have a concussion at best". Barry asked "what is the meta's powers". Cisco asked "so, do you remember Girder". Barry asked "you mean my high school bully, the one who could turn into steel". Kara asked "what". Barry continued "and I had to punch him at the speed of sound from five miles away and I ended up breaking my hand". Kara exclaimed "WHAT". Cisco said "relax, Barry's fine, it was a long time ago, before we even met you". Kara asked "so your high school bully became a criminal, oh I am so gonna kick his ass when I see him". Barry said "I would let you but.... He died". Cisco said "yeah...... About that". Barry and Kara turned to face Cisco. Cisco said "um... So Girder is alive". Barry sighed and asked "it's because of Flashpoint isn't it, he didn't die this time". Cisco nodded and said "yeah, so after Blackout attacked during our first year, Thawne went to get his help but Girder broke out and went back to his robbing or whatever he did, you caught him again, but not after he almost beat you to death, he's currently in Iron Heights". Kara asked "he almost killed Barry". Cisco nodded and said "yeah, luckily Thawne was able to get there in time otherwise....." . Barry said "it's ok Kara". Kara shouted "it isn't ok Barry, he could have killed you, even after all this time, he hasn't changed, he's still a bully". Barry nodded as he took Kara's hands and said "some people just refuse to change Kara, but others, even the worst can, just look at Thawne, he murdered my mother, there was a time where I considered him to be worse than Tony Woodward, but now he's a friend, and Tony is locked up in Iron Heights where he can't hurt anyone, and I didn't nearly die because I was from an alternate timeline where it never happened, I'm ok". Kara nodded and said "I'm still going to kick his ass, he bullied my boyfriend and almost killed him, I don't need to run five miles to hurt him". Barry chuckled and said "and neither do I, not anymore, and I love you so much for caring about what he put me through as a kid and now, and I'm so up for stopping our high school bullies and I promise that if he ever does break out, you can be the one to kick his ass, but for now, let's not worry about Tony Woodward". Kara nodded and smiled. She asked "can we go get payback on my high school bully if we can get it on yours eventually". Barry chuckled and replied "sure babe, but let's focus on this first". Kara nodded and pecked Barry on the lips.

Barry looked over at Cisco and asked "wait, if he is like Girder, how come he got to Thawne". Cisco said "I'm not sure, I wasn't with him, I just found him like that, when I got to him, that's when I saw Girder 2". Barry looked at Kara and said "Savitar, it's a distraction". Kara said "Dawn, we need to make sure she's ok, and everyone else". Barry said "I'll go, I'll get there faster". Kara asked "are you sure, Savitar is still faster". Barry nodded and said "yeah honey, you go use Girder 2 as practice for Girder 1 and I'll go make sure everyone else is ok". Kara nodded and pecked Barry on the lips. She said "be careful". Barry nodded and said "only if you be careful". Kara gave Barry a small smile and a nod. Barry flashed off leaving the three alone in the time vault. Cisco asked "what are you going to do". Kara shrugged her shoulders and said "punch hard and if that doesn't work, I guess I'll improvise". Cisco nodded and said "I'll stay here and communicate through comms, and Kara be careful, Barry has lost too much people already". Kara nodded and said "I know and I always plan on coming home to him, him and Dawn, lock the time vault once I'm out of here". Cisco nodded and said "good luck". Kara smiled and said "I don't need it, I have Barry..... And of course I have you as my eyes and ears". Cisco smiled and nodded. He said "I'll tell you what's happening with Barry as well and if he needs help". Kara said "thank you Cisco". He nodded At her as she left the time vault. The wall closed behind her and she walked along the hallway towards the stairs as she whispered "be careful Bar".

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