
Thawne's idea!

Barry and Kara laughed As they walked along the hallways of Star Labs after getting back from Earth 38. Kara smiled and said "yeah that was really funny, I think Clark was really surprised that you weren't scared when he glared at you or anything". Barry smiled and said "I told you Kara, I would never hurt you, that's why I'm not scared of him, plus I am faster than you both now". Kara gasped and asked "are you saying that we should race". Barry smiled and said "No I'm not, I love racing with you on my team". Kara giggled and said "yeah me too". They turned and walked into the Cortex where they saw Jeremiah looking around in awe as Cisco with him. Barry and Kara smiled a little. Jeremiah said "this place is impressive, I wish I owned a lab this big". Kara smiled and said "well Star Labs is Barry's, he owns it". Barry said "well the way I see it babe, we co own it". Kara smiled and asked "really". Barry nodded and said "yeah, I don't see why not". Kara smiled from ear to ear and said "I'd love that Bar, then we can work together all the time". Barry smiled and nodded. Jeremiah smiled a little at the couple. He said "I'm really happy for you both, this is a nice place and I would love to continue the tour Mr Ramon but, me and my wife need to find a place to stay". Barry said "my adoptive dad Joe, he is a detective for the CCPD, he can help with that". Cisco said "I can come with, I need to see him about something anyway". Jeremiah smiled a little and nodded. Him and Eliza followed Cisco out of the Cortex. Barry asked "where is our little angel". Nora who just walked into the Cortex said "right here, she's been quiet but she misses her dad, don't you Dawn". Barry smiled and took Dawn from Nora. He said "thanks for looking after her". Nora smiled a little and said "it's really no problem". Barry smiled a little and nodded.

Barry sat down by the monitors with Dawn in his arms while Kara stood by his side. Thawne said "so you managed to get Jeremiah back". Kara nodded and said "Cadmus was using him, to make this thing called Doomsday". Thawne nodded and said "Alex told us that you were warning your cousin". Kara nodded and asked "where is she anyway". Thawne said "she is staying on earth 38, her and J'onn are going to stop Cadmus". Kara said "oh". Barry smiled a little at Kara and said "hey, she'll be ok, the Danvers are a force to be reckoned with". Kara smiled and said "so are the Allen's". Barry smiled and nodded. Kara smiled more and said "which I'll hopefully be one day...... Again". Barry smiled and nodded. He said "I can picture it, us outside during a warm day, you in a wedding dress looking really beautiful, me in a suit, this little one in a teeny dress as well". Kara smiled more and said "I always imagined a winter wedding, me walking down the aisle as it snows, you in a nice suit looking really handsome". Barry smiled more and said "that sounds magical". Kara nodded with a bright smile and said "it does, but just the thought of marrying you alone is magical". Barry smiled and pecked Kara on the lips. He said "I love you so much, and If you want a winter wedding when the time comes, we'll have it". Kara smiled even more and said "I love you too Bar".

The two smiled a little at Thawne who was tinkering with something. Barry asked "what are you working on". Thawne smiled a little and said "a more improved tachyon enhancer to give an extra boost in speed, it might help but at the rate in which you're improving, it might be for me or Jay". Barry nodded and smiled a little. Thawne said "the only problem I have, is that the technology required, it doesn't exist at the moment". Barry said "there has to be a way to get around it". Thawne said "there is one thing I can do that doesn't involve travelling through time". Kara asked "what do you have in mind". Thawne said "I go to another earth, one in which I go back in time and pretend to be Harrison Wells, I used to have a hidden power source in the time vault but I used it to set off the particle accelerator to get your powers back when Zoom took them, maybe my doppelganger will have hidden one that we could use". Barry nodded and asked "which earth would you go too". Thawne said "Earth 18, I think it's the best one to go too". Kara said "well if you think you should, do it, I mean it'll help us stand a chance against Savitar, I think it's worth it". Thawne nodded and turned to Barry. He asked "do you think I should". Barry smiled and said "I trust you, I agree with Kara, if you think you should, do it". Thawne said "I'll try to be quick". Kara smiled a little and nodded. Thawne smiled a little and sped out of the Cortex.

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