
Slow Dancing!

Kara sighed as the sound of thunder echoed in the Cortex. Barry lay on the ground with Dawn rested on his chest. Caitlin had left to go home before the storm started as had Jay and Nora. Thawne was currently on another earth. He had been gone for a few hours which worried Barry and Kara but they had faith in him. Eliza and Jeremiah were staying at Joe's for the time being as they were searching for potential houses. Kara smiled a little As she watched Barry lift Dawn up above him and moving her around as if she was flying as he made flying sound effects. Kara giggled a little and said "you really do make any situation fun". Barry chuckled and said "I done nothing, this was all Dawn, she wants to fly like her mummy, don't you Dawn". Dawn giggled as she reached for Barry. Barry chuckled and lowered her down. He stood up as he cradled her in his arms. Dawn smiled and closed her eyes, falling asleep. Kara smiled and said "we are so lucky that you managed to calm her after the first eruption of thunder". Barry smiled and said "maybe She isn't scared of thunder and lightning". Kara smiled and said "I think it's cause her amazing father is close by, keeping her safe".

Barry chuckled and pecked Kara on the lips. Kara smiled a little and said "I wish we went home when the others did, I'd much rather be snuggled up on the couch or in bed, rather than here". Barry chuckled and said "I know babe". Kara sighed and said "there isn't really anything to do". Barry smiled and said "that's so not true, we have plenty of things here, we have operation, the game, we have a ping pong table, and chess". Kara gasped and said "family game night". Barry chuckled and said "exactly babe". Kara smiled a little and said "it doesn't feel right to do it now though, it seems like a weekend thing". Barry smiled and replied "yeah it does". Kara asked "so what will we do to pass the time". Barry asked "do you remember what we did after a date, the week after we found out that you were pregnant". Kara thought for a moment before a massive smile appeared on her face. She nodded and said "yeah I remember that". Barry smiled and placed Dawn in a cot, they kept in the Cortex. He offered his hand to Kara who took it. They walked to the centre of the Cortex.

Barry smiled and sped around, setting up a speaker. He then returned to where Kara stood and put on a nice slow song. He smiled and took Kara's hand as he placed his other hand on her waist. Kara smiled and placed her free hand on Barry's shoulder as they started to sway to the music. Kara gazed into Barry's eyes and softly said "I love you so much". Barry smiled and replied "I love you too Kara". Kara giggled as Barry twirled her round before they returned to the same position they were in and continued to sway to the slow music. Kara rested her head on Barry's chest as she said "thank you for everything Bar". Barry smiled and said "you don't have to thank me Kar". Kara smiled and looked back up at Barry with so much love in her eyes. She said "I do, I have thanked you many times for it but I always am going too, after you got back from Flashpoint, you could have just stayed on earth one, but you didn't hesitate to come to earth 38 for me, you brought me home Barry, you and Dawn are my whole world and I can't thank you enough for giving me it, I always thought that I would be alone growing up, as in, I wouldn't ever have anyone who understands me, who loves me, and as much as I wanted a little girl, I never thought I would actually get it, then I met you, you then came back and told me about our daughter, you gave me what I always dreamed of having, you gave me an amazing boyfriend and daughter". Barry smiled and pressed his lips against Kara's. Kara smiled and kissed back. The two stopped swaying as they deepened the kiss. Kara let go of Barry's hand and placed it at the back of his neck, playing with the hairs at the bottom of his neck. Barry smiled and pulled her closer to him as they made out.

Kara slowly guided them to the med bay as they continued to kiss. Barry climbed onto the bed and lay down. Kara smiled and climbed on top of him. She said "oh I hope Dawn doesn't wake up". Barry chuckled and said "she'd never want to see us again". Kara giggled and leaned down, connecting their lips together again. She then pulled away after a few seconds and removed her glasses. She placed them down on a desk and looked back down at Barry. She softly said "thank Rao for the lightning storm". Barry chuckled and asked "are you sure you want too". Kara nodded and began unbuttoning Barry's shirt as she leaned down and kissed him again. They spent the next couple of hours not thinking about the storm that continued raging outside.

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