
Telling Clark!

Barry, Kara, Clark and Lois all sat in big belly burger. Clark and Lois watched Barry in disbelief as he finished his twelfth burger. Kara giggled and said "babe, you have sauce on your cheek". Barry smiled and said "oh, sorry, I was just really hungry". Kara smiled and wiped it away. She said "you don't have to apologize Bar, I get it". Clark cleared his throat and said "so, Barry, you're from an alternate earth". Barry nodded and said "yep, earth 1, we're on earth 38". Lois asked "and just for the um normal people here, how is it possible". Barry smiled and said "think of it this way, every choice you make, there will be another universe in which you made the other choice, what did you have for breakfast". Lois said "I uh, I had bacon and eggs but how is it relevant". Barry smiled and said "because, what if you chose cereal, it's faster, so you'll have been ready faster, because you would have been faster, maybe you arrived at work and then left before Clark got there, meaning he wouldn't have been able to ask you out on a date, that's something that would maybe have occurred in another earth". Lois nodded and replied "I got it". Clark asked "and you know Kara how exactly". Kara smiled and said "I was falling from a building, it was one of my villains, Barry arrived on this earth and saved me, he helped me out with my villains, he gave me advice on dealing with the fallout from the red kryptonite incident, I helped send him home, he came back a couple months later and we're dating now, I live with him on earth one". Lois nodded and smiled.

Clark asked "so you live there now, you don't stay here". Kara nodded and said "yeah, we stay together with our daughter". Clark asked "you... You have a daughter". Kara smiled from ear to ear and said "Barry is the one that should explain that". Barry smiled and ignored the half glare that Clark was giving him. Kara sent a small glare at Clark who stopped glaring at Barry immediately. Barry said "um, four months ago almost, my dad was murdered, right in front of me, to a speedster called Zoom". Lois frowned a little and said "oh, I'm sorry Barry". Barry smiled a little and said "thanks Lois, I've dealt with it now, to me, it's been over a year since it happened, I uh, I went back in time, to the night my mother was murdered, I saved her and changed fifteen years worth, the future was entirely different to what it was". Clark and Lois nodded. Barry said "at first, I thought it was just my earth that was affected, but it wasn't, earth 38 was affected too". Lois asked "what was different". Barry said "Kara came out of the phantom zone at the same time as normal, but her pod went through a wormhole, she ended up in my earth and grew up there, from what I learned, we met and started dating, we got married, I arrived in the present and I was a little confused as to why I woke up with Kara beside me the next morning, I got used to it, after a while, Kara became pregnant, she gave birth during my tenth month there, we named the baby Dawn, the uh, the timeline became unstable, so Kara told me to take Dawn and reset the timeline to the way it was, I did, but things were different, at least on my earth anyway, as soon as I could, I came back here and told Kara about our daughter, and the rest is history".

Lois smiled and said with excitement "you both have a daughter, can I see, I want to see little mini Kara". Barry smiled and took his phone out and said "yeah, hold on a sec". Clark smiled and asked "are you happy Kara". Kara smiled and said "beyond happy, Barry makes me really happy and the fact that we have a baby girl, it's amazing, I never thought I would have any of it, but Barry made that possible". Clark smiled and said "I'm happy for you both, what matters is that you're happy, so I'm ok with it". Kara smiled and said "even if you weren't, I'd still go, I was still born before you". Clark chuckled and shook his head. Barry smiled and handed the phone over to Lois. He said "that's a more recent one, we dressed her up like her mum". Lois smiled and said "aww, she is so adorable, Clark look, she's so cute, especially in the Supergirl costume". Clark smiled and said "she looks like you both". Kara smiled and said "thanks Clark". Clark smiled and said "I hope we get to see her". Barry said "you will, but you'd need to come over to our earth, we don't want Cadmus to know about her". Clark asked "Cadmus". Kara nodded and said "that's why we're here, Cadmus had Jeremiah, we managed to find their base and we got Jeremiah back". Clark asked "Jeremiah's alive". Kara nodded and said "Cadmus took him, forced him to work on this thing called project doomsday, it's a Kryptonian killer, they aren't finished it but, we thought we should warn you before we head back home". Clark said "I'll be careful, thanks Kara". Kara nodded and smiled. She said "I wish we could stick around, but we should get going, you should come over for Thanksgiving next month, we'd love to have you there, the both of you". Lois said "absolutely, I'll be there". Clark smiled and said "I'll be there too".

The four walked out of the big belly burger and stood outside. Kara smiled and hugged Clark and then Lois. She said "we'll see you soon, we'll tell Dawn that you guys said hi". Clark chuckled and said "bye cous, keep safe". Kara smiled and nodded. Barry smiled and hugged Lois. He shook Clark's hand and said "see you both soon". Lois said "see you Barry". Clark smiled and said "we'll see you soon, you keep safe too". Barry smiled and nodded. He turned to Kara and asked "ready to go home". Kara nodded and said "yeah, I can't wait to see Dawn again, I miss her". Barry chuckled and said "me too". He lifted Kara up and sped away. Clark and Lois smiled as they saw a breach open up and then Barry and Kara disappeared through it. Lois said "you know, life was easier before you became Superman". Clark chuckled as they began heading back to the daily planet. He smiled and said "I know".

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