
Something is missing!

Kara woke up in her bed with a groan. She didn't really want to get up. She rolled onto her side and frowned a little When she realised that no one was there. She didn't know what it was but she felt as if something was missing. She had been feeling that way for the past couple of days now but she couldn't explain what it was. Kara sat up and rubbed her eyes. She hopped out of bed and had a quick shower. She was off today so she wasn't in any rush to get ready. She put on casual clothes and then sat and ate breakfast. She then sat on her couch and watched a movie. She was half expecting someone to wrap an arm around her so that she could snuggle in and get comfy but there was no one there. Kara pulled out her phone and looked through her images. She smiled a little At the ones of her and Alex or her and Winn and her other friends. She then came across one she had of her and Barry from when he was on her earth for a couple of days. Tears filled up her eyes. She said "I miss you Barry Allen, I wish you were here". She smiled at how happy she was in the picture. She then realised that she was expecting it to be Barry that was with her. She didn't know why she expected him to be there, she knew she had feelings for him but until recently, she never expected anything to happen between them, Barry being from an alternate earth and all. She never thought she would ever see him again which upset her more. Kara called Alex who answered immediately. She asked "hey sis, what's up". Kara sniffed and said "can we uh, can we go out for lunch, I need to ask you about something, well I need to tell you something". Alex said "sure sis, are you ok". Kara said "I'm fine it's just I'm thinking a lot about something, it's kind of bothering me". Alex said "sure sis, I'll meet you at the big belly burger in a couple of hours". Kara said "thanks sis".

Kara had went to the big belly burger and say down with her food and began eating. Alex had come in and then sat with Kara. Alex smiled and said "hi sis, I don't have long, I'm sorry". Kara said "it's fine, I'll be quick". Alex asked "so what's bothering you". Kara said "well you know how I have been upset that I don't have anyone special in my life". Alex nodded and said "because The guy you like is from an alternate earth and you don't know if you will ever see him again". Kara looked down and nodded. Alex said "yeah I'm still trying to wrap my head around alternate earths". Kara smiled a little and said "Barry could explain it better than I could". Alex smiled and asked "so what's the problem". Kara said "well for the past couple of days, I've woken up feeling like something is missing, like there should be someone with me, I don't know how to explain it, I'm probably just crazy aren't I". Alex said "sis, everything we do is crazy, so this is nothing new to be honest". Kara nodded and said "it's weird though, whenever I look at the picture of me and Barry, it makes it worse but better at the same time, like it makes me feel like that thing is missing but at the same time it doesn't, it makes me feel as if I'm not alone". Alex smiled and said "maybe it's because you love him, I don't know, maybe you had a dream where you were married to him or something, and you just expect it to be real". Kara said "maybe, I did have one dream". Alex said "explain". Kara said "me and Barry lived on the same earth, we were married.... And I was pregnant, he had uh he had just come home from work, I was around seven months pregnant at that point". Alex smiled and nodded. Kara continued "he had done everything for me and the baby, he got my cravings, he decorated the baby room and he went to work, he barely got rest so will we were snuggled on the couch, he told me he was going to finish decorating the baby room, I told him that for the next few days, he were to just relax, not to do anything except be with me, It seemed so real Alex, I really don't know how to explain it". Alex smiled and said "maybe it is Kara, maybe it isn't but it seems nice, maybe one day Barry gets back here and you two have that future". Kara nodded and said "maybe, I hope so because that would be amazing, I mean Barry, he is the only one other than you who understands me, he can make me smile, laugh, he makes me happy just by smiling". Alex said "I wish I got to meet him, he seems nice". Kara said "he is the best".

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