

Barry sat in a lab with Dawn close by as he was scribbling calculations down onto a board. He sighed and rubbed some of it out. He smiled at Dawn and said "don't worry, we'll get your mother back soon". Caitlin knocked on the door to the lab. Barry smiled and said "hey Cait". Caitlin smiled and asked "can I come in". Barry said "yeah, I'm just in working on this". Caitlin smiled and entered the lab. She sat down and smiled at Dawn. She said "I uh checked everything in Dawn's blood, she does have your meta DNA Barry, meaning she will most likely have a connection to the speedforce, I also saw weird DNA I have never seen before". Barry said "Well Kara is an alien, she's not like in predator or E.T, she can easily fit in with humans". Caitlin smiled and said "well your daughter also seems to absorb the radiation from the sun". Barry smiled and nodded. Caitlin said "and she is perfectly healthy, the time travelling didn't do anything to her, but I wouldn't recommend running with her, it won't hurt her in any way but just to be on the safe side". Barry nodded and said "got it". Caitlin smiled and said "one more thing". Barry asked "what's that". Caitlin said "take a break and spend time with your daughter, she may just be a couple days old but she needs you". Barry smiled and nodded. Caitlin said "if it helps, Cisco is also trying to work out how to get back to the earth you were on, so just relax Barry, I'm sure you will see Kara again". Barry smiled and said "thanks Cait, tell Cisco I said thanks". Caitlin nodded and said "will do". Barry smiled as Caitlin headed out of the lab. Barry lifted Dawn up and smiled As he held her in his arms. He said "well I think I will take the doctors advice and relax, what do you think Dawn". Barry chuckled as Dawn wiped at her nose. He tickled her nose a little and heard a small giggle. Barry chuckled and said "you are so adorable Dawn, I know you can't understand me at the moment, but I love talking to you, and I know you are gonna grow up to be a beautiful and talented woman one day".

Barry was about to place Dawn down into the baby car seat when there was a knock at the door. Barry looked over to see Thawne standing there. Barry smiled a little and said "hey". Thawne smiled and asked "can we talk". Barry said "yeah, sure". Thawne smiled and entered the lab and sat down. He said "thanks for not trying to kill me or anything When you first saw me". Barry nodded and said "well I don't kill, I had a good teacher". Thawne chuckled a little and said "I really am sorry about negative done to you Barry". Barry smiled a little and asked "why". Thawne asked "why what". Barry smiled and asked "why did you change". Thawne said "well I had a lot of time to think, I spent ten months in a cell, that's the longest you've held me and no offence, you are smarter in the future". Barry chuckled. Thawne continued "but I uh, well I realised that I was wasting my life away, hating you for no reason, I mean I do badly wanted to become the Flash, so I recreated the accident that gave you your powers, and it worked, I was a massive fan of the Flash, I wanted to be the Flash, so I went back in time to meet you, that was when I learned that I was your greatest enemy, so I became the reverse of everything you stood for, you hated me with a passion, I know realise that it's because of what I done to you, that's why you hated me so much, that's why I became what I became, because I done something horrible to you". Barry smiled and said "well you can be the Flash now Thawne, I mean I am busy looking after this little one at the moment". Thawne asked "are you sure". Barry said "yeah I mean the city needs a Flash". Thawne smiled and said "it could work". Barry asked "how will we explain the red lightning though". Thawne said "oh I don't have red lightning anymore, it's back to orange, I created my own speedforce, I called it the negative speedforce, you need to have negative emotions and be full of anger to gain a connection to it, I no longer an full of rage, it was my hatred for you that allowed me to have a connection to it, that hatred is gone". Barry smiled and nodded. Thawne said "anyway, I believe Dr Snow told you to go relax so, I will see you later". Barry nodded and said "by Thawne". Thawne smiled and left the lab. Barry smiled at Dawn and said "let's go home". 

Barry sat with Dawn on the couch in Joe's house. He lay her on his chest as he lay down. He kept an arm around her to stop her from falling off and he smiled. He put on the TV and began watching it until Dawn started crying. Barry sat up and held her in his arm as he walked over to the kitchen for baby food. He asked "you hungry, I am so glad you don't have my fast metabolism at the minute". He sat back down and began to feed her. Joe came in and asked "Bar, why are you here". Barry said "oh, I uh was ordered by Caitlin to go home and relax". Joe nodded and said "well she is right, you should take it easy Bar, especially when you are a single parent". Barry nodded and said "which will hopefully not be for long". Joe said "I know Bar, I'm gonna get started on the dinner, you just relax, we'll then get started on looking at houses for you". Barry said "thanks Joe". Joe said "no problem Barry". They spent a couple hours after dinner looking at houses and talking about how cute Dawn was when she was asleep.

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