
New members of team Flash!

Barry woke up early in the morning to the sound of Dawn crying. Barry stood up with a smile and lifted Dawn up. He said "hey, it's ok, let's go feed you huh, maybe change that diaper of yours". He rocked her in his arms as he headed downstairs. He sat with her on the couch after changing her diaper and began feeding her. He said "I need to thank your grandpa Joe for getting me some baby supplies for you Dawn". Joe who had come downstairs said "it was no problem Bar". Barry smiled at Joe and said "thanks anyway". Joe smiled and sat down. He asked "how is she". Barry smiled and said "doing well, she slept well or maybe I was too tired but I doubt it". Joe smiled at Barry and said "well if you ever need help Bar, you know where I am". Barry smiled and said "thanks Joe, I need to go shower and have breakfast, can you sit with her for a few minutes". Joe said "yeah Bar, that's fine, but I need to head to work soon". Barry smiled and said "do I have work as well". Joe said "oh.... Bar, you don't work at the CCPD anymore, you quit after you found your mother's killer". Barry asked "I did". Joe said "yeah, you work at Star Labs full time now, I mean you do own it now". Barry nodded and said "thanks Joe, this is all gonna take a while to get used to". Joe said "I know Bar, I know". Barry smiled and handed Dawn over to Joe. He said "I'll be as fast as I can". Joe nodded and said "she is so beautiful Bar". Barry smiled and said "thanks".

Barry sped into the shower, got changed into fresh clothes and then ran downstairs and sped made breakfast. He ate as fast as he could and then he rushed out. Seconds later he was back and carrying a baby car seat. Joe smiled and asked "are you taking her to Star Labs". Barry nodded and asked "when are you finished tonight". Joe said "around about six, why". Barry said "I was going to start looking for my own place, Can you help". Joe said "yeah, I can definitely help". Barry said "thanks Joe". Joe smiled and handed Dawn back to Barry who strapped her into the seat. Joe said "have fun Bar". Barry nodded and said "see you later". He lifted the seat up by the handle and left the house. He smiled at Dawn and said "daddy isn't going to run with you, I don't know if it's good or bad for you, so I will take my time". He began to walk to Star Labs but he made a quick stop at Jitters in the way for some coffee.

Barry arrived at Star Labs earlier than he usually would. He walked into the Cortex to see Caitlin typing away on a computer. Barry smiled and muttered "thank god". Caitlin turned around and smiled at Barry. She asked "are you ok Barry, you do know that you don't need to be in today". Barry smiled and said "thanks Cait, but I need your help with something". Caitlin smiled and said "sure, what's up". Barry said "can we talk in the med bay". Caitlin said "sure, are you ok". Barry said "I'm fine, I just need to see if this beautiful little girl is". Caitlin noticed Dawn. She smiled and said "she is beautiful..... Is she yours". Barry said "yeah, but it's a long story". Caitlin said "well we have time". Barry said "yes we do". Caitlin smiled and the two headed into the med bay.

Barry took Dawn out of the seat and sat with her in his arms. Caitlin asked "what's her name". Barry smiled and said "Dawn". Caitlin smiled and asked "so what do you want me to check her for". Barry said "well I was wondering if she would have my meta DNA...... And". Caitlin asked "and what". Barry frowned and said "I went back in time and saved my mother, I lived in the new timeline for ten months, I was married in that timeline, my wife have birth a couple of days ago". Caitlin smiled a little. Barry said "but the uh, the timeline was unstable, so.... I had to bring Dawn with me and reset The timeline, I had to leave my wife in that timeline". A few tears fell from his eyes. He sniffed and wiped them away with one hand. Caitlin said "I'm sorry to hear Barry, I really am, but well, she isn't dead, she just won't be married to you in this timeline". Barry said "I know Cait, it's just she is from an alternate earth, and I don't know how to get back, she deserves to know she has a kid". Caitlin said "and I'm sure you will find a way back to her Barry, I mean you have done the impossible multiple times before, you can do it again". Barry smiled and nodded his head. He said "thanks Cait, anyway, I was wondering if, me time travelling or running with her would affect her in any way". Caitlin smiled and said "I can run some tests and see, I'll need her blood but I don't think it should, better safe than sorry though". Barry smiled and said "thanks Cait". Caitlin said "no problem Barry, I help anyone on team Flash, including the newest and most adorable member". Barry chuckled and smiled.

Barry paced around the Cortex with Dawn in his arms. She was crying due to having some of her blood being taken. He rocked her from side to side and said "shh it's ok Dawn, daddy is here, I'm here, it's ok". Barry heard footsteps at the entrance of the Cortex. Barry looked up expecting Cisco or maybe Iris but the last person he expected was standing there. Barry asked "Thawne". Thawne walked in and said "hello Flash, it's been a while since I saw little Dawn". Barry looked at his daughter. He said "why are you here". Thawne said "changes Barry, after I returned you to this time, I went back fifteen years to try and keep the timeline as similar as possible, I became Harrison Wells, I set of the particle accelerator, but, the one difference I made was that I didn't want you dead, instead I eventually told you what happened, As Harrison Wells, I told the police I murdered your mother, and then I became who I was, not Wells but Thawne, and I stuck around to help". Barry asked "why". Thawne said "to pay for my mistakes, I really want to help you Barry, so While you look after your daughter, and work on a way to get back to earth 38, I'll help keep Central City safe". Barry smiled a little and said "thank you". Thawne smiled and said "you're welcome Barry". Barry and Thawbe shook hands and smiled.

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