
Resetting the timeline!

Barry stood up and pinned Thawne against the wall. Barry glared at him and said "what are you up to". Thawne said "this is not me Barry, the timeline is unstable, if we don't reset it to what it was like before, then we are all dead, we need to go". Barry said "I'm not leaving my family". Thawne said "you don't have much of a choice Barry". Kara softly said "Barry". Barry turned back to Kara with tears in his eyes. Kara smiled and said "it's ok Barry.... It's ok, you have to go". Barry let go of Thawne and walked over to his wife. Barry said "I can't leave you Kara, and Dawn, I can't leave Dawn". Kara smiled and said "you can take Dawn with you". Barry said "I'm not leaving you Kara, Dawn shouldn't grow up without her mother". Kara smiled and said "Barry, you know me in the original timeline, you can find me again, you will, here, take my ring, keep it safe". Barry sniffed and took Kara's ring. Kara looked at Dawn with tears in her eyes. She kissed Dawn's forehead and said "tell her everyday how much I love her". Barry said "I will honey, I will..... But you will be there to tell her yourself". Kara smiled at Barry and said "I know Bar, but just in case yeah". Barry sniffed and nodded. Kara handed Dawn over to Barry. Barry leaned over and kissed Kara. Kara kissed back and cupped his face in both her hands.

Kara pulled away and said "you need to go...... I love you so much Barry". Barry said "I love you too Kara, I always will". Kara smiled. Thawne said "we need to go Barry". Barry nodded and looked at Kara one last time. Kara smiled and nodded. Barry nodded and sped away with Dawn in his arms next to Thawne as they time travelled to the night Barry's mother died. Barry waited outside with his daughter as Thawne reset the timeline. He smiled at his daughter as tears streamed from his eyes. Thawne came to a stop next to Barry and said "I am sorry Barry, but this is the way it has to be". Barry nodded and said "just take me home". Thawne nodded and sped Barry back to the present. They stood outside of the West household. Thawne smiled at Barry and said "she is adorable by the way". Barry looked at Dawn and smiled a little. He said "I know, she looks like her mother". Thawne said "well I will see you around Flash". Barry said "I doubt it". Thawne said "I must warn you, there will be differences in this new timeline". Barry asked "like what". Thawne said "I don't know yet, but people will be different, places will be different, I guess you'll just have to find out". Barry nodded. Thawne sped away.

Barry sat down on the pitch to his adoptive fathers house and held Dawn close to keep her warm. Tears streamed from his eyes as he sat there. He heard the door open behind him. "Bar, are you ok" asked Joe who had just come out. Barry sniffed and said "not really". Joe asked "why don't you come inside Bar". Barry nodded and sniffed. Joe headed inside. Barry stood up and Dawn started to cry. Barry rocked her back and forth as he headed inside. Joe asked "where is the crying coming from" as he sat down. He then looked over at Barry and asked "Bar, since when did you have a beard.......... And a baby". Barry managed to get Dawn to stop crying and he sat down. Barry sniffed and said "I..... I uh, I went back in time and saved my mother, I lived in another timeline where both my parents were alive, for about ten months, I was uh married to an amazing woman, she got pregnant, and gave birth to this beautiful little girl here, but.... But the uh.... The timeline, it was unstable.... So.... So I had to leave my wife behind..... And I had to get Thawne to kill my mother again". Joe felt really bad for Barry. He kept quiet for a few minutes but he finally said "so the baby is yours, you.... You have a daughter". Barry smiled and nodded. He said "her name is Dawn..... Dawn Alura Allen". Joe asked "Alura". Barry smiled and said "my wife..... She..... She is an alien, her name is Kara, her mother was called Alura so we named Dawn after her mother". Joe smiled and said "it's a pretty name, especially Dawn". Barry said "thanks Joe". Joe nodded. Barry said "I need to figure out a way to get to Earth 38". Joe asked "oh, that Kara was the mother". Barry nodded and said "she deserves to know that she has a daughter, I need to figure out a way to get back to her earth". Joe smiled and said "and you will Barry, but you look as if you haven't slept in days, you need to get better first and focus on looking after that baby girl of yours, I'm sure Kara will understand if you take a while to get back and tell her". Barry nodded and asked "do you have a cot I can use, I need to find a house as well". Joe smiled and said "I kept one for in case either you or Iris had a kid, I'll go get it now".

Joe had brought a cot down from the attic and put it in Barry's room. Barry said "thanks Joe, I'll see you tomorrow". Joe said "night Bar, I'll go out and get somethings that you'll need in the morning, and I'll tell everyone that you'll be coming in late". Barry nodded and said "thanks". Barry went into his bedroom and kissed Dawn's forehead. He said "goodnight my beautiful little girl, me and your mother love you so much". He placed Dawn down in the cot and then lay in bed. It took him a while to get to sleep. Every time he closed his eyes he would think about how Kara wasn't with him and it hurt but he eventually fell asleep.

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