
Hospital visits!

Kara woke up to see Barry fast asleep at her side. Kara smiled at her husband. She wanted to let him sleep since he was exhausted doing everything for Kara while she was pregnant. She looked over to see that he began to wake up. He smiled at Kara and said "morning sweetie". Kara smiled and said "morning honey". Barry smiled more and kissed her. Kara asked "shall we have our food now Bar". Barry smiled and said "yeah we should, before this little one wants fed". Kara giggled and sat up. Barry sat up and leaned over to grab the bag full of food. He handed some potstickers over to Kara and then he began eating his. Kara said "oh how I missed the taste of potstickers". Barry chuckled and said "well you can go back to eating whatever you want now Kar". Kara smiled and said "I know, I'm happy that I finally gave birth, I couldn't do a lot and I hated seeing you have to do everything yourself". Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around Kara. Kara rested her head on his shoulder while she ate. Barry said "it was worth it Kara, I know you hate being helpless, and I know you want to help me so that I'm not over working but, we got through it". Kara smiled and said "you're right, it is worth it Bar, I just love doing things with you Barry". Barry smiled and said "I know Kar, I know, and we can do plenty of things together, like go for walks, watch movies, dinner". Kara added "sex". Barry looked at Kara with a smirk. Kara said "what, can't I want to have sex with my husband, we haven't in months and I want to do it". Barry smiled and kissed Kara. He said "I know Kar, we can soon I promise". Kara giggled and said "thanks babe". Barry smiled and said "no problem sweetheart". 

Barry stood up and went over to where Dawn was and lifted her up. He smiled as Kara finished eating and sat beside her. Kara smiled at Barry and asked "will we be getting home soon". Barry nodded and said "tomorrow". Kara smiled and said "I can't wait, I don't really like hospitals". Barry said "me neither". Kara smiled and asked "do you want to feed her". Barry smiled and said "yeah.... Unless you want to first". Kara smiled and said "no it's fine, you can feed her first". Barry smiled as Kara hopped off the bed and went over to their things for somethings.

Barry sat feeding Dawn when there was a knock at the door and both Henry and Nora stood there. Barry and Kara smiled at them. Nora smiled and said "hey". Barry said "hey mum, hi dad". Barry stood up with Dawn in his arms while Kara sat on the bed. Kara smiled and said "hey Henry, hi Nora". Henry said "hi..... Oh, she is so beautiful". Barry walked over to the two who had entered the room. He said "her name is Dawn, Dawn Alura Allen". Nora said "she is beautiful, I'm so happy for you both". Barry and Kara smiled. Barry asked "do you want to hold her". Nora smiled and said "yeah". Barry handed Dawn over to Nora and then sat down next to his wife and kissed her forehead. Kara smiled at Barry and said "I still just can't believe it, we have a daughter". Barry chuckled and said "I know Kar". Nora sat down on a seat with Dawn and smiled at her granddaughter. Henry sat down next to her and smiled. Her asked "who chose the name Dawn". Kara said "Barry came up with it but, I love the name so we both agreed on it". Nora smiled and said "it's a pretty name, and unique". Barry smiled and said "just like Dawn". Nora smiled and handed her over to Henry. Nora asked "so are you going back to work Kara". Kara said "no, I'm taking my maternity leave, but we will be going to the lab with Barry". Barry said "it's safe enough for Dawn, and were gonna work on something together". Henry chuckled and said "you do everything together". Kara smiled and said "we know but we love it, we love helping each other". Barry smiled and said "we do". 

A couple of hours later, Barry and Kara were laying on the bed after Henry and Nora had left. Kara had Dawn cradled in her arms. She smiled at Dawn and said "she is gonna grow up to be tough and special". Barry said "yep, I mean we should check tomorrow but she should have my meta DNA and she will have your Kryptonian DNA, she will be super special". Kara smiled and said "yeah, maybe one day, she will be fighting crime along side her father". Barry chuckled and said "who knows, and maybe her mother". Kara smiled at Barry and kissed him. Barry kissed back with a big smile. Kara pulled away and said "I would love that". Barry said "me too". Kara smiled more and said "I love you so much". Barry said "I love you too Kara". Suddenly the building began to shake and there was a trail of red lightning that came to a stop a few feet away. Thawne stood and looked at Barry and Kara. He said "hello Flash".

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