Barry walked into Jitters for a cup of coffee. He was really tired and it was only midday. He queued up and waited until it was his turn to order. He received his coffee and was about to leave when he saw his parents sat at a table and talking. He teared up at the sight and slowly walked over. He smiled and said "hey, mum, hey dad". Nora smiled and said "Hi Barry, we never expected to see you here". Barry smiled and said "I needed the coffee". Henry chuckled and said "late night son". Barry said "something like that". Henry smiled. Nora smiled and asked "will you be coming around to visit soon Bar, we would love to have you over". Barry smiled and said "yeah, I will do, I need to go, I have a house to tidy". Henry smiled and said "see you soon son". Barry smiled and hugged them both. He said "bye". Barry made his way out of the coffee shop where he bumped into Caitlin. Barry said "uh.... Sorry about that". Caitlin smiled and said "don't be, I should have been paying attention". Barry smiled and nodded. Caitlin said "well, I should go, it was nice meeting you". Caitlin entered Jitters. Barry sighed and walked away with a frown.
Once he was out of sight, Barry sped to his apartment. He went inside and kicked his shoes off. As He walked through to the living room, he saw a blond with glasses sitting on the couch reading a book. When she heard him, She turned around and smiled. Barry smiled and asked "Kara". Kara smiled at Barry and said "hey Bar". Barry asked "what are you doing here". Kara put her book down and said "I was allowed to leave early today since there wasn't much going on, what about you Bar, I thought you were going to be at your lab all day". Barry scratched his neck and said "uh.... Well I'm really tired, I never got much sleep, I'm gonna go have a nap". Kara smiled and replied "ok honey, are we still going out to that restaurant tomorrow". Barry said "ye.... Yeah, we can". Kara smiled. She said "oh, I found your ring by the way, it was in the washing basket, you must have accidentally put it in there when you went into the shower". Barry smiled a little and said "thanks Kara". Kara said "no problem honey, it's on the bedside table". Barry smiled and headed into the bedroom.
Barry closed the door and sighed. He walked over to the bedside table and picked up the ring. He smiled and said "we're married". He looked at a photo on the wall of Barry and Kara on their wedding day. Barry was in a nice suit and Kara was in a beautiful wedding dress. He smiled then noticed the engraving on the ring. It read 'Barry and Kara, together forever '. He smiled even more and put the ring down. Barry lay on the bed and closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Kara walked through into the bedroom a couple of hours later and lifted up a pillow. She smiled and hit Barry across the face with it. Barry sprung awake and looked at Kara with a confused facial expression. Kara giggled and said "sorry Barry, I.... That was just too tempting". Barry smiled and asked "what's up". Kara smiled and said "uh.... Dinner Bar, I need your help making it". Barry nodded and rubbed his eyes. He smiled and put on the wedding ring. He hopped up from the bed and said "ok, but I'm getting more since you hit me with a pillow". Kara pouted and said "I'm sorry Bar". Barry chuckled and said "yeah, I know you are but it's what happens when you do things like that". He began to walk out of the bedroom When Kara pulled him back and wrapped her arms around his neck. She placed her lips on his and began to kiss him. Barry froze for a couple of seconds but he then kissed back and placed his hands on her waist. Kara pulled away and smiled at Barry. She said "do you forgive me Barry". Barry chuckled and said "of course I do Kara, I'm still getting more though". Kara smiled and said "ok Bar, you know I didn't just kiss you to get more food right". Barry grinned and said "I don't know, I guess I'll need to think about it". Kara giggled and shook her head. Barry smiled and said "I'm kidding Kara, of course you'll get the same amount of food as me". Kara smiled and said "shall we go cook dinner then Mr Allen". Barry smiled more at Kara and said "of course we will..... Mrs Allen". Kara pecked his lips and ran through to the kitchen. Barry smiled and went after her. The two began to cook dinner.