

As Barry and Kara cooked dinner, Barry said "when is your next day off work". Kara smiled and said "this weekend, why Bar". Barry said "I bumped into my mum and dad in Jitters, they want to know when we are next going over". Kara smiled and said "we can go on Saturday, unless you are going to the lab then we can go on Sunday". Barry smiled and said "Saturday is good, if you are off during the weekend, then so am I". Kara smiled at Barry and said "I love you so much Barry, you know that right". Barry froze for a second. Kara giggled and asked "Bar". Barry snapped back to reality and smiled at Kara. He said "I love you too Kara, I know you love me, you don't have to tell me, I can see it in your gorgeous eyes". Kara blushed and looked down at the floor. Barry chuckled and continued cooking dinner. Kara looked back at Barry and said "I can't wait for our date tomorrow". Barry chuckled and said "me too, can we even call it a date, I mean we are married, I'd call it a dinner with my wife". Kara smiled and said "Barry, it's a date". Barry said "ok, ok, it's a date then". Kara giggled. Barry said "you know, I love your giggle". Kara smiled more and said "oh really". Barry nodded and said "it makes me happy hearing you laugh". Kara smiled from ear to ear. She pecked him on the lips and said "and I love your laugh Barry, it makes me smile". Barry chuckled and nodded.

The two sat down and began eating dinner. Kara asked "so what are you working on in the lab". Barry said "I was thinking about creating an A.I". Kara asked "what like Alexa or Siri". Barry said "In a way..... Kind of, maybe a bit more advanced". Kara smiled at Barry and nodded. Barry said "maybe you could come help me, I mean you are more than capable". Kara smiled and replied "maybe, I mean I would love to work with you Barry but I leave all the science to you". Barry said "I know Kar, but I feel that you would be a great help". Kara smiled and said "ok Bar, but I'm not a scientist". Barry said "Kara, I know this but isn't Krypton more advanced than earth with science". Kara stopped smiling. She asked "how did you know about Krypton". Barry asked "what are you on about Kara". Kara sniffed and asked "you're mad aren't you...... Is this why you have been acting a little strange recently........ I'm sorry I didn't tell you........ That I'm an alien...... I so badly wanted to but I thought it would ruin what we had Barry....... I'm going for a walk". Barry said "Kara". Kara stood up and grabbed her coat then left.

Barry sighed and put his shoes on. He then left to go talk to her. Barry caught up to Kara and said "Kara..... Please come home". Kara sniffed and kept walking as she wiped away a few stray tears. Barry said "Kara". Kara said "please leave me alone Barry". Barry said "Kara, I'm not leaving you, not now, not ever, I don't hate you, I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you Kara". Kara stopped walking and looked at Barry. She had tears streaming down her face and her eyes were all red. Barry smiled and said "I love you Kara and I get why you would hide something like that, I do". Kara sniffed and said "Barry, I don't deserve your forgiveness, I have lied to you for three years almost four". Barry said "and that doesn't matter to me Kara, you are the kindest, sweetest and most caring person I know, that matters more to me, and you do deserve forgiveness because, I will tell you why I have been acting weird around you today". Kara sniffed and nodded.

Barry lifted her up and sped her home and then put her down on the couch. Kara looked around with confusion. She said "you're the Flash, I heard he had yellow lightning". Barry said "yes I am, but not from this timeline". Kara asked "huh". Barry sat down on the couch beside her and said "I changed the timeline, when I was younger, my mother was murdered, and a week ago, my dad was murdered right in front of me, so I went back in time and saved my mother". Kara said "and you knew me in the original timeline". Barry nodded and said "you were one of my best friends". Kara sniffed and said "so we weren't dating or married". Barry said "only because I was scared to admit my feelings to you Kara". Kara smiled a little and said "you were the same here, and, I was the same way". Barry smiled and said "I do love you Kara, I am glad that in this timeline, that you are my wife, I promise you Kara, I won't ever leave you". Kara smiled and asked "so we're good". Barry smiled and said "yeah we're good, and I will try to be less uncomfortable around you, I Do want things to stay the same". Kara smiled and said "as for helping you on your project, I'll do it". Barry smiled and said "I'm calling it Gideon". Kara smiled and said "it sounds perfect" . Barry smiled at Kara and said "thanks sweetheart". Kara said "let's go finish dinner before it gets cold". Barry nodded and said "let's". Kara took Barry's hand and They walked into the kitchen and sat at the dinner table with big smiles on their faces.

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