
First date imagine!

"Are you ready to go?" Lucifer walked into my room, and I turned to look at him. He was in a black outfit, and he looked more handsome than he usually did. He glanced up at down, and a smirk appeared on his face. "I-Is there something wrong?" He gently shook his head as he walked up to me, and wrapped an arm around my waist. "You look beautiful. Shall we go now?" I nodded as he opened a portal on the wall.

When we exited it, we were inside Diavolo's castle. Apparently Diavolo had some business with some upper class demons, and since Lucifer is his right hand man, he was invited. Lucifer asked me if I wanted to attend it with him as his date, and I accepted. However, now that I was actually here, I felt extremely out of place. Besides the fact that I was human, everyone around me seemed so formal and...business-y. Lucifer squeezed my hand softly, as if he could feel the tension around me. It helped me calm down.

Lucifer lead me over to Diavolo, who greeted us with his usual smile. "Welcome! I'm glad you two could make it." He shook our hands, which felt a little odd since I was used to him being more playful and extroverted. Then again, he *was* the ruler of Devildom, so he probably needed to seem at least a little formal in front of the other guests. "Thank you for inviting us, Lord Diavolo." Lucifer spoke in his serious voice. After we talked for a bit, Diavolo suggested that we converse with some of the other guests.

So Lucifer pulled me around the room, and we talked to quite a few people. I had to act formal, which made me internally uncomfortable. I was used to being, well, me. After a while, we stopped near a large table with food, and glasses of Demonus. I sighed softly, and I noticed that Lucifer glanced at me. "I can tell you aren't enjoying yourself." "It's fine. I get to spend time with you." I gave him a reassuring smile. He frowned slightly. "You don't need to fake it. After this, we can go anywhere you would like." "Lucifer, we don't have to-"

"Lucifer, I would like you to meet someone." Diavolo popped seemingly out of nowhere, and started dragging Lucifer off somewhere in the room. I felt myself becoming tense. I didn't realize how much Lucifer was helping me stay calm until now. I grabbed a glass of Demonus, and nervously sipped some. It felt like everyone was looking at me, but I knew it was just my nerves acting up. Suddenly, someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I nearly spilled my drink on myself as I turned to see who it was. It was a man me and Lucifer had talked to earlier.

Though, the expression that he was wearing seemed off to me. I couldn't tell why exactly, but it was giving me some bad vibes. "Hello again. I see that you're alone this time." He spoke casually. "Yes, I am." I said as plainly as I could. "Why would Lucifer leave such a beautiful young lady all by herself? Seems like a bad date to me." My cautious mood changed into annoyance really quickly. "It's not as bad as trying to hit on someone else's date. And for you information, Lucifer is a great date." He seemed a little surprised by my sudden change in attitude, but that surprise changed to interest. "My, you're feistier than I first thought. But that isn't a bad thing." He leaned in closer, but that's when it happened.

The entire hall seemed to drop a few degrees. A familiar aura filled the room, but it was a lot stronger than it's ever been before. I quickly looked around for the source, and found it walking towards me and the man. Everyone seemed to be looking in our direction as Lucifer made it to my side. He wrapped a protective arm around my waist, and pulled me against his chest. "I would greatly appreciate it if you would stay away from my date." If glares could kill, this man would've been dead the moment Lucifer set eyes on him.

The man quickly walked away, and the tension in the air dissipated. I let out a breath I had been holding, and Lucifer looked down at me. "Are you alright?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." Music started playing out of nowhere, and I noticed people moving towards the middle of the room. Lucifer took the glass from my hand, and set it down as he lightly pulled me to the dancefloor. In a matter of moments, we were already slowly spinning around. "I apologize again that this wasn't a good first date. We haven't been going out long, so I feel like I've failed." My heart nearly broke. It was rare to see Lucifer so defeated like this, and it hurt me to see that look on his face.

"Okay, I'll admit this wasn't anything I thought our first date would be like. But that isn't a bad thing. Look at us now. We're dancing together, and you protected me from that...jerk." I smiled. It felt good to say something unprofessional, even if it was a simple word like jerk. Lucifer smiled as he pulled me closer. "I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend." He kissed me softly on the lips, and I leaned in. Once we broke apart, we walked off of the dancefloor, and walked over to Diavolo.

"I apologize, but we will be taking our leave early." Diavolo nodded. He had probably seen what had happened earlier. "Of course. I will see you two at school on Monday then." Once we got outside, I stretched my arms up, and groaned. "I'm so glad that's over with! Let's go home and eat something. I didn't get to eat anything in there. Can we order pizza?" Lucifer chuckled as we continued walking. "Of course. It's the least I can do for you." "....and breadsticks?" He rolled his eyes playfully. "I had a feeling you were going to say that after mentioning pizza." "You know me too well."

"We're goin' on a date!" That was the first thing Mammon said as he randomly burst into my room. I blinked a couple times before getting up from my soft bed. "Um...why this all of a sudden? It's not that I don't want to go, but this is super random." He blushed a little bit. "W-Well, I got paid more than usual, s-so I wanted to take ya out..." His cheeks flushed pink, and I smiled. "Okay. Let me get dressed first." He quickly left the room, and I went over to the closet to find something to wear. I ended up choosing a hoodie and leggings since I preferred comfort over looks.

Once I was finished, I opened the door. Mammon turned to me, and glanced at my hand. I reached out and grabbed his hand, making him tense up at first, but then relaxing his arm muscles. We walked downstairs, and left the house. That's when I realized something. "Where are we going for our first date?" Mammon smirked as we continued walking. "We're going to The Headless Café." "Yay!" I exclaimed. It was one of my favorite places to go, so I was glad to know that we were going there. I caught Mammon genuinely smiling at me as I jumped with joy.

Once we got to the café, we were quickly seated, and handed menus. I immediately started browsing the different things I could get. When the waitress came back, Mammon ordered a coffee, while I ordered a milkshake. Hey, what can I say? I have a sweet tooth. She took our menus, and left the side of the table. "So, did you do another modeling job?" He nodded. "Yep! They needed me to take extra shots, so I got paid more than usual." He boasted, causing me to chuckle. "They better be paying you extra. After all, you're a handsome guy." Mammon's face once again changed color, but it was a little redder than it was earlier. I smiled as I reached my hand next to me, and took his hand.

I gave it a light squeeze, and to my surprise he actually squeezed it back. I leaned my head against his shoulder as we continued waiting for our drinks. "H-Hey..." He started. I hummed in response. "W-Why did....why did ya say yes?" It took me a moment to understand what he was referring to. He was talking about when he asked me out. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered his extremely flustered face and he asked me out. "Because I had loved you for a while. I'm glad you asked me." I answered. Before he could say anything else, our drinks came. I immediately started drinking my milkshake, but regretted it. I pressed a hand to my head.

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