
Injured imagine!

"Dammit..." I said as I tried to carry my bag while walking with crutches, but that wasn't going so well. It was hard to move around when the bag was constantly bumping into the crutches.

Just then, someone took the bag from my hands. I look up to yell at the person, but that I realized that it was Lucifer. He started walking away, and I did my best to keep up with him.

"Please walk slower. I can't keep up with you." He did as I asked, and slowed down. I let out a sigh as we continued walking to my next class.

"How is your leg feeling?"

"The same. Still hurts a little."

"I see. Well, the doctor said it should be fine in a couple of weeks."

"Yay. Two more weeks of this hell. Whoopie..." I spoke in a sarcastic tone.

Lucifer chuckled at me as we entered my classroom. He set my bag down on my desk, and leaned down to speak to me. His breath tickled my ears.

"I'll pick you up from class so we can have lunch together." He left the room, and I was feeling giddy. I knew that Lucifer ate in the student council room since he's always doing paperwork during lunch. So it would just be the two of us.

So I patiently waited until the bell rang. I grabbed my crutches, and was about to stand up. However, someone stepped in front of me. I look up to see a green-haired demon standing there. I didn't know him personally, but he was in a couple of my classes.

"Need some help there?"

"No thank you. My boyfriend is going to be here in a couple minutes." I politely declined. This guy apparently had a reputation as a flirt. Not like Asmo though. He was the kind of flirt who will flirt with a girl even if they have a boyfriend, or so I've heard.

"Psssh. Don't worry about that. I'm sure this boyfriend of yours wouldn't mind if I help you out." I glanced over the guy's shoulder, and smirked.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." The demon turned around, and saw Lucifer looking over him. I could tell he would've run for the hills if Lucifer wasn't standing in the way.

"I suggest that you stop talking to my girlfriend from now on." Lucifer's tone was startlingly calm. The green-haired demon nodded rapidly before apologizing.

"I-I am very sorry sir! It won't happen again." He ran out of the classroom, and I chuckled as I stood up. Lucifer took my bag, and we left the room.

"Did you see his face? Haha!" I was still cracking up about how scared he had turned around.

"I don't find this situation humorous."

"Don't be like that. Even if I wasn't dating you, there's no way I would be with a guy like him. He's not my type."

"Then what *is* your type?" I smirked.

"I like a guy who's assertive, but also nice deep down."

"Then I guess you're in luck." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Lay your ass back down!" Mammon yelled as he came back in my room to see me leaning against the table in the back of my room.

"For the last time, I'm not going to die from standing! Jeez, I just broke my arm." I groaned. I had been forced to sit down all day, and that was because of Mammon.

He freaked out when I first broke my arm, and thought I was going to die. I had to explain to him multiple times that I was fine, and that my arm would be better in a couple of weeks. But he wasn't having any of it.

"Just lay down!" He marched over to me, and I stuck my tongue out at him. I get that he was only looking out for me, but this was going *way* too far.

"Mammon, I love you, I really, really do, but I swear to Goldie that I'm going to slap you in the face if you keep treating like a damn child!" His blue eyes widened as he froze in place. I sighed as I left my room, and walked downstairs.

I opened the fridge, and got a bottle of water. It took me a few tries to open it, but I managed to get the cap off. I downed the entire bottle down, and tossed it in the trash.

I took a few deep breaths before leaving the kitchen, and started walking back up to my room, and noticed that Mammon was still standing in the spot I left him.

I walked up to him, and wrapped my arms around him. I placed my head against his chest, and apologized.


"It's okay. I guess I was overreactin' just a *little* bit." After he said that, I brought my non broken arm up, and punched him in the arm lightly.

"That's an understatement."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just be careful."

"Yes ..." I smirked.

"Shaddup..." Mammon blushed.

I set my laptop on my thighs, and plugged in my earbuds. There was one thing that made having a broken leg better: binging anime.

It was the weekend, so I could just chill in my bed all day, and watch some anime in the dark. I started looking through the list of animes I've seen. It felt like the perfect time to revisit some of them for old time's sake.

"The Ancient Magnus bride, Acchi Kocchi, Anohana, wait no. Not Anohana. I don't want to cry my eyes out..." I murmured to myself. Then a familiar name caught my eyes. My cheeks flushed with embarrassed as I softly read out the name.

"Junjo Romantica..."

You see, I had gotten curious about this show a couple years ago, and I decided to watch all three seasons. I knew that it was a yaoi, but what I *didn't* know is that some of the scenes would be...intimate.

My eyes wandered over to my door, and I glanced back at my laptop. I had two options: I could either get up and hop my way over to the door to lock it, or that I just cover myself and the laptop with a blanket. I sighed as I shifted to get the blanket out from under me.

"Hopefully no one comes in here for a while..."

3rd POV

"Ugh..." Levi sighed as he paced around his room frantically.

He had been debating with himself for the past hour about whether or not he should ask Y/N to watch some anime with him. Now, a part of him knew that she would agree almost immediately. But some part of him told him that he shouldn't bother her, since she might want some time to relax by herself.

Then he remembered that she had once told him that she didn't mind if he wanted to watch anime together, since they both liked it. He nodded to himself, and left his room to go see his girlfriend.

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