
Kiss on the cheek (Lucifer x reader)


My phone buzzed on the nightstand, so I picked it up and saw that Lucifer had sent me a text message. When I read it, my cheeks burned a little.

I swung my legs off my bed, and made my way down to the kitchen. On the way there, I bumped into Asmo, who also seemed to be heading somewhere. "Hey Y/N. What are you up to?" "I'm going to make some food and coffee for Lucifer." Asmo smirked at me, and I got a bad feeling. My Asmo senses were tingling.

"Oooh~ looks like you have a little cr-" "Don't say it! And for your information, I do not have a crush on him." His smirk got even wider. "I was going to say you have a little crease in your shirt. I could iron it for you~" My cheeks flared up again as I realized that I had fallen into his little trap. "You're the worst..." I mumbled as I walked away from him.

When I got inside the kitchen, I was surprised to see that it was empty. No Beel. I shrugged as I looked through the cabinets and pantry to look for ingredients. I didn't have any solid ideas on what to make, so I would go with whatever I find. "I guess sandwiches will have to do..." I spoke to myself as I grabbed what I needed.

Like last time, I started humming softly as I prepared the sandwiches. After I finished them, I prepared the coffee as well. I grabbed a small tray to carry the food on, and started making my way to Lucifer's office like I did earlier. When I looked inside, he was hunched over again. I sighed as I carefully set down the tray on the only empty spot on the messy desk.

I slowly leaned down, and lightly kissed his lips. However, I felt something snake around my waist, and I was pulled into Lucifer's lap. My face exploded as he kissed me back. I was in too much shock to pull away from him. But as he kept going, my body started moving on its own as I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. "Lucifer...you jerk." I said in between kisses.

"I don't see the problem here. This is the second time you've kissed me while I've been asleep." He said as we finally broke for air. I sighed. "I-It's not my fault that you look cute while sleeping..." I hid my face in his chest, and it vibrated as he talked again. "Don't get me wrong. I like you taking the initiative." Lucifer moved one of his gloved hands underneath my chin, and made me look up at him.

"Y-Your coffee is going to get cold." I pointed to the mug on the tray I had brought with me. He let out a sigh as he reached over, and grabbed the mug and took a sip. I was still on his lap by the way. "Did you make those sandwiches as well?" "Yeah. I wanted to do something to help you, but all I could think of was making you something to eat." He set down the mug, and grabbed one of the sandwich halves.

He took a bite, and I felt myself tense up. Does he like it? He smirked as he looked down at me. "You did a good job making these. Here, try it." Lucifer lowered the sandwich to my mouth, and I opened it. He slid the sandwich into my mouth, and I took a bite.

I gave him a silent thumbs-up as I finished my bite. He then placed the sandwich down, and kissed me again. "You had a little something on your lips." He smirked as he grabbed the sandwich again. "You're such a tease..." I raised my head up and took a bite of the sandwich. "Didn't you make these for me?" "Yeah. *I* made them, so I'm allowed to eat some. And it's part of my revenge for the surprise kiss earlier." I pouted. Lucifer just chuckled as we continued to share the sandwiches.

"I should get back to work now." I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Lucy, you're overwhelming yourself with this work. I'm sure Diavolo wouldn't mind you taking the rest of the day off. I already know he bugs you about taking breaks too." He let out another sigh, and softly stroked my head.

"I suppose taking the rest of the day off wouldn't be a bad idea. As long as you keep me company. After all, spending time with my girlfriend is important too." "Y-You....called me girlfriend." "Of course. Does it bother you?" I shook my head as I smiled at him. "N-No. I just need to get used to you calling me that...boyfriend." There was a certain glint in his eye as I said that. A hungry glint. He then took off his black gloves.

He began kissing me again, but this time is was more passionate. It took all of my effort just to keep up with him. I could feel our tongues mingling with each other, and of course he took control almost immediately. I gasped as I clutched his shirt tightly. His grip on me got tighter. "A-Ahh-!" Lucifer had moved his lips down to my neck, and I let out a little noise since my neck was sensitive. I could tell he was smirking.

He started kissing and sucking on my tender skin, causing me to squirm in his lap. He covered my mouth, and whispered in my ear. "You wouldn't want my brothers to interrupt, correct? If you want, we can do this again later, and you can be as loud as you desire." My entire body shivered as his breath hit my ear. I nodded as he continued kissing my neck.

I knew I would have to find a shirt with a collar, or find something else to cover my neck tomorrow, but I didnt really care about that right now. Everything about the situation was intoxicating to me. Lucifer's hand moved down and slowly moved its way up my leg, and then to my thigh. My legs squeezed together as it moved underneath my shirt. His cold hand made me shiver again. "L-Lucy..." I whispered softly.

The look that was on his face was incredibly attractive. His eyes were half-lidded, and full of lust, putting Asmo's own lustful eyes to shame. His hair was a little messy, but that only made him look even better.

"I told you to be quiet, dear." His lips met mine again, and I felt his hand brush over my chest. His thumb softly caressing my breast through my bra, and I squirmed again. "S-Sorry..." I panted, trying to catch my breath. "You have nothing to apologize for. I do rather enjoy watching you react to every little touch. It's entertaining." Lucifer whispered again. I could feel his hand moving underneath my bra, and touch my skin. I let out a muffled noise as he gently squeezed my breast. I let out another sound.

"After this, I won't be able to stop myself. Are you ready?" I nodded again. Lucifer took my shirt off me, and smirked as he examined my body. He was about to take my bra off too, but he didn't get to.

"Hey Lucifer? Where are you?" We froze as we heard Beel's voice nearing the door. In a swift movement, I got off of Lucifer, took his signature black coat off of his chair, and put it on. I also stuffed my shirt into the jacket. Today was definitely not the day we would ruin Beel's innocence. Even if we were enjoying our very intimate moment. "Oh. Y/N's with you too?" Beel walked in, and I awkwardly waved at him. I could tell he was confused, but he seemed to ignore it.

"Did you need something Beel?" "Oh yeah. Can we order something for dinner?" Lucifer sighed. He was probably annoyed that we got interrupted for something as mundane as this. "Do whatever you like. But I'll have Satan bring the food in." "Okay. Thanks." Beel left the office, and I let out a sigh as Lucifer turned to look at me.

"It seems we'll have to continue this later. Just so you know, I don't plan to get interrupted next time. You should probably put your shirt back on before leaving the room. You should also keep the jacket on. No one needs to see those." He pointed to my neck, which had Lucifer's marks all over it. "Y-Yeah I will. Can I borrow one of your turtlenecks? I don't have any..." I blushed. It would be embarrassing if anyone saw the hickeys on my neck. Especially at school.

"I'll bring a few to you later. But for now, I should work for a bit. I feel more reinvigorated than before." Lucifer kissed me again before I left the room. My entire body still felt hot, and it was like I could still feel Lucifer's touch on my body. When I entered my room, Asmo was sitting on my bed with a smirk.

"So? How'd it go~? It looks like you two had fun~"

I then proceeded to drag Asmo out of my room with a red face, and locked the door behind me.

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