
Magic 101 (Satan x reader)


I smiled sadly as I thought about the brother's deceased sister, Lilith. Who I was a descendant of. I always wondered what she looked like, but I never had the courage to ask for a photo of her. But I imagine her as a graceful person, and that she was very caring and sweet. I'm glad she became a human in the end though. Or else I wouldn't have been born, and I wouldn't have met the brothers.

I shook my head lightly as I continued walking to my boyfriend's room. He wanted to give me a spell book, and I was more than happy to start learning magic. It seemed so intriguing, and seeing the things that Solomon and the demon brothers can do with magic definitely inspired my interest in it. Though I knew I would have to practice a lot to even come close to being as good as them. When I got to Satan's door, I knocked softly on the hard wooden surface.

"Come in." I heard Satan's voice call from inside. So I opened the door, and saw that he was sitting on his bed, reading some kind of book. He smiled once he saw it was me. "Oh. Here's the book. How about we try practicing outside?" Satan handed me tbe book, and I carefully cradled it in my arms as if it were a baby. "Sure!" So we left his room, and headed outside.

Surprisingly, he actually lead me to the forest not too far from the House of Lamentation. There was a small clearing inside that seemed like a perfect spot to practice. "Alright Y/N. Can you open that book to the first page? It will give you a nice explanation for the first spell." I nodded as I opened cover, and read the next couple of pages.

The first couple of pages were about a spell to create a simple ball of magic. The bigger the ball is, the more powerful your magic is. I guess it was a way to test how powerful you are in that moment. It didn't seem to hard, and I carefully re-read the steps on how to do it. I held my hand out, and tried to make a ball appear. I could feel something deep within me stirring, as if something was flowing through my entire body.

However, all it did was stir. It made no attempt to escape from my body at all. I tensed my muscles to try and force it out, but nothing happened. "Am I doing it wrong?" I asked Satan. He glanced at the open book, and shook his head. "No. But you shouldn't try and force it too much. It's your first time using magic on purpose, so it might take a while." He gave me an encouraging smile. I nodded as I continued to try.

I lowered my arms, and softly massaged them. I had been trying for around an hour, but nothing seemed to be working. "Let's stop for today and try again tomorrow. It's getting late." Satan grabbed the book, and my hand with his other free hand. I walked next to him, and leaned my head against his arm. I noticed that his cheeks flushed lightly. "Do we have any ice packs? My arms hurt." He nodded as he turned his head and softly kissed my hair.

When we got back Satan found me and ice pack, and I laid down on my bed with a sigh as I placed the ice on one of my arms. I knew magic wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't expect it to be this hard either. I wasn't going to give up though. In fact, I felt more reinvigorated. "I can't go outside though since it's late..." I mumbled to myself. Then it hit me. There was a place I could practice without disturbing the others.

I left my room, and quietly made my way down to the tomb. When I entered it, I saw a very large ball of black fuzz laying in front of me. I tensed up as the hellhound lifted his three giant heads up. He stood up, and walked over to me. "Nice Cerberus. I'm only here to practice magic, so don't eat me..." I whispered in a calm voice. He stared at me for a moment before he got closer to me, and started sniffing me.

My hair flew back as he did so. When he was satisfied, he nudged my head with his head. "Good boy. I promise I won't be here too long." He moved to another part of the room, leaving me with the empty space. I opened the book Satan had given me, and re-read the directions again.

I held my hand out, and I felt the same power running through my veins. However, my arms were still a little sore, so I put it down and lightly massaged them again. "Damn. How does Solomon make it look so easy?"

"Solomon? Who is that?" A soft, silky voice asked from behind me. I turned around, and a beautiful woman with white hair and a white dress was standing there. For some reason, I didn't feel scared of her. In fact, the voice sounded familiar to me. "You're..." She simply nodded at me with a smile. "I am. What are you doing down here?" "Oh. I'm just trying to practice magic. It's harder than I thought." I chuckled. She moved closer to me, but it didn't even look like she was walking. Her dress was long, so it gracefully glided across the floor.

"I see. I remember when I was learning magic. Allow me to assist you. It's the least I could do for you. You've been taking care of my brothers after all." She lightly took my hands, and I could feel my body relaxing. "I found it easier to use magic when you're relaxed. Forcing yourself will only make it harder." I nodded. I took a few deep breaths, and concentrated. I could feel the flow of magic in me. It seemed stronger than earier.

I held my hand up, and a ball of magic began to form. To my surprise, it got about the size of my head before it stopped growing. The white women's smile got even bigger. "It seems you have more potential than I expected. Please be careful while using magic. Your power is strong for someone who is just starting out, so it might be hard to control." She explained. "I'll be careful. Thank you for helping me. But before you go...could I give you a hug?" I asked. She nodded as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'll be here if you ever need me again. Just don't tell my brothers. It would just hurt them more to know that I'm here." I nodded silently. After a few moments, I felt nothing but air in front of me. I smiled as I grabbed the book, and headed back up to my room.

"Are you sure you want to try again so soon? Are you arms alright?" Satan asked as we walked towards the forest. I gave him a big smile. "Yep! I have a good feeling about today." He seemed a little confused, but then he smiled. "I like that look of confidence on you." He gave me a quick peck on the lips, and I smiled. When we got to the clearing, I set the closed book on a cut down tree stump.

I took a deep breath, and let my body relax. Then I held up my arm, and a ball started to form. It got to about the same size it did last night, and Satan seemed amazed. "Interesting. I'm surprised it's that big. You're just a beginner. How did you learn how to do it so quickly?" I just smirked at him, and gave him a playful wink. "Let's just say someone helped me. Now come on! I wanna try the next spell!"

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