
Ashore (Asmodeus x mermaid reader)

3rd POV

"Why did it have to storm?" Asmo pouted as he looked out the window. The sky was now dark, and the harsh wind was making Diavolo's beach house shudder. "It's not all bad, Asmo. We're going to be here for another week after all!" Diavolo laughed as he looked outside. Lightning flashed, causing the darkened sky to light up for a second.

And for that split second, Asmo could've sworn he saw a lone figure below the lightning, reaching their arm out to the house. But before he could mention anything to the others, the supposed figure dissapeared. He figured that he was just tired, and decided to go to bed earlier than usual. Unbeknownst to him, and the others, there actually *was* a figure standing outside.

But she had collapsed upon the damp sand, hoping to get to the house she had seen from the shoreline. She had seen lights from inside of the house, so she tried to signal them. However, her body had become weak from the blood coming out of her head, so she had no choice but to lower her arm, and pass out from all the blood she had lost.

"Are you all ready?" Lucifer asked as everyone was about to go to the beach and relax. "Yeah..." Belphie yawned as he picked up his beach towel and umbrella. He didn't want to get sunburnt while he took a nap. As the group walked outside, they noticed something lying in the sand. "W-What the hell?!" Mammon took a few steps back, and his behind Lucifer.

There was a young lady laying down face first in the sand, and there was a decent amount of blood around her head. She also had a F/C two piece bathing suit on. "Is she alive?" Beel asked. Diavolo stepped forward, and tried to find her pulse. He did manage to find one, but it was extremely weak. "She can still make it. Barbatos, please find some bandages if you can. We should also try to wash the blood from her head." Diavolo picked the girl up, and brought her inside.

Before they went inside, Asmo noticed something shiny nearby. He kneeled down and picked it up. It was a beautiful scale the size of a guitar pick. He smiled as he placed it in his pocket, and followed everyone else inside the house.

Diavolo started running the bath, and carefully washed the blood from the girl's head and hair. Once he finished, he had Asmo dry the girl's hair since Asmo was used to doing things like that. Barbatos then skillfully wrapped bandages around her head tightly, but not too tight that it would cause discomfort.

They then placed the girl in one of the rooms they weren't using. Diavolo turned to everyone and asked them a question. "Would anyone like to stay inside and watch her? You can switch out with one of us later if you would like to." "I'll do it~!" Asmo raised his hand up immediately. "Alright. Come find one of us if you want someone to take over." Lucifer said as they left the room.

Asmo turned to look down at the sleeping girl. Her skin looked a little pale, but that was probably from all the blood she had lost. Her hair was in a tangled mess as well. There was something captivating about her.

She was a complete mystery. How did she get here? No one else is allowed here without Diavolo's permission. It was also impossible for her to get to the beach by swimming, so how could she have gotten here? Also, where did she come from? Asmo hadn't seen her anywhere in Devildom before, but where else could she have come from?

As the demon continued to ponder, the girl stirred in her sleep. Her body coiled up a little bit before she opened her eyes, revealing her beautiful E/C eyes. She hazily looked around the room, and her eyes fell upon the demon sitting next to her. "O-Oh my-! She tried to sit up, but a sharp pain cause her to let out a pained whimper. "Don't worry~! I won't hurt you, cutie. I'll be right back so don't move." Asmo stood up, and hurried out of the room.


When the man came back, ten other guys walked in with him. My body tensed up us they got closer to me. "Are you feeling alright?" A demon with red hair stepped forward, and I nodded slowly so it didn't make my head hurt. "Good. Now..." A guy with black hair leaned down, and stared daggers at me. "Who are you and where did you come from?" I knew I had to answer, but I also knew I couldn't tell the whole truth.

"M-My name is Y/N, and...umm..." I glanced away, trying to think of some kind of cover story. "Lucifer, please go easy on her. She's already been through enough." The guy with red hair said. I let out a little sigh of relief. The redheaded guy proceeded to introduce me to everyone. To my surprise, they were the most powerful demons in Devildom!

"So, Y/N. Do you have anywhere to go?" Diavolo asked. I could feel my heart sink a little bit, and I shook my head. "I see. Well, if you would like, you may stay with us until we leave next week. However, I want you to explain how you got here." My eyes widened. A demon, the *ruler* of demons no less, was being kind to me.

"T-Thank you, Lord Diavolo. I will take you up on that offer." He smiled at me. "Let's go back to the beach already!" Mammon yelled as he turned around, and ran out the door, causing me to chuckle softly. Asmo turned to me. "You should come with us, Y/N. You'll be one of the few people who get to admire my body in a bathing suit~" He winked at me as he held his hand out. "Alright."

I reached out and took his hand, and he helped me stand up. My head a little bit as I stood up, but I did my best to not let it show. Asmo continued to hold my hand as we walked out to the beach. Though I happened to notice that he was standing next to me the whole time, as if he was making sure I didn't fall over.

I had to shield my eyes from the harsh sunlight when we stepped outside. "Come on, let's go sit on the beach towel over there." Asmo pulled me to a large beach towel underneath an umbrella. Once we sat down, my eyes immediately fell upon the glittering water in front of me. I let out a little sigh.

"Something wrong, cutie?" Asmo asked me. I shook my head silently as I continued to stare at the beach. Mammon was messing around with Leviathan, which made a small smile appear on my face. "How lucky..." I murmured to myself. "Lucky?" Asmo spoke, making me jump. "It's nothing."

"Do you wanna talk about it? I'm a great listener~" Asmo asked. I turned to look at him. No one had really asked to listen to me before. Everyone usually just leaves me alone, so I was a little shocked. But I was also happy. "...tonight. When everyone's asleep. On the beach." He nodded, but then a playful smirk appeared on his face. "It sounds like you want to do more than talking~" I punched him lightly in the arm.

"You know, flirting doesn't work on every girl. Especially not this one."

I could feel my nerves acting up as I waited for Asmo to meet me on the beach. Part of me wanted to run somewhere, but there really wasn't anywhere to run to. Before I could continue panicking, Asmo walked out of the beach house. I took a deep breath as he got closer to the towel I was sitting on near the water.

"So, I'm hear to listen to you. Why did you call my brothers lucky earlier?" He sat down next to me, and looked at me expectantly. I looked away, and faced the water. "Well, I was just saying they're lucky to have family, all of you do. I don't really have anyone to call a family anymore. They...didn't accept my differences." "Differences?" He asked. I stood up, and walked over to the water. "If you want to freak out, I won't blame you."

I walked into the cool water, causing me to shiver a little bit. I was still wearing my bathing suit since I didn't have any other clothes. I concentrated on my legs, and soon my body started to sink into the water. My legs started to change, and became a tail. A mermaid tail. "I'm a mermaid. Well, half mermaid I guess." Asmo's eyes were wide open, and his mouth was agape too. "B-But how?"

"My dad's apparently a human, but I've never met him. My family didn't like it, so they kinda kicked me out of the house. I've been traveling around as a human ever since. I'm able to change my legs whenever I want, but I have to be in water when I have my tail out to breathe." I explained. Asmo reached into his pocket, and held out a familiar scale.

"So this is yours?" I nodded. "It must've come on when I got here. I...was going to try to go back home. But I got caught up in that storm. So now I'm here alone..." I transformed my tail back, and started walking back to the beach house. However, I felt something grab my wrist. I was pulled back, and brought into a tight hug.

"W-What are you-?" "You're beautiful, okay? Not as beautiful as me, but you're definitely up there." He chuckled softly, and I did the same. I knew he was joking with me. "So if your family couldn't see that, then they're missing out." I wrapped my arms around him, and held him tight. "Thank you."

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