
Head pats (Levi x reader)



"Kazuichi Soda?" Levi stared at me with a blank face.

Kidding! Check!"





"Pil-?" "Levi! We're good. I quadruple checked if we had everything ready for tonight. I'm not a normie when it comes to binging shows." I sighed. I love Levi with all my heart, but when it comes to anime he shows me a side that not a lot of people get to see. I call it 'Levi's ultimate form!' "Okay okay I get it! Now, what do you want to start with first?" Levi asked as I looked at all the anime DVDs scattered on the floor.

Me and Levi had found every anime DVD we owned, so I was having a hard time picking something. But then my eyes land on a familiar title, and I smirk as I look to my boyfriend. "You haven't seen The Promised Neverland, have you?" "No, what's it about?" I picked up the DVD case and started taking the disc out.

"I can't say much, but I'll just say it's about kids in an orphanage." Levi raised an eyebrow, but I ignored him as we started watching it. I couldn't help myself from glancing at his face, and seeing what he was thinking. The first fifteen minutes had passed, as Connie was about to leave the house.

Then it got to the part of the big reveal of the first episode, and I glanced over at Levi, who was tensing up as Norman got closer to the truck. When it shows what was in it, Levi's mouth flew open. "W-What the heck?!" "Just keep watching." The next eleven episodes went by quickly, and when it ended I turned to him.

"That was really good! Especially when-" He blushed as he glanced away from me. He usually gets embarrassed when he starts geeking out about something around me, but I had gotten used to it. Though I did hope he would get over that someday.

"Your turn to choose Levi." He immediately grabbed a Ruri-chan DVD, and stuck it in the player. I shook my head with a smile. I had a feeling he was going to pick Ruri-chan. His eyes seemed to sparkle as the first episode started.

I glanced down, and noticed that Levi's hand was near mine. I slowly inched my hand across the couch seat until it was on top of his. He didn't look at me, but his entire face turned pink, and I chuckled softly. He then lightly squeezed my hand, so I squeezed it back.

I started digging into some of the snacks with my one free hand as Levi just stared at the screen. Then I had an idea. I took one of the chips from the bag I was eating from, and held it up to Levi's mouth. He seemed to have subconsciously opened his mouth, and I put the chip in. After he ate it, he didn't react at first.

But then he slowly turned to me, and I simply smiled at him. "D-Did you just feed me...?" "Yeah, why?" His face turned red as he glanced back at the tv. "I-it's like we're in a shoujo manga..." He murmured under his breath. I mean, he wasn't wrong. Here we were, a young couple, spending time with each other and doing cute couple things.

After Ruri-chan was finished, I ended up choosing to watch The Ancient Magnus' bride. Which me and Levi have both seen, but we enjoy it anyway. Levi grabbed some snacks too as the first episode started. I always found it odd that Chise, the main character, wasn't really scared of Elias when she first met him. I mean, he has a freaking goat head and is like twice her size!

After a few episodes, my favorite character was introduced. Lindel, the man who protected the last remaining dragons around. I was getting all giddy, but then I noticed something lightly bump into my shoulder. When I glanced over, Levi was resting his head against me. Though he started to slip down. So I acted immediately and guided his head to my lap.

"You didn't need to push yourself so hard just to watch anime with me..." I whispered softly, not expecting an answer. His face looked so innocent and cute, and his hair looked amazingly soft. So I reached down, and started to softly stroke his head. His blue hair glided through my fingers with ease, and I couldn't help but get memorized by it.

I completely forgot about the anime as I continued to stroke his fluffy hair. Levi's body curled up more, almost like he was a cat. I guess he liked the feeling too, even though he wasn't awake. But after a while, my arm started getting tired, so I reached for his hand and grasped it once again.

"I love you..." I leaned down and kissed his forehead. Unfortunately, that little moment seemed to wake him up. It took him a few moments, but he tries to sit up once he figured out what position he was in. His head bumped into mine, and I recoiled and pressed a hand to my head. "Damn...you have too much anime knowledge in there."

"S-Sorry! U-Uh...h-here." He nervously leaned in, and placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled as I stood up, and turned off the TV. "Come on, let's go to bed. We can finish tomorrow." Levi got up from the couch, and laid in his bed. I followed him, and his face turned red again. I placed my head against his chest. "Love you~" "......love you...t-too."

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