
Our Romantic Bond (Solomon x reader)


My mind kept wandering back to what had happened last week. Solomon had made a prototype powder called "Lover's Powder," which would allow people to see the red threads of fate that connect soulmates together. AKA a red string that connects two people who are fated to be together in a romantic relationship. However, since the powder was only a prototype, it showed us who we had strong platonic bonds with, and not our soulmates.

When Beel accidentally spilled some on Asmo, there were a whole lot of threads on the ground, and I nearly tripped over. But Solomon managed to catch me, and allowed me to lean on him. In that moment, my heartbeat seemed to quicken, and I couldn't ignore how close I was to him.

Before we knew it only showed platonic bonds between people, Solomon tested a new batch of the same prototype on me. At first, the only thread I saw on my finger was connected to Solomon, making me think he was my soulmate. The happiness I felt in that moment was something special to me.

Unfortunately, that's when we learned that the powder showed normal bonds. After all, people only have one soulmate, but someone can have muliptle normal bonds with others. Afterwards, Solomon said something that I wouldn't be able to forget. Something that has replaying in my head endlessly no matter how much I try to ignore it.

"Y/N~? Are you listening~?" I was pulled out of my train of thought by none other than Asmodeus himself. The sound of chatting demons around me reminded me that I was sitting at a lunch table with Asmo, and that he had been talking to me about something before I started getting lost in my thoughts.

"S-Sorry...I was daydreaming." Asmo rested his head on his hand, and smirked. "Oh? Were you daydreaming about me? I bet you were~" He teased. I sighed as I shook my head. "No. Just some personal stuff." Which wasn't a lie. I would say my crush is something extremely personal.

"May I join the two of you?" A familiar voice made me whip my head around. Solomon was standing there, a lunch food tray in his hands. "Of course! We wouldn't mind, right Y/N?" The two of them looked to me, and I silently nodded and looked down at my half-eaten lunch.

"So, have you made any progress with that Lover's Powder of yours?" Asmo asked, making me glance up. I was curious to know if he had made any progress. "Actually, I came here to ask if you two wanted to help me test a new prototype after school. Would you be willing to?" "I'll do it." I spoke without realizing it.

"I'm in too~" Asmo raised his hand up. "Excellent. I'll meet you two in the same classroom we tested the original powder after school." Solomon glanced at me for the briefest of moments with a smile on his face. My heart skipped a beat.

The entire school day seemed to go slower and slower by the minute. My nerves were getting to me as I faintly heard the clock slowly ticking away behind me. When the bell rang, I jumped at the sound. I had been zoning out for most of the class, so I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings.

I stood up, and left the classroom. My eyes dead-set on the direction of the classroom we had been in last week. However, I was stopped by Lucifer standing in front of me. "Where do you think you're going?" I was confused on why he had stopped me, but then I remembered that I had told Lucifer I would help him organize his paperwork today.

"Sorry! I forgot. Let me just text Sol really fast." Lucifer sighed as I pulled out my phone. "Make it quick. We don't have much time to spare." He spoke in his usual tone.

Once I finished texting, Lucifer basically dragged me to the student council room, and immediately put me to work. There was a mountain of papers, which made me feel bad for bailing out on Solomon last minute.

"That should be enough for today. You may go now." Lucifer sighed as he stared at the mostly sorted papers in front of us. "Thank you!" I quickly stood up, and dashed out of the room. The room Solomon and Asmo were in was on the other side of the school. So I did my best to hurry.

I suddenly stopped when I noticed that something had appeared on my finger: it was a single red thread. My entire body froze. This could only mean one thing: Asmodeus was my soulmate. Which would only make decision that much more hurtful. But nonetheless, I was prepared to do what I had planned to.

So I confidently marched to the classroom, and stood besides the doorway. I took a deep breath before entering the room. "Listen, you're a good friend to me, and I cherish that relationship. But I can't be your soulmate. I love someone else." I looked around, but I didn't Asmo. I only saw Solomon standing there, and a red string was on his finger as well. It connected to mine. He looked heartbroken after I spoke.

"I...see. I should've known." Solomon looked at the ground sadly, and I quickly hugged him. He gasped as my grip only got tighter on him. "Oh my gosh! I thought you were Asmo! Thank goodness!" Tears of happiness started to fall from my eyes. "Why are you crying?" He cupped my cheek, and brushed my tears away.

"Y-You said you would try the powder out on Asmo, so w-when I saw my string, I thought I was his soulmate! I was going to.... try and break the thread." His eyes widened. "But...why? Wouldn't you be happy with him?" I shook my head repeatedly as I loosened my grip on the sorcerer.

"No offense to Asmo, but the only person I could be happy with...is you." This time, it was Solomon who wrapped his arms around me. "I was so scared for a moment. I though you were going to reject me as your soulmate." I chuckled. "Sorry...I promise not to scare you like that ever again." I looked into Solomon's blue-grey eyes, and he looked into my E/C eyes.

We leaned in, and shared a kiss. It was almost like a promise. A promise to always stay together no matter what comes our way. Solomon's arms traveled to my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled each other closer to deepen out kiss. Unfortunately, we heard a loud gasp from the door and pulled away.

"No fair! Why does Y/N get to be your soulmate?" Asmo walked inside the room, and my face turned bright red. He had just seen us kiss each other. "I guess it's fate. I still have some powder left, so let's see who your soulmate is." Solomon sprinkled the remaining powder on Asmo.

A single string appeared and led out the door. However, multiple strings started appearing like the first time, and Asmo got overwhelmed by them again. "What's happening, Sol?" I turned to him and asked. He pondered for a moment before answering.

"Well, I did intend for this powder to show romantic bonds. I guess it wasn't strong enough to show soulmate strings." Solomon chuckled as he reached into his bag, and started mixing things. "Here. This should nullify the threads like last time." Solomon sprinkled something else on Asmo, and the threads dissapeared.

"It doesn't make sense though! How come you two only have one string?" Asmo pouted as he pointed to our hands. I looked down, and noticed that the string connecting us had dissapeared. "Huh? But we didn't use the nullifer..." Solomon smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"It seems that you are truly my soulmate. The strings are supposed to dissapear when they find each other. What are the odds of that?" I blushed as Asmo continued to pout. "It's still not fair, but I guess I'll support the two of you. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone for now~!" Asmo stood up, and winked at us as he left the room.

"Y/N, would you...like to go on a date with me? It's short notice, but I'm sure we can find something to do." I smiled as I grabbed his hand. "I would love to, soulmate."

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