
Dare (Mammon x reader)


"Wassup! It's friday!" Someone grabbed my shoulders from behind, and I quickly turned around. Standing there was my best demon friend, Damien. We had met during my first week of school at RAD, and soon became fast friends. "And Friday means game day!" We both laughed as we headed out of the school.

You see, we had created a weekly tradition where we play a different game each week. Luckily, Lucifer didn't seem to mind me going out almost every friday, so I was free to go to Damien's house each week. I wouldn't dare to host a game week at the manor, it would get too crazy too fast.

"So, what game do you have in mind for tonight?" Damien smirked as he put a friendly arm around my shoulders. "You'll just have to see, my friend." I groaned loudly. "Dames, you can't just say that, and expect me to patiently wait until we get to your house for an answer." "Which is why I said it. To annoy the crap out of you." We laughed again as we walked through town. It didn't take us too long for us to arrive at his house.

"Oh, hello there Y/N. It's nice you see you!" Damien's mother greeted us when we entered the house, and I smiled at her. "Nice to see you too. Thanks for always letting me come over." "It's no probably dear, come over any time you like." Damien grabbed my arm, and started dragging me to his room. I waved goodbye to his mom as she left my field of vision.

"So, the game for this week is...punishment or dare!" I tilted my head slightly. "Don't you mean truth-?" "Nope! We have to come up with a dare for each other, and we have one week to finish it." Damien exclaimed. "What about the punishment part?" I asked. He pondered for a moment before answering.

"Whoever doesn't complete the dare has to dance with a frilly outfit on, and the other person gets to record it and upload it to DevilTube for a whole week before deleting the footage." My mouth flew open. "You're insane..." "Thank you for the complement. Now we have to come up with a dare for each other." Me and Damien sat in silence for a while, trying to think of a good dare. Suddenly, an idea came to mind. Like a little lightbulb turning on in my head.

"Dames, I dare you to drink a little packet of devil pepper sauce. Of course I'm going to watch you to make sure you do it." "Are you serious? That's like the spiciest thing in all of Devildom!" An evil grin appeared on my face as I held up my phone. "Or would you rather be trending on DevilTube for a week?" Damien grumbled, but then he smirked. I had a bad feeling about that look...

"Y/N, I dare you to ask Mammon out!" My entire face felt warmer as I quickly looked at the ground. Damien knew I had a huge crush on Mammon, and he's been bugging me for ages to ask him out. "B-But-!" "No buts! It's either this, or DevilTube." Damien said matter-of-factly. I sighed quietly.

"F-Fine. I'll...ask him out." Damien smiled. "Good. I'll ask him at the end of the week if you actually asked him out. But for now...I can smell my mom's food, and I ain't letting you have any!" He stood up, and dashed out of the room. "Dames! If you eat all that food I'm going to murder you!"

My time limit was almost up, and I hadn't made any advances towards my goal. In fact, I've been avoiding him during the week. However, Damien also hasn't fulfilled his dare either. He said he would think about it, since the sauce would "make his tongue fall off from the sheer power of the spiciness." Or something like that.

Right now, me and the demon brothers were eating breakfast. I glanced over at Mammon, who was talking to Asmo. I wasn't sure when I started liking him, but I knew I've liked him for a while. A few months at least. It wasn't just his looks, his personality was also a big reason why I liked him.

Unfortunately, Asmo seemed to notice that I was looking in their direction. He sent a playful wink at me, and Mammon turned to look at me. I immediately turned away, and ate another forkful of my food. I heard Mammon mutter something, but I couldn't hear what he said.

After we finished breakfast, we all started walking to school. I couldn't help but look at Mammon again, even if I was looking at the back of his head. My chest tightened as my face felt warm again. I ended up sighing and turning my gaze to the ground.

I suddenly bumped into something in front of me. So I looked up, and I saw Mammon looking down at me with his striking blue eyes. My heart seemed to stop as he spoke. "What the hell has been up with ya? You haven't said a single word to me for a few days! N-Not like I care! I'm just curious..." His cheeks flushed a little bit, and mine got even redder than his.

"I-It's...nothi-" "It clearly ain't nothin'. C'mon, tell me what's up. I won't tell anyone about it if yer worried about it." He plopped a hand on my head, and my heart seemed to stop at his action. The first thing I thought of was to hide my face. So I hugged Mammon so he wouldn't see my blushing face.

"W-Will....you go out with me?" "Huh? What did ya say?" My voice was muffled by his clothes, so it made sense that he could hear me. So I took a deep breath before looked up with closed eyes. "Will you go out with me?!" I opened my eyes, and covered my mouth. I had said it a lot louder than I intended to. Mammon looked confused at first, but then his face got as red as Diavolo's hair.

"W-Why are ya asking that so suddenly?" He managed to say. I looked down. "I...like you. A-And I wanted to tell you earlier this week, but I got nervous. S-So I did my best to avoid you..." I explained. I would tell him about the dare later. I was too caught up in the moment to bring it up.

"Y-You're probably going to say no, but I-" Mammon placed a hand on my cheek, and carefully raised my head up. He quickly leaned down, and kissed me on the lips. I faintly heard a wolf whistle from nearby, but I didn't really care at the moment.

"C-C'mon. Let's go to school..." Mammon mumbled as he grabbed my hand, and started dragging me towards RAD. As we left the area, I saw Damien hiding behind a wall, and he gave me a thumbs-up. My eyes widened as I realized that he had seen my confession.

"Wow! I can't believe you actually did it! I'm so proud of you! I might cry." Damien teased me as I ate my lunch. "So, what about you? Do you have a devil pepper sauce packet you can drink?" His smile dissapeared as I said that. "U-Uh...h-how about we forget about the game? I mean, you already told Mammon you like him so-" Damien tried to get up, but I grabbed his arm tightly and forced him to sit down.

"Oh no you don't! Either we get the sauce after school, or you dance around and I record you! If you try anything funny...I'll just have to tell your mom about you-know-what." His entire face got pale as I spoke. "Y-You wouldn't do that to your best friend, would you?" "Try me Damien." I looked him in the eyes, and I knew that he knew that I was serious about this. After all, I never call him Damien unless I'm serious.

"Come on Dames~ I'm sure you look beautiful!" I called out as I got my phone ready. I had asked Asmo to help me out with the clothes, so I knew he would look hilarious. "I hate this..." I heard Damien say as he slowly stepped out of his bathroom. I nearly died at just seeing him with a pink, frilly dress on. He also had a pink headband with a flower on it to match.

"Hahahaha! Oh my Devildom! Pfffft-!" I started laughing, and Damien's face turned almost the same shade as the dress. I managed to compose myself after a few moments of laughing, and played some music. Damien begrudgingly danced around to the music, and I laughed even harder.

When I uploaded it to DevilTube, it became a hit pretty quickly. It was the top trending video for the entire week that it was up. When I deleted it when the deadline was up, he was happy. But what Damien didn't realize is that people could download the footage. So people were reposting it on DevilTube, as well as Devilgram.

I also ended up explaining the situation to Mammon, but he didn't seem too bothered by the fact I asked him out because of a dare. We were sitting in his room as I told him about it. "D-Do ya actually like me?" "Of course! I just told you now because of the dare...but I'm glad I did." I gave him a small peck on the lips.

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