
Dancer (Demon brothers x professional dancer reader)


I crushed up the piece of paper I was holding, and threw it off of my bed. However, it just slowly fluttered to the floor in a unsatisfying manner. My eyes wandered to the headline of the paper, which was slightly harder to read due to the creases in the paper.

Unbeknownst to everyone I knew down here, I was actually a professional dancer who has performed in a couple movies as a background character, but mostly performed in plays or dance recitals. I've been doing it since I was a child, so dancing came somewhat easy to me.

Just then, someone knocked on my door. I quickly grabbed the piece of paper and shoved it underneath my bed so whoever it was couldn't see it. "Coming!" I called out towards the door. When I opened the door, Mammon was standing there with an annoyed look.

"Took ya long enough! It's not cool to keep the Great Mammon watin'." He walked inside without another thought, and turned around to face me. There was a confidence smile on his face now, and I got a bad feeling in my gut. My Mammon senses were tingling.

"Y/N L/N, me and you are gonna enter the dance competition as a team!" If I had taken a drink of something, it would've been all over the floor. "I'm not doing that." I said bluntly. I didn't even know if I was going to enter by myself.

"Oh come on! You'll be guaranteed first place if we do! I'm gonna destroy the competition easily with my moves. No one else has a chance." Mammon's voice was extremely cocky, which sparked my competitive nature.

"I'm not dancing with you." Mammon huffed as he slammed my bedroom door behind him. I reached under my bed, and looked at the flyer once more, nodding to myself.

After that day, I started practicing a dance routine on the roof with music. I would go up there every lunch period, and even sometimes after school. None of the brothers really questioned where I was going, which I was happy about.

Finally, the day of the performance arrived. Everyone was standing backstage, including Mammon. I was doing my best to conceal myself by the curtains, but unfortunately Mammon spotted me.

"Y/N?! The hell are ya doing back here?" I sighed. I should've known he would've spotted me before my name was called to perform. A confident smile found it's way onto my face. "I'm taking you down." Mammon rolled his eyes, as if the thought didn't even cross his mind.

Suddenly, Diavolo's voice rang out, and called Mammon to the stage. "Don't worry, I'll let ya hold the trophy for a few seconds after I win it." He smirked as he walked out on stage. I silently watched as he danced, and the only thing I did was let out snother sigh.

After the song ended, Mammon walked passed me without saying anything, adding to his cockiness. My name was called next, and I walked out on stage, waiting for the music to begin. When it did, I let the music take control of my body. I became a puppet to the music, letting it take complete control.

I managed to get a couple glances at Mammon as I danced. He seemed surprised by me, which was to be expected. I noticed that the demon brothers were in the front row. Diavolo had insisted that they come and watch the show.

The song came to an end not too long after, and I heard the crowd cheering for me. I gave a little bow as I walked backstage. Mammon's mouth was slightly opened in awe. "So? What did you think~?" He grumbled as he glanced away.

A while longer, everyone was called back on stage. All of the demons and me walked on, and Diavolo was standing in front of us. "Those were very good performances from all of you! I appreciate all of your for participating in this. So, I've tallied up the votes, and the winner is..." Diavolo went silent, and I could feel the tension rising every second that went by. The stage was dark.

"Y/N L/N!" I was suddenly blinded by a spotlight landing on me. The auditorium seemed to shake as people cheered and clapped as Diavolo handed me the small trophy of a small person doing a dancing pose.

Afterwards, I was nearly tackled to the ground by Asmo. He started rubbing his face with mine, making it nearly impossible to move. "You were so beautiful out there! Well, almost as much as me. When did you learn to dance?" Beel pulled him off of me, and I thanked him.

"I'm a...professional dancer..." Everyone's eyes widened. Well, besides Lucifer's. I had a sneaking suspicion that he knew my secret since he looked at my information before I came to Devildom. "Interesting. So have you done any big jobs before?" Satan asked. "Nothing too big yet. Just some background stuff." I shrugged.

"That's basically cheating!" Mammon spoke in a loud voice. I rolled my eyes, and smirked at him. "You're just mad because you thought it was an "easy win" for you."

Mammon didn't say a word the whole walk back to the manor.

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