
My mission (Diavolo x assassin reader)


The only sound that was ringing in my ears was the echoing of small water droplets from the ceiling and hitting the worn out stone floor. The constant noise was starting to drive me insane. How long had I been here? A few weeks at least. Time seemed to be a lot slower, especially since there was no sunlight shining in the room. I didn't even know if it was morning or night anymore. I gave up long ago, so the time didn't really matter anymore. The only light I could see were blazing torches on the wall.

My hair was sticking to my sweaty face, and I was unable to brush it aside due to my hands being shackled to the stone wall. I felt completely hopeless as I hung my head in despair.

I had come to Devildom for one reason, and one reason alone: to assassinate Lord Diavolo, the ruler of Devildom. I had been chosen as an exchange student, and my boss thought this would be the perfect opportunity to murder him. For what reason, I didn't know. But I couldn't refuse him for certain reasons.

My goal was to befriend Diavolo and his friends, and strike when the time was right. However, when I had the perfect chance to kill him, I was found out, and thrown into the dungeon beneath the castle.

My train of thought was interrupted by loud footsteps from outside the door. Every time I heard footsteps, my heart started to race. Every day I was brought some food, but I always silently feared it was poisoned or drugged somehow.

The old door creaked open, and the person delivering the food was the same exact man I tried to kill. Barbatos has been the one to deliver my food, so I was surprised to see Diavolo down here. My fear only grew as he stepped closer to me, but I hid it so I didn't show any weakness.

"Hello there, Y/N." He said in a calm voice. I stayed quiet as I stared at the ground. I haven't said a single word since my imprisonment, and I wasn't about to break that streak. He sighed as he set down the tray of food.

"Do you plan on staying silent? It doesn't matter to me, but I at least thought you would want someone to talk to. Well, I guess I'm not the best candidate for that." Diavolo laughed dryly. I could tell he was holding back on asking me something, and I knew what the question was.

"Can you please talk to me? What happened to the talkative Y/N I know?" I took a split second to glare at him. It was obvious that he knew I had been acting the whole time, so why did he say such a stupid thing?

"You've been in here for around four months if you were wondering." My eyes widened slightly. Four whole months? It felt like it's been an eternity. But this created a new problem in my mind.

My hands started to involuntarily, causing the shackles to rattle. I completely forgot that Diavolo was in thr room with me.

3rd POV

Not long after Diavolo mentioned how long Y/N had been in the dungeon, her hands began shaking. The prince was surprised. He hadn't seen her scared before, and he wasn't exactly sure what caused her fear. What is him? Or was there another deeper meaning?

Diavolo slowly moved over to Y/N, and placed a hand on her shoulder. She jolted as she closed her eyes tightly out of fear, no longer caring that she was showing weakness. The demon prince sighed again.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Y/N. Despite you attempting to kill me, I am still attached to you. So please, tell me why you tried to kill me." The girl was silent for a minute, contemplating on whether or not to speak.

".....he has...."


"Hm?" "My....boss has....my sister." I whispered. I'm not sure why I was talking, but hearing Diavolo say he still likes me was probably a factor. It was part of the reason I had failed the mission in the first place. "Your boss took your sister? Why?" I looked up, and saw sympathy in his golden eyes.

"When we were younger, we were abandoned by our parents. It was just the two of us. One day she got a really bad illness, but we didn't have nearly enough money for her to get medical treatment.

That's when...the boss found us. He struck a deal with me. If I "silenced" anyone he wanted me to, he would take care of my sister's medical bills. But if I didn't...he threatened to kill her, so I didnt have a choice." My voice was starting to crack as I faced the ground once again.

"T-This was the last job I had to do, and we wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. My sister was going to get the last treatment that she needed. But now that I've failed, s-she's going to die!" My voice echoed in the nearly empty room. Tears started falling from my eyes as I sobbed for the first time in a long time. My heart was aching, and a sense of worthlessness came over me.

"If...if you had the chance, why didn't you kill me?" Diavolo's voice said. A sad smile appeared on my face as tears continued to fall. "Because...I care about you. About everyone I've met here. I-I knew it was stupid to care even though I had a j-job to do, but I started caring anyways." I could feel arms wrap around me, and I looked up to see Diavolo holding me tightly.

"I am truly sorry about you, and your sister. I also apologize for not interrogating you properly and figuring out why you had done this in the first place. So, I'm going to make it up to you by saving your sister." Before I could say anything, my wrists were removed from the cold, metal shackles. I rubbed them softly since there was a little bit of scarring on them.

"B-But I-" "You weren't given a choice, and you did this for a selfless reason. Once you are in better condition, the two of us will go to the human world and save your sister." Diavolo smiled at me, and I hugged him. The only other person I've hugged was my sister, so it felt nice to have someone else hug me.

"T-Thank you.....thank you so much..." My voice was soft, but I knew that he had heard me. "Well then, we should get you out of here. You should eat some proper food." Diavolo stood up, and held his hand out to me. I slowly took it as he helped me up.

Unfortunately, it had been a few months since I've stood up, and I wasn't given the best amount of food, so I nearly fell over. Diavolo quickly caught me, and he chuckled. "It seems you are in need of assistance." He wrapped his arm around my waist, and held me close to his body so I didn't fall over.

"Hey. W-Will...everyone forgive me? I have a hard time thinking that Lucifer will ever forgive me." Diavolo pondered for a moment before speaking. "I'm sure he'll come around. But for now I'm going to let you stay in the castle where it's safe." Diavolo opened the door that lead up to the castle, and I was blinded by the light pouring on me. It took a while before my eyes could adjust to the light.

"I can't thank you enough. I owe you big time." I thanked him once again. He shook his head. "It's alright. I'm paying you back for keeping you down there for so long."

When I saw Barbatos again, he wasn't shaken up about me being released. Which wasn't surprising since he can see into the future. I also didn't blame him for not clearing my name since the future has endless possibilities, and who knows what I've done in alternate futures.

After eating a large dinner, Diavolo took me to one of thr many spare rooms in the castle. As I laid in bed, I felt determination coursing through my veins as I held my hand up in the air, and made a fist.

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