
Christmas imagine!

"Y/N..." I heard someone call my name, and I grumbled. It was too early in the morning to get up yet. I heard a soft sigh as I felt something warm on my head.

"I thought you would be more excited since it's Christmas." It took me a couple seconds to register what I had just heard. Then it hit me what day it was.

"It's Christm-!" I tried to get up, but I ended up falling off of Lucifer's bed and onto the floor. I heard a snicker from above me, which made me feel a little embarrassed for overreacting.

"Are you awake now?" Lucifer got off of his bed, and held out a hand to me. I reached and grabbed it, and he helped me stand up. He then pressed me against his chest.

"Merry Christmas, Lucy." My voice was a little muffled by his clothes, but I'm sure he heard me because he tenses up for a second. He still wasn't used to me calling him Lucy when we were alone together.

"Shall we go downstairs? My brothers are probably already up and antsy to open their presents, especially Mammon." Lucifer sighed again. I chuckled as I looked into his red eyes.

"You sound like a dad with kids more than an older brother." The corner of Lucifer's mouth slightly curved upwards, so I knew he found the comparison at least a little humorous.

We left his room and headed to the living room, where a decent amount of presents were waiting. To our not surprise, Mammon was shaking one of the boxes like an excited little kid while the other brothers just sat there.

"Mammon.../Mammon..." Me and Lucifer spoke at the same, but my tone of voice was a lot less harsh than Lucifer's. He nearly dropped the present when he heard our voices.

"We tried to stop him, but you know how Mammon is." Satan said as he set down a book he was reading. Mammon put back the present, and quickly sat down with the others.

I was tasked with handing out the presents to everyone. Though unknown to Lucifer, he actually had a present waiting for him. So I saved his for last. When I brought it to him, he seemed surprised.

"You got something for me?" I nodded enthusiastically as Lucifer took the present and slowly opened it. I noticed how quiet it was in the room, so I assumed everyone else was watching.

When he opened the box, he stared at the two tickets inside. Then he looked at me with a slightly more surprised expression while I just smiled down at him.

"What is it?" Beel asked. Lucifer pulled the two tickets out of the box, and handed them to him. Beel looked at them in confusion.

"Wait. Aren't these for the musical that famous theater group here in Devildom is performing soon? I thought those got sold out months ago." Lucifer turned to me, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I may or may not have pulled some strings with Diavolo to get these tickets..." Lucifer took back the tickets, and then stared at me for a few seconds, as if he was deciding something.

Then he took me by the hand, and started to silently lead me out of the room. But before we could completely leave the room, I heard Asmo call out to us.

"Hey you two! Look what you're standing under!" Me and Lucifer both looked up to see a mistletoe hanging above us. We then looked each other in the eyes. Lucifer cupped my cheek, and kissed me passionately on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"No fair! Why does Lucifer get to kiss her?!" Mammon pouted. I mostly ignored it since the kiss was way more important. Lucier wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me closer.

"They're dating Mammon. Of course they're going to kiss each other. Okay you two! Get a room." Satan said in an annoyed voice. Lucifer broke the kiss, and lead me back to his room.

Lucifer pulled me into another hug, and whispered a "thank you" into my ear, making me shiver a little bit. He let go of me, and kneeled down and reached under his bed.

"I got something for you too. It's nothing too special, but I hope you like it." Lucifer pulled out a small wrapped box. I unwrapped it, and it revealed some kind of jewelry box. I slowly opened it, and it revealed a beautiful necklace with a blood red stone in the middle.

"Lucy...I love it. Thank you." He gently took the case from my hand, and asked if he could put it on me. Which of course I said yes.

So I turned around, and I felt his hands brush my hair to the side. He lowered the necklace in front of my face, and lightly pulled it back. Then he connected the two ends together. I turned around and kissed him.

"I love you, Lucifer."

"Why must this happen on-! Achoo!" I sneezed and covered my body a little better under my blanket. I had unfortunately gotten sick. On Christmas.

Me and Mammon went outside yesterday and had a snowball fight. But I ended up getting sick today. Which really sucked. I could hardly move since my body was aching a little bit.

Just then, my door was swung open, and Mammon hurried over to my bed with a large smile on his face. He grabbed my arm, and tried to get me stand up.

"Come on! It's Christmas! Ya can be sleeping in all day." He managed to pull me out of the bed, but I immediately sank to the floor and started coughing. Mammon raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm *cough cough* sick..." I started shivering involuntarily because I was exposed to the cold air. Mammon immediately picked me up, and placed me back into bed. He even tucked me in the blanket.

"Why didn't ya say anything?! Do ya have a fever? You're still probably cold, aren't ya? Maybe Belphie has a warmer blanket or somethin'..." Mammon started rambling on, and I smiled underneath the blanket. It was cute seeing his caring side like this.

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