
Fairytale imagine!

Once upon a time, there was a world made up of three kingdoms that were inhabited by different species. Devildom, where the demons lived in never-ending darkness. Celestia, where the angels basked in the light. And finally, Caspian, where the humans lived in between.

The three kingdoms co-existed with each other, but they didn't have much connection with each other. They didn't interact with each other at all, and they didn't seem to want to either. This bothered someone: the current leader of Devildom, Prince Diavolo.

He wished that the three kingdoms would come together and have a better relationship with each other. So he devised a plan to do just that. He would invite the prince from Celestia, and the princess from Caspian to come to Devildom.

Since the prince and princess would be the future rulers of their designated kingdoms, Diavolo hoped that the three of them could create a bright future for the three kingdoms. So he gathered up his council of seven, and they began planning.

After a few months, they had formed a plan. Diavolo had sent letters to the kings of Celestia and Caspian, trying to convince them to let their children come to Devildom for a year's time. He wrote that it could be beneficial in the future that all three kingdoms on even better terms with each other.

To Diavolo's relief, they both agreed to have their children go to Devildom. However, there was a condition for both of them. The king of Celestia, King Michael, said that Prince Simeon's little brother, Luke, wanted to go as well. He had tried to best to convince Luke otherwise, but he was very stubborn.

The king of Caspian, King F/N, wanted princess Y/N's personal knight and childhood friend, Solomon, to accompany her. He was not only a knight, but a skilled sorcerer who was very capable of protecting her with his sword and magic. Diavolo agreed to both of the conditions, and plans for transportation began shortly after.

A few more months later, prince Simeon, his younger brother Luke, princess Y/N, and her knight Solomon arrived in Devildom. They were going to be greeted by Diavolo, his faithful butler, Barbatos, and his council of seven.

Y/N was a little surprised to find that she was the only female attending. Even though her father had mentioned it, she was still a little nervous. Solomon took immediate notice of her nerves, and gave her a reassuring smile. She took a deep breath, and stepped out of her carriage. She looked up to see that the moon was high in the sky, even though it was daytime.

"Welcome to Devildom, princess Y/N and knight Solomon. It is a pleasure to meet you!" Diavolo had a childish smile on his face, which made Y/N relax a little more.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lord Diavolo." She bowed down in a curtsey, and Solomon simply nodded. Y/N looked up and noticed eight men standing behind Diavolo.

"Please, call me Diavolo. I'm not a big fan of formalities. Let me introduce you to everyone." Diavolo proceeded to introduce her to Barbatos, and his council of seven.

It turns out that the council members were all brothers. Their names were Lucfier, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor.

Not too long after, prince Simeon and prince Luke exited their carriage, and approached the group. Luke was following closely behind his older brother, almost like a lost puppy following its owner.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you. I would also like to thank you for letting Luke come along as well." Simeon said. Luke peeked his head out, but quickly hid it again behind Simeon.

They would all be staying in Diavolo's castle, and could spend their days however they wanted. At first, each race did their own thing, and hardly interacted with each other despite Diavolo's attempts. Until one week later, when everyone was eating dinner.


The heavy silence hanging over our heads was making me more and more uncomfortable. The only thing I could hear was Beelzebub eating, who apparently was a massive glutton.

I stood up, and everyone's eyes fell on me. I could see the confusion and surprise on all of their faces. Even Solomon seemed surprised. He stood up and whispered in my ear.

"My lady, what are-?"

"What needs to be done." He nodded, and sat down. I took a deep breath, and looked at everyone in the room. After a few moments, I started speaking.

"This needs to stop."

"May I ask what you mean, princess?" Lucifer asked. He was the most uptight and intimidating person I had ever met, but that wasn't enough to scare me.

"That right there. Listen, Diavolo invited us here for a reason, right? And what is that reason?" I looked around to see if anyone would answer me. I looked to Simeon, who seemed to have caught on to what I was trying to say.

"For our three kingdoms to have better connections with each other."

"Correct. But what have we been doing this past week to accomplish that goal? Nothing. The only thing we know about each other is our race, names, and where our statuses are.

But if we want to change our future, we need to be willing to change! And that change starts tonight! We are no longer royals, knights, butlers, or council members! We are just regular people!" Everyone was in shock. I could tell they were still processing what I had just said. Diavolo started laughing, which caught everyone's attention.

"Wonderful! I'm glad you were the first person to speak up about this. You're right. In order to pave our future, we need to start now."

3rd POV

It was a rough start, and everyone had to get used to acting friendly with each other. But they were slowly opening up to each other, no longer calling each other by honorifics. As the months went by, they began spending more and more time with each other, creating bonds that couldn't be broken by anyone.

Even Luke got closer with everyone, but he wouldn't admit it. Bartbatos too, even though he didn't do anything that much different since his loyalty ran extremely deep.

They all went shopping together, talked more at dinner, exchanged cultures and ideas, and they became less tense with each other. It was to the point that Y/N could go out shopping with someone without Solomon getting too overprotective of her. Of course, he made sure someone was always with her if she wanted to go shopping.

At some point, Y/N began to have romantic feelings for someone in particular. She grew to love them with all of her heart, and wanted to tell him soon, but she didn't know how to.

She was nervous that her father wouldn't approve of a relationship with someone from another kingdom, but she couldn't deny her feelings either. She was also worried that he wouldn't love her the way she loved him.

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