
Duet (Simeon x Nebula angel reader)


"A what now?" Mammon asked Diavolo. He wanted all of us to gather in the student council room to discuss an idea that he had come up with. And that idea was a singing competition.

"They have them at human world schools. You sign up, and you compete against other students with your singing! At the end, the judges choose a winner. Doesn't it sound fun?" Diavolo's eyes were sparkling with a childlike glint, causing me to chuckle softly.

"Who will be judging?" I asked. Diavolo smiled as he gestured towards the demon brothers. They all looked at him in surprise.

"No way in hell! I ain't doing that." Mammon crossed his arms over his chest, and looked away. Unfortunately, Lucifer was in the direction he was looking at. He glared at him, causing Mammon to flinch.

"Oooh! That's sounds like so much fun~! When is it being held?" Asmo asked. Diavolo explained what the plan was for the competition.

He would hang posters up all over the school for a week, and anyone could sign up if they wanted to. He would have a competition for solo singers, and one for duets. Anyone could also use magic and/or powers to add more their performance. After the meeting, we all started to walk back to our houses.

"Y/N." Simeon tapped on my shoulder, and I turned around to face him. He had a certain look on his face that I was all too familiar with.

"What do you want to ask me?" Simeon seemed a little surprised, but he quickly hid it as he smiled at me with his usual bright smile. He glanced around, making sure we were alone before he spoke.

"Do you want to sing a duet with me? For the competition." My cheeks felt a little warm. He wanted to sing a song? With me? I wasn't sure what to say at first, but I spoke without really realizing it.

"Of course I will." Simeon's smile got even wider and he took my hand with his hands, and helt it gently in place. My cheeks got even warmer.

"Thank you. We can discuss what to sing when we get back to Purgatory Hall." He started walking away, but he didn't let go of my hand. I couldn't help but notice how warm it felt.

I looked at our hands, and I lightly squeezed Simeon's. He looked down, and noticed that our hands were still linked together. He had a slightly embarrassed smile on his face as he tried to move his hand away, but I squeezed it tighter.

"C-Can...we keep holding hands?" Once again, he seemed surprised, but he nodded at me. I caught up and stood next to him we walked back to Purgatory Hall.

When we arrived back, we sat down in Simeon's room on his bed. I was looking through different songs on DevilTube to find a song that we could sing together. I sighed as I tossed my phone on the bed.

"Don't worry, Y/N. I'm sure we can find a song." Simeon picked up my phone, and started playing different songs. None of them seemed right. That was until I heard a familiar song, and sat up immediately

"That's it! Simeon, can we sing that one?" Simeon silently listened to the song, and he turned to me after the song finished.

"I don't see a problem with that. I do want to do something special for the performance. If that's fine with you."

"Of course! That song actually gives me a good idea." Simeon had a confused look in his eyes, and I just chuckled. I stood up, and changed into my angel form.

Beautifully colored wings sprouted from my back, but the feathers weren't soft and fluffy like normal angel wings: they were made of highly condensed stardust. They let off a faint glow, making the wings almost look like they were made of glass. It was like there was an entire galaxy inside of them.

"I forgot that you're a nebula angel..." Simeon was awestruck by my wings. I glanced at the ground, trying my best to hide the reddening blush on my face. I didn't blame him for forgetting.

You see, nebula angels are a kind of angel that can create stars, light, and comets, and send them down to earth every so often. However, they've always been low in numbers, with only a few born each century or so.

"I-I was thinking we could fly around the room, and I could make it look like there's falling stars. Or something like that." My voice was softer. I was still kind of embarrassed since I usually don't show off my angel form to anyone.

"Would you be able to do all of that? I don't want you to collapse during the performance." Simeon walked up to me, and squeezed my hand. I could tell that he was extremely worried.

"I'll be fine. The only problem is that I won't be able to practice using my power too much. So it's a gamble of whether or not I can sustain that power for a few minutes during the performance." Using the power of space itself uses a lot of energy, and since I don't use it too often, so I wasn't used to doing too much with said powers.

"If you're willing to do it, then I have no reason to stop you. But please don't wear yourself out. I care about you too much." Simeon brought me in for a hug, and I hugged him back.

"Simeon?! Why do I feel a weird power in there?" Luke's voice echoed through the door. I changed back into my regular form, and Simeon opened the door.

"It was nothing. Y/N was just talking to me about something." Simeon glanced back at me, and gave me a reassuring smile. Luke huffed as he left the room, clearly jealous that he didn't know what we were talking about.

"Thank you. Let's start practicing our singing tomorrow. We only have a week."

From then on, we would meet each other after school in the middle of the forest. Luckily for us, no one caught us singing or flying. We also did some training with flying around together in the air. It was a little tricky since we weren't standing on anything, but we made it work somehow.

Finally, the day of the competition arrived. Me and Simeon were waiting backstage, and I was trying my best not to show my nerves. Unfortunately, Simeon caught on pretty quickly.

"It's going to be alright." He squeezed my hand, and I felt my nerves go away. I smiled up at him. He held my hand the entire time we waited for our names to be called.

"Next up is Y/N L/N and Simeon!" Diavolo's voice rang out. We both stood up, and slowly walked on stage. The lights were turned off, and I could hear people murmuring amongst each other.

3rd POV

A spotlight turned on, and it was on Simeon. He starting singing, and everyone had their eyes on him. Y/N was smiling as she looked at him. She loved his voice.

The spotlight then switched to Y/N. Everyone's eyes went over to her as she sung her part. Her voice was softer, but audible. She was tense at first, but then she became more comfortable with singing.

Suddenly, the lights turned off completely, but the two of them continued singing. A bright light appeared out of nowhere, and illuminated the entire room. Y/N and Simeon had changed into their angel forms. People were staring at the girl. Her wings were letting off a soft glow, and didn't look normal.

Y/N held her hand upwards as a ball of light flew into the air, and exploded into small stars showering down on the two of them. The two of them flew above the stage, and moving around in the falling stars. They also starting spinning around as if they were waltzing in the air.

The two of them looked each other in the eyes, and felt extremely happy as they danced together. It felt like there were the only two people in the entire universe.

Y/N once again held her hand up, but this time she created a small star to keep the stage illuminated. It made the stardust particles in the air sparkle and shimmer.

Everyone was captivated by the lights, and how gracefully the two of them were dacing together. As the song got softer, they slowly lowered themselves back onto the stage.


It was quiet at first, but the room suddenly roared with applause. Me and Simeon changed back to our regular forms. My legs felt extremely weak, but I did my best to keep myself standing. I felt really drained of my energy.

The other groups who participated in the contest were called back on stage. It was silent as Diavolo conversed quietly with the demon brothers, who were basically forced to be judges.

"I have the winners of the duet competition! The winner is..." Diavolo went silent to add onto the rising tension in the room. I squeezed Simeon's hand again.

"Y/N and Simeon!" As soon as he said that, my legs gave out beneath me. Simeon quickly kneeled down and had a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine..." I leaned against him as the crowd cheered for us. Simeon helped me stand up as we received our award, which was a small trophy. After that, Simeon lead me outside for some fresh air.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah. Just tired. I'm probably going to fall asleep as soon as we get back. Assuming I get there in one piece." I joked. He suddenly raised his hand to my cheek.

"You know, I've been meaning to tell you something. But I never found the right opportunity to do so, until now. So Y/N, I love you." My cheeks felt warm again.

"I-I....love you too." We leaned in, and kissed each other on the lips. It felt like sparks were flying around us as we kissed.

"Shall we go back now? You need your rest." I nodded as he helped me stand up again. We walked back to Purgatory Hall hand-in-hand.

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