
Broken leg (Lucifer x reader)



"Y/N! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" I heard Lucifer call from downstairs. I nearly tripped over my own foot as I ran to my bedroom door.

"I'll be down in a sec!" I did my best to put on my uniform as fast as humanly possible. The last thing I needed was for Lucifer to get even more angry at me.

My alarm didn't go off this morning, which is why Lucifer was rushing me like this. What sucked even more is that I missed breakfast...

I put on my shoes, grabbed my school stuff, and booked it out of my room. My loud footsteps could probably be heard throughout the entire manor, but that was the least of my worries.

"I'm coming! Sorry that I-!" I didn't notice that the staircase was in fromt of me, and I started to fall forwards. Everything seemed to go in slow motion.

I saw the shocked look of the brothers as I started to fall down the stairs. The next thing I knew there were papers and books all over the floor. At first, it was silent. But then my leg started throbbing with immense pain, and I let out a scream.

I was sitting in my bed with a cast on my leg. I had broken it when I fell down the stairs. Surprisingly, demons have healing casts and bandages just in case they get serious injuries during their annual checkups, but I have to put on a new cast daily.

Luckily for me, I only have to wear a cast for two days until my leg is healed. Normally, I would have to wait 6 to 8 weeks for it to heal.

What's even more lucky is that I don't have to worry about school because today was Friday. It would've been harder to get around the school with someone helping me all day long.

I was supplied with crutches, but they're really annoying to use. Especially if you don't have much upper body strength like myself.

There was something that surprised me though. Lucifer decided to stay at the manor with me. I originally tried to get all of the brothers to go to school, but they didn't want to leave me all alone.

So we came to an agreement that someone would stay at the manor with me, and Lucifer was the first one to volunteer. Since he's, well, Lucifer, no one objected.

However, he hasn't said anything to me the entire time. The air around us felt awkward, and I wanted to say something. But before I could, Lucifer spoke.

"I want to apologize." My eyes widened. What in the three realms did he have to apologize for? It wasn't his fault that I fell.

"Lucy, you didn't do-"

"I was rushing you, and you ended up breaking your leg because of it." Lucifer glanced away. I reached for his hand, and lightly squeezed it.

"Lucifer, it wasn't your fault at all! I should've double checked my alarm this morning. I also should've been paying attention to where I was going." I chuckled to lighten the mood a little. He looked back at me, and the look in his ruby eyes told me that he felt a little less guilty.

I knew that no matter what I said he would still feel guilty about this. His pride wouldn't allow him to feel no guilt at all, but I could at least take some of it off of his shoulders.

"I will be assisting you for the entire weekend. If you ever need me, just text me."

"Thank you. But I don't want to take up much of your time. You the student council president after all."

"You don't need to worry about that. It's the least I could do. Besides, spending time with you is a very good use of my time." Lucifer ran his thumb across the back of my hand, and I smiled up at him.

"We're back~!" I heard Asmo call from downstairs. They had texted us earlier to tell us that they would be home later than usual.

"Are you feeling better, Y/N?" Satan asked as the brothers entered the room. I nodded and gave them a thumbs up.

"Yeah I'm good. What's in the bags?" I asked as I pointed to the bags Mammon was holding in his hands.

"We got you some snacks. Beel even restrained himself so they all got to you." Belphie explained as Beel nodded.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything! Thank you." Mammon placed the bags next to me, and I looked through them.

There were all different kinds of snacks inside. Bags of chips, candy, cookies, and other delicious looking treats. I noticed a box of cookies and cream Pocky near the bottom.

We all talked for a while before everyone left the room, leaving me and Lucifer alone. He went over to the pile of things the doctor had given me, and grabbed the cast materials.

"Let me change the cast for you. The magical power in this one will be gone soon." Lucifer carefully removed the cast on my leg, and my body involuntarily tensed up.


"Do not worry. It won't hurt." Lucifer managed to wrap my leg up with a new cast that he made with the materials. I sighed as the tension left my body.

He had propped my leg against I pillow to keep it elevated. To my surprise, it didn't hurt one little bit.

"You're pretty good at this."

"My brothers used to get hurt when they were younger, mostly Mammon, so I had to tend to their wounds." He said nonchalantly. I smirked. I decided to tease him a little.

"So you care about your brothers. You're such a caring big brother, Lucy." Lucifer leaned in, and he also smirked. I felt slightly nervous with him so close to my face.

"I guess this means you don't want dinner then. I guess I can give your portion to Beel."

"I take it back! Please don't take away my food." I begged. Lucifer chuckled as he walked towards my bedroom door.

"I'll be back in a moment." He said as he left. I waited a few seconds before reaching for my snack bags.

I opened the box of Pocky, and quickly slid one into my mouth. It didn't take long for me to eat the whole thing, and I ate another one. I heard footsteps approaching, so I quickly hid the box back in the bag.

"We ordered Ristorante Six, so you're in for quite the meal." Lucifer was holding two plates. He set one of them on the table in my room, and he brought the other one to me.

"Thanks." I reached out for the plate, but Lucifer pulled it away from me. He picked up the fork on the plate, and cut off a piece of a steak on it.

"As I told you, I will be assisting you this weekend. So I will be feeding you." My face turned red as I glanced away from him.

"B-But....I have a broken leg, not a broke ar-"

"If you have time to talk, you have time to eat. Here." He moved the fork towards my mouth, and I nervously opened it. He slid the fork inside, and I took the piece of steak.

I was too nervous and shocked to stop Lucifer from feeding me. A part of me wanted him to do this, so I didn't really mind it. Once I had eaten the whole plate, Lucifer sat down at my table to est his food.

I looked to my snack bag, and did my best to quietly take out the Pocky box. Unfortunately, Lucifer heard the shuffling of the bag.

"Already eating snacks?"

"S-So what?! Pocky are good! They're delicious, you can take them almost anywhere, and people can play the Pocky game-" My eyes widened as my face turned even redder. Why did I have to mention the last one?

"I will take these downstairs." Lucifer seemed to ignore what I said, and stood up. I covered my head with my blanket.

3rd POV

"Levi, can I ask you a question?" Lucifer said as he began cleaning the plates he had. Levi raised an eyebrow.


"Have you ever heard of the Pocky game?" Levi immediately perked up after hearing that.

"Of course! People who haven't heard of it are normies!" Lucifer ignored the fact he was basically called a normie by Levi.

"How do you play it?"

"So basically you..."


I peeked my head out of the blanket, and quickly grabbed the Pocky again. I stuck one in my mouth, and slowly ate it. The Pocky game kept coming to mind, and I shook my head to get rid of the embarrassing thoughts.

I heard footsteps again, and in an instant the blanket was lifted off of my head. Lucifer was looking down at me, and I noticed his attention went to the Pocky.

He took one out of the box, and placed the plain end in my mouth. He put the cookie and cream end in his own mouth. Time seemed to stop completely as he took a small bite.

I subconsciously took a bite of my end as well. Lucifer moved in closer, and took another slow bite. I sat up carefully and took a bite as well.

Our lips were slowly getting closer to each other, and we stared into each other's eyes. Lucifer placed his hand on my cheek as he took the last bite, and our lips pressed together.

My heart was beating like crazy as his arm slid down to my waist. We took a breath to swallow the Pocky, but as soon as I did so, Lucifer kissed me again.

I leaned into his kiss as our tongues mingled with each other in sweet passion. I was slightly gasping for air each kiss, and Lucifer kept stealing it from me.

"L-Lucy..." He stopped as I started panting a little to get more air into me. He smiled as he held my hand again.

"Would you like to play again?"

"........I get the good end this time."

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