
His little princess (Diavolo x shy reader)


I stood in a corner as my eyes scanned the crowds of students leaving the school, looking to see if I could find my boyfriend in all the chaos.

I decided to text him to see where he was. But before I could, I noticed a certain butler looking around. We locked eyes, and he walked over to me.

"Good afternoon, Y/N. Lord Diavolo has instructed me to find you. But it seems that you went looking for him too."

"Y-Yeah....there's so many people..." My anxiety was started acting up, which is why I was hiding behind a corner. Barbatos nodded as he opened a portal behind us.

"Ladies first." I nodded as I quickly walked into the portal, and Barbatos walked in after me. We were surrounded by a white light.

The next thing I saw was the in the foyer of the castle, and Diavolo was there waiting for us. All of my stress melted away immediately.

"Good job, Barbatos. Where was she?" Diavolo asked as I hurried over to him, and clung to his body. He happily returned the favor by hugged me back.

He was the only person who could make all of my anxiety go away, and he says that I always brighten his day with my adorable smile. I guess that's why we became so close in a short period of time, and even started dating.

"She was near your office, Lord Diavolo. It appears that she was looking for you as well." I felt Diavolo's chest vibrate as he laughed again. He plopped his hand on my head, and I looked up at him.

"I see. Well, I'm glad you found her. Do Lucifer and the others know you're here?"

"Uh...." My D.D.D started ringing, and I quickly took it out and answered it. The first thing I heard was Lucifer's voice.

"Y/N....where are you?" I almost dropped the phone out of nervousness. Lucifer didn't sound too happy.

"A-At......the c-castle...." I glanced at the ground, waiting for Lucifer to begin his lecture about how I should have told him earlier that I was coming to the castle.

"I'm glad you arrived safely. Try to be back right after dinner. Walking at night is a foolish idea." I heard him sigh. It made me relax knowing that I wouldn't get a lecture...at least not now.

"O-Okay...." I hung up the phone, and Diavolo quickly took my hand. He started walking me towards his room.

We usually just chatted and cuddled when we were together, so my heart was already beating faster. Diavolo's golden eyes were shimmering with a childlike glee.

"S-See you later, Barbatos." I waved to him as we turned the corner. So we walked down the long hallway, holding each other's hands. It was a typical couple thing, but it really made me happy.

We finally made it to Diavolo's room. He opened the door, and I smiled as he lead me over to his giant, fluffy bed. We sat down together, and Diavolo wrapped an arm around my waist.

He pulled me closer to him, and my face reddened. I was still getting used to how forward he was when it came to me. But I knew he meant well.

"Are you feeling better?" Diavolo asked. He could always tell when I was stressed or anxious. I nodded as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah...just a little worn out. I'll be fine." I sighed. Being around so many people drains all of my energy, and it was refreshing to be alone with my boyfriend.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. Can you show me that adorable smile of yours?" He asked innocently. I blushed and glanced away from him. I suddenly felt a strange sensation on my sides.

"Pffft-!" Diavolo began to tickle my sides, and I was trying my best not to laugh. However, that didn't last too long.

"Hahahahaha! N-No! T-That's not f-fair-!" I couldn't stop myself from laughing like crazy. I'm ticklish, so this was a horrible disadvantage.

"There's the smile." Diavolo stopped tickling me, and I started gasping for air. I glanced at him before I jumped on top of him.

"Take this!" I started tickling his sides, but he just smiled. He didn't even flinch or do anything. I decided to try another spot.

I tried tickling his neck, and his leg twitched. I smirked as I began tickling his neck, and it was his turn to start laughing.

"Hahaha! I g-guess you've found my weakness!" Diavolo attempted to tickle me again, but I managed to avoid his arms.

"Lord Diavolo, dinner will be rea-" The door opened, and Barbatos was standing there. The both of us froze, and Diavolo smiled at his butler.

"All right. We'll eat in a few minutes." He said nonchalantly. Barbatos bowed politely as he closed the door as he left the room. Then I realized that I was still on top of Diavolo.

"U-Uh...." My face probably turned beet red as I hid my face in his chest, trying to avoid his gaze. Diavolo started stroking my head.

"That was fun! We should have another tickle war soon."

"I don't think I could survive that..." I admitted. I could be easily overpowered by him. He the demon prince after all.

"Don't worry, My Little Princess. I'll go easy on you next time." I looked up at him. That was the nickname he had given to me around the time we first started dating.

"W-We should go eat now."

"Then let's go, princess."

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