
Burning passion (Barbatos x servant reader)


As I was dusting one of the various rooms in Lord Diavolo's castle, I noticed someone passing by the doorway.

It was Barbatos. Lord Diavolo's right hand man. A walking perfection. He's always so curt and kind to others, and he's never rude to anyone.

"Y/N? Are you finished?"

"Not ye-" I turned in the direction of the voice, and nearly screamed when I saw that Barbatos had walked into the room.

"In sorry for startling you, Y/N." He seemed slightly worried, but I just sighed, and removed the hand from my chest that I had instinctively raised.

"It's fine, Barbatos. I should be done after I finish the rest of the rooms in this hallway." I raised the hand that was holding the duster, and began working again.

"Allow me to assist you in your cleaning. It would be faster if the two of us worked together." He grabbed the second duster that was nearby. I always brought two with me just in case he wanted to assist me, which happens all the time.

"Thank you." I simply said as we began dusting together. I noticed how much faster he was at it. He even double-checked the places I had already dusted.

We continued to dust the rest of the rooms until there was only one room left to clean. I softly sighed as we began dusting again. I subconsciously kept glancing at Barbatos, who was completely focused on the task at hand.

Barbatos glanced at me, and I quickly looked away from him, feeling embarrassed that he had caught me looking at him. I thought I saw a hint of a smile before I turned my head away.

"Y/N? Barbatos?" I heard Lord Diavolo's voice from down the hall, and I quickly put down the duster to go see what he wanted. Barbatos did the same.

"Yes, My Lord?" Me and the Barbatos said at the same time. Diavolo chuckled before he began talking.

"Lucifer will be coming over later, and I would like you to prepare some food for lunch."

"We'll have it done by lunch, My Lord. Is there anything else you need?"

"That will be all. You two should take a little break after you make lunch. You deserve it for cleaning those rooms today." Diavolo walked away, and Barbatos looked at me with a small smile on his face.

"Shall we make lunch, Y/N?" He started walking away as he said that, and I hurried to catch up with him.

As I got closer to him, I tripped over my own foot. I closed my eyes as my body fell forwards, waiting to hit the hard ground.

But the ground never came. I opened my eyes to see that I wasn't even close to the ground. I also saw Barbatos' green eyes looking at me with concern. I was frozen in place as we just stared at each other for a few moments.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" Barbatos said as he helped me stand up straight. I nodded silently as we continued walking towards the kitchen.

We arrived in the kitchen, and Barbatos already seemed to have an idea on what to make for lunch. He walked over to the large pantry and pulled out some kind of noodles.

"This should serve as a nice lunch. Could you please put some water in this?" I nodded as I took the pot, and filled it partway with water.

"What next?"

"I need to look around for the right spices. So please keep an eye on the water for me." He walked to another part of the kitchen, and I turned on the stove.

The water started to boil somewhat quickly, and I started getting lost in my thoughts.

"Y/N?" Barbatos brought me back to reality, and I jumped at the sound of his voice. My hand landed on the pot, and I immediately retracted it after feeling the hot metal against my skin.

"Ahh!" I looked at my hand, which was now slightly burned. Not enough to leave any permanent damage though.

"I apologize for startling you again, Y/N. Here, let me look at it." Barbatos held out his hand, and I shakily placed my own hand on his.

"D-Don't touch it." I whimpered.

"I won't. Come with me so I can put some bandages on your hand." He grabbed my other hand, and pulled me into the nearest bathroom.

Barbatos turned on the sink, and carefully put my hand under the water. He gently swished the water around my hand, making the pain a little more bearable.

Then he opened one of the drawers, and found some bandages. Barbatos carefully and skillfully wrapped my hand up without putting too much pressure on the burn.

"Thank you..."

"It was no problem. Here, this might heal it faster." He brought my hand up to his face, and he placed a gentle kiss on it.

"B-B-Barbatos?" My entire body tensed up. He lowered my hand. It felt warm and tingly.

"Do you wish for me to kiss you again?" This time, he leaned in close to my face, and kissed me on the lips. I gasped slightly at his sudden action.

After what seemed to be forever, he moved his head away from me. Barbatos smiled as he started walking away.

"We should continue preparing Lord Diavolo's lunch." He said over his shoulder.

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