
Confession (Levi x reader)


3rd POV

Levi fidgeted as he saw Y/N walking to her next class. He's had a crush on the human for a couple months now, and today, he was finally going to confess his love for her.

However, due to his shut-in tendencies, Levi was still a little hesitant about asking Y/N out. Even so, he began walking towards her.

"Oh. Hello Y/N." Satan walked up next the human, and greeted her. She smiled at him as they began talking to each other.

Levi felt angered that Satan had started talking to Y/N as he was about to confess his feelings to her. He decided he would try again during lunch.

"Hey Levi, can I sit with you?" Levi's heart skipped a beat as Y/N walked over to his lunch table. He nodded as the girl sat down across from him.

"W-Why did you want to sit with a shut-in like me?" Levi asked nervously. Y/N smiled as she answered the question.

"Because you're fun to be with. We both like anime and manga, and it's nice having someone to talk to about those things. And you're always there for me when I need to talk about other stuff." She explained. Levi slightly blushed at the girl's complements.


As we were talking about the most recent animes we've watched, I noticed that Levi was acting odd. He seemed more nervous than usual for some reason.

"Are you feeling okay? You seem out of it." I asked. Levi flinched a little, but then he took a deep breath.

"U-Um...I need to tell you something. Don't laugh at me!"

"I promise not to laugh." Levi took another deep breath, and his cheeks were reddened.


"Y/N~" Asmo walked over to us, and he sat down next to me. Levi's expression was mixed with annoyance and disappointment. Asmo didn't seem to notice it.

"Hey Asmo. Can we talk later? Levi was-"

"Never mind. I'll tell you later." Levi stood up, and stormed out of the lunchroom. Asmo just chuckled, leaving me confused and worried about Levi.

"He may be my older brother, but he needs to be more open about his feelings." Asmo said, making me even more confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Oops~! I shouldn't be saying things like that out loud. Especially if the person in question is here." Asmo patted my head, and left the table.

I sighed. I decided to talk to Levi after school to find out what he wanted to tell me.

3rd POV

Levi hurried back to the manor after school, and shut himself in his room, still furious at his brothers for ruining his chances at confessing.

He began feeling less confident in himself. He thought that maybe he wasn't good enough to be with Y/N. Levi sighed and decided to watch some anime to distract himself.

Meanwhile, Y/N was still walking home from school, looking around to see if she could find Levi and walk home with him. Unfortunately, she didn't see him anywhere.

"Y/N? Why are you lookin' around like that?" Mammon walked up to the girl, who just sighed as she answered.

"I'm looking for Levi. Have you seen him?" Mammon raised an eyebrow at the human's question.

"You mean you didn't see him runnin' out of the school earlier? He seemed in a hurry. Maybe an anime or something." Mammon shrugged as he walked passed Y/N. The girl was confused.

How did she miss Levi coming out of the school? Y/N sighed as she began making her way to the House of Lamentation, hoping she could talk to Levi.

When she arrived at the manor, she didn't even bother changing as she made her way to Levi's room. The girl raised her hand up, and knocked on the door.

"Levi? Can I come inside?" It was silent, but then a soft "yeah" emitted from the room. Y/N opened the door, and closed it behind her.

She saw Levi curled up on the couch watching an anime she hasn't seen before. Which was odd since Levi usually didn't let people interrupt him when he's watching anime.

"Levi, can we talk?" The girl said quietly. He glanced down at the floor, but nodded silently.

"What did you want to tell me earlier?" Y/N asked in a serious tone. Levi sighed and started speaking.

"W-Well...we've known each other for a while...a-and you're the first person who immediately accepted me.

W-What I'm trying to say is.....even though you're a normie...I-I...." Levi's face became red as he tried to finish his sentence. Y/N reached for his hand, and grabbed it.

"You what?"

"I like you!" He yelled out. Levi covered his mouth, embarrassed at how loud he had said that. It was Y/N's turn for her face to become red. She had no idea that Levi liked her like this.


"Y-You don't have to return the feelings! I just wanted to-"

Y/N hugged the otaku. At first, Levi didn't know what was happening. Then he realized that he was being hugged by the girl he loved.

"I-I like you too..." She whispered. Levi started to squirm a little, so Y/N let him go. She looked away bashfully.

"S-Sorry....I got excited."

"Whatever. J-Just so you know, even though you're my girlfriend now, it doesn't mean you'll get special treatment.....or anything." Levi's face turned a brighter shade of red. He didn't mean what he said, and he knew Y/N knew that as well.

"Can I at least watch anime with you?"

"Of course! This is a reay good show! I'll restart it so you can understand what's happening!" Levi grabbed the remote, and restarted the anime.

Next chapter