
Nap (Simeon x reader)


"I can't take it anymore..." I covered my ears. Mammon and Asmo were still arguing, and it was driving me insane.

Last night Mammon tried to steal something of Asmo's to help pay for his monthly debt to the witches, but unfortunately he got caught. It caused a huge argument to break out, and it went on all night. So I got no sleep at all.

And apparently Mammon tried to steal something from Asmo again earlier today. Which means I'm not still not getting any sleep. Where was Lucifer during all of this? At Diavolo's castle.

He originally went there to finish some papers with Diavolo, but then he realized how much work Diavolo hadn't done yet, so he stayed there all night. He still hasn't come back yet.

"I need to pay my debt! Do ya want me to be cursed?!" Mammon's yelling could be heard through my door, and I clenched my fists.

"You deserve to be cursed after you tried to steal my perfume! It's nearly impossible to come by!" Asmo retorted in a voice just as loud as Mammon's. That was it. I stood up from my bed, grabbed my D.D.D, and stormed out of my room.

"I'm so fucking done with you two! Can't you shut the fuck up?! I haven't gotten any sleep because of this shit!" I yelled as I stomped down the hallway to the front door. I usually don't swear like this, but I'm angry and tired of all of the noise.

"Where are you goi-?"

"None of your damn business!" I snapped as I turned to look at Asmo, who had a look of shock on his face. I faced the front door, and opened it.

Then I proceeded to slam the door behind me as I left. It sounded like thunder as it shut, giving me a little satisfaction of hearing the loud sound. I took out my phone and sent a quick text to Simeon.

I shoved the D.D.D back into my pocket as I walked towards Purgatory Hall. It was the first place I could think of that would be quieter than the manor, and it was closer than the castle.

I arrived at Purgatory Hall, and I knocked on the door. Surprisingly, Solomon was the one to open the door.

"Y/N? I didn't know you were coming. Are you alright? You look pretty tired." He ushered me in, and I just let out a sigh. My tiredness was starting to effect me more than my anger.

"I don't feel like explaining it. Where's Simeon? I need to talk to him." Just then, I heard someone hurrying over to us. It was Luke. The sight before me reminded me of a dog rushing to the door when their owner gets home. I could practically see him wagging his tail, if he had one.

"Y/N! Simeon told me you were coming over. Did those demons do something to upset you?" I nodded wearily. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the kitchen.

"Later, Sol." I lazily waved to him as he just stood there in utter confusion. I don't blame him. Asmo would probably explain it to him at some point.

We walked into the kitchen, and I Simeon mixing some kind of batter. He looked up, and placed the mixer he was holding into the bowl.

"Did something happen, Y/N?" He lightly grabbed my shoulders, and I just wrapped my arms around him. This whole thing was stressing me out, and I needed a hug.

"Can we talk somewhere?" I whispered so Luke wouldn't hear. Simeon nodded, and softly grabbed my hand. He told Luke that we were going to step out for a while.

"But what about the cake?!" Luke barked out. Seeing him act like a chihuahua made me crack a small smile. He acted so cute sometimes that I couldn't help but smile.

"You should try and finish it yourself, Luke. It would be good practice for you. I'll try it later." Simeon lead me outside to the courtyard in the back. I'd never seen it before, so I was awestruck as I looked around.

There was a single bench next to some beautiful flowers. A fountain was a little ways away, but I could hear the pleasant sound of running water from where we were. We sat down on the bench, and I took a deep breath.

"Sorry for barging in on you guys." I apologized. Simeon shook his head softly, and gave me a sympathetic smile. It made my heart race a little bit.

"Don't worry about it, Y/N. What happened at the House of Lamentation? It must be serious since you look so exhausted." He asked. So I proceeded to explain what had happened between Asmo and Mammon. Simeon patiently waited until I finished explaining everything.

"I see...so that's why you look so tired. Perhaps you should try talking it out with them. I'm sure they'll stop arguing for you." I shrugged as I got into a more comfortable sitting position.

"I'm not sure. I wish Lucifer were there to solve this problem." Simeon chuckled as he looked up at the evening sky. As if he was reminiscing something.

"Lucy's always been a problem solver, even when he was an angel. I remember when he helped Michael with...." Simeon started talking about Lucifer's time as an angel. I started to feel more drowsy.

There was a calming aura all around me, and most of it was radiating from Simeon. Maybe it's because he's a literal angel. Whatever it was, it made my body relax more and more.

3rd POV

As Simeon was talking, he felt something bump into his shoulder. He looked to his right to see Y/N's head leaning against him. However, her head was starting to slowly slide down his shoulder.

Simeon carefully guided her head to his lap so she didn't wake up. After all, she needed to rest from being up all night. So he decided he would stay like this until she woke up.

Y/N's hair was starting to fall in her face, so Simeon brushed her H/C locks behind her ear. The girl didn't even twitch as he did so.

He took out his D.D.D, and told Luke that he was going to miss dinner, and tell Solomon as well. Luke got jealous, most likely of Simeon, but who knows?

Simeon took of his cape, and draped it over the human, who unconsciously shifted so her whole body was under it. He then began to stroke her head in a soothing way.


I opened my eyes to see that the world was now sideways. I noticed that there was something over my body that was keeping me warm.

I glanced up to see Simeon's blue eyes looking at me. My cheeks burned as I quickly sat up, causing the cloth that was over my body to fall. Only then did I realize that it was Simeon's cape, and that I fell asleep on his lap.

"U-Um! I didn't mean to fall asleep on your lap!" I started to get up, but he grabbed my hand. He simply smiled at me.

"You needed the rest. Besides, I didn't mind at all." His pure smile caused my cheeks to redden, and I glanced away and spoke softly.

"Y-You know....your lap is comfortable...."

"If you ever have another sleeping problem, I'll be here to be your pillow." Simeon said as he stood up. I quickly hugged him to hide my face. His body felt warm.

"I'd like that..."

"Hey! Is Y/N still sleeping?!" Luke called from the doorway. Me and Simeon laughed out loud as we started to walk back, hand in hand.

"Luke made a cake earlier, would you like to try some before leaving?"

"Of course!"

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