
Rescue (Lucifer x reader)


"I'll just leave a note..." I tore out a piece of paper from my notebook, and wrote a little note. Then I placed it on the table in the back of the room.

I nodded to myself, and silently opened my bedroom door. I peeked my head out to see if anyone was patrolling the hallway. Luckily for me, I didn't see anyone.

The reason why I was sneaking out was because that it's late at night. Lucifer isn't a big fan of me going out by myself, especially if it's this late. But I didn't care about that rule today.

I quietly made my way to the front door, and glanced behind me to check if anyone was following me, or coming my way. When I knew the coast was clear, I opened the large door, which let out a creaking noise.

I internally screamed as I slipped outside and closed the door, creating another creaking sound, as well as a thud when it closed. I started to dash away from the manor before anyone could see me from the windows.

As I got closer to the town, I saw lights illuminating the way, and went to take a picture of the beautiful sight with my D.D.D, but then I realized that I had forgotten it in my room.

Sighing, I continued to walk into town. I saw some demons doing some shopping, or talking with each other. It didn't look any different from human shopping. It made me smile.

I saw the store I was looking for, and hurried into the building. A gust of cold air was the first thing I felt. I rubbed my arms to try and get rid of the goosebumps that had appeared on them.

I noticed that there was no one in here besides me and the cashier, meaning that it's probably almost time for the store to close.

I looked up at the signs, and went into the isles that had what I was looking for. After I had gathered what I needed, I walked over to the register.

"What are you making something with that stuff?" The red-haired cashier asked me ad I handed him the grimm needed for my purchase. I found it slightly odd that he was asking me that, but I decided to answer him.

"I'm making a cake to help a...friend out." I glanced away, slightly embarrassed. The demon leaned over the counter a little bit.

"That's kind of you, I wish I could have a friend as caring as you." As he said that, I noticed an odd glint in his eyes. I could feel myself tense up as I reached for the bag.

When I placed my hand on it, the demon placed his own hand on top of mine. Instinctively, I tried to retract my hand, but the red-haired demon wouldn't let go.

"E-Excuse me....but I really need to go..." I spoke in a shaky voice. The demon squeezed my hand, making me flinch. He leaned in extremely close to my face.

"You know, you could always stay here after the shop closes. We can talk, get to know each other, or..." The demon placed his free hand on my cheek.

I slapped his hand away with my other hand, and I saw a fire start to rage in his eyes. The demon pulled me over the counter, and pinned me to the floor.

"So you wanna be like that, huh? Well, I don't mind. Feisty girls are attractive too."

3rd POV

Lucifer was walking to Y/N's room, sighing as he looked at his D.D.D. He had texted her a while ago to see if she could come to his room. However, the human never replied.

He opened the door, and was surprised to see that Y/N wasn't in her room. Lucifer called her phone, and heard a ringing sound from the back of the room.

He found her D.D.D on the back table, along with a hand-written note next to it. Lucifer picked it up and read it.

Lucifer sighed as he set down the note, and he left Y/N's room. He walked downstairs and left the House of Lamentation. He was mad that she had gone out at night even though he explicitly told her not to.

Lucifer shook his head slightly. He needed to focus on the task at hand, and that was finding Y/N. As he got closer to the grocery store, Lucifer noticed that no one was inside.

He decided to walk in anyway since it was the closest grocery store. The first thing he heard was a muffled "shh" coming from somewhere nearby. A demon with red hair appeared from what looked to be some kind of supply closet.

"Excuse me, but have you seen a girl with H/C hair, and E/C eyes?" Lucifer asked. The demon seemed to tense up at the question, which made Lucifer immediately suspicious.

"No sir. Why do you ask?" The demon's voice slightly quivered. A loud thud came from the closet. Lucifer began walking over to it.

"Sir, you're not allowed to-!" Lucifer opened the closet, and saw something that made his blood boil.

Y/N's arms were tied in between two shelves, as if she was some kind of prisoner. Her shirt and pants were a few feet away from her, and they torn apart. There were a few bruises on her stomach, neck, and legs as well.

A bag of things was laying on the ground as well. That had caused the loud noise.

"L-Lucifer.....?" The girl was shaking violently, and the Avatar of Pride quickly untied her. Y/N clung to Lucifer's shirt.

"Did he do anything more than this?" He asked. The girl shook her head, and looked at her clothes. Well, what used to be her clothes.

The redheaded demon started to slowly back away. Lucifer stood up, and punched the guy right in the stomach. He flew into the wall, and sank to the floor.

Lucifer took off his black cloak, and draped it over the girl. It went all the way down to her knees, almost like a dress.

"Come on, I need to treat your wounds. Did you purchase those?" Lucifer pointed to the fallen bag, and once again Y/N nodded. Lucifer picked up the bag, and then Y/N, who was still in a shocked state.

The entire walk home, Y/N didn't say a single word. She clung to Lucifer and continued to shake. Lucifer opened the door to the manor, and luckily for them, no one was by the door.

"You're staying in my room tonight. Leaving you alone in this state would be unwise." The girl nodded for the third time. Lucifer brought her to his room, and set her down on the bed.

"Let's see...you'll need ice for the bruises, and some bandages for your wrists." Lucifer left the room to get the supplies he needed. He also put away the things that Y/N had bought.

When he returned, Y/N was curled up under the blanket. Lucifer walked over to her, and wrapped some bandages around her wrists, and placed the ice pack he grabbed on her stomach.

"I used some magic on the ice pack, so it should last all night." Lucifer changed into less heavy clothing so he could go to bed. He then turned off the lights.

When he slipped under the blanket, Y/N clung to him again. Lucifer wrapped an arm around her, and brought her closer to him.

"I know this is going to sound like I'm scolding you, but why did you go out?"

"W-Wanted.....to make....you cake...so you....wouldn't be stressed." Y/N softly explained. Lucifer was taken by surprise. She did that for him?

"I'm very flattered by that. However, next time I want you to come tell me. I don't want a repeat of what happened tonight." Lucifer said in a serious tone.

"Okay....can we make the cake tomorrow?" Y/N asked in a sleepy voice. She was extremely worn out from what had just happened.

"Of course. Get some rest, Y/N. Goodnight."

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