
Comforting words (Depressed Mammon x reader)


I was walking around the manor with no particular destination in mind. Suddenly, I heard some yelling come from the foyer.

"Just what I'd expect from one of the seven biggest scumbags in Devildom!" I heard Asmo yell. I silently looked down, and saw all the brothers surrounding Mammon.

"I wasn't tryin' to steal nothin'! I was tryin' to stop his wallet from falling out!" Mammon yelled.

"Yeah...there's no way Mammon would ever be when there's a wallet right in front of him, ripe for the stealing." Levi said with a frown.

"I ain't lyin'!" Mammon yelled again. I noticed that Asmo was particularly more angry.

"You broke into my room last night, and tried to sell my cosmetics! You've done it before!" Asmo changed into his demon form, and started beating Mammon.

The others started to best up Mammon as well, and I saw tears running down his face.

"You scumbag! I was going to buy an audiobook, but when I checked my wallet, there was no money inside! I bet you stole that too!" Levi glared at Mammon.

"Let's take a vote. Who thinks Mammon is guilty?" Lucifer asked as he raised his hand. Everyone else raised their hands immediately.

"Wha-?" There was a look of betrayal in Mammon's eyes. My chest started to hurt.

"There you have it. Mammon's guilty." Lucifer said with certainty in his voice.

"Should we hold his execution on RAD grounds?" Satan asked. There was a smile on his face as he said that.

I saw tears brimming in Mammon's eyes, and I could feel tears starting to form in my own eyes.

My hands gripped on the wooden balcony looking over the foyer. I didn't know what to do. My mind was racing.

"Don't act like you're innocent! This is why no one likes you! You don't deserve kindness from anyone, and that includes Y/N!" Asmo says as he continues to hit Mammon. Tears ran down Mammon's face.

"That's it! I can't take havin' brothers like you anymore! I'm leavin', and I ain't coming back!" Mammon managed to push Asmo off of him, and started to storm out the door.

"Don't run away from your problems Mammon." Lucifer sighed as he grabbed ahold of Mammon's jacket.

However, the jacket came off, and revealed various cuts on Mammon's arms. He ran out of the house with even more tears trailing down his face.

I ran downstairs and the brothers were surprised to see me. Tears were running down my face as well.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Don't you see that you're hurting him! You don't even care that he's harming himself because of you!

He's never physically hurt anyone, and yet you did that without any remorse for him!" I snatched the coat from Lucifer. I put it on and headed to the door, but before I left, I turned around and glared at them.

"You claim he doesn't deserve kindness from me, or anyone. But what you've done is worse than any crime. Don't expect me to come back either." I slammed the door on my way out, and started sprinting.

"Mammon!" I called out, but I didn't see him anywhere. I ran towards the woods since it was the nearest place to search.

I was starting to give up hope, but then a little cabin came into view. My heart leaped as I dashed for it.

When I went inside, I saw Mammon in the corner, crying by himself. I slowly walked over to him, and the looked up at me.

"W-Why the hell are ya here?! Didja come here to call me a scumbag too?" He lashed out. My heart ached. I hated seeing him like this.

"I came here to comfort you. I heard the fight from upstairs." I slowly walked over to him, and I looked at his arms. They were somewhat new cuts since there were traces of dried blood on them.

"I don't deserve yer kindness!" He yelled out. I kneeled down, and wrapped my arms around him.

"Don't say that...it's not true. I know you didn't steal their things." He tried to push me away, but my grip only got tighter.

"Why do ya care anyways? Aren't I just a scumbag?" He said in a mocking tone. His voice got lower.

"No you're not. It's not your fault that you became the Avatar of Greed. You can't control that part of you.

But I know the Mammon deep down doesn't like stealing things. I know he's hurting. Why else would you be harming yourself?" He slowly raised his arms up, and wrapped them around me.

"Yer....too nice. Ya know that?" He chuckled softly. I smiled and continued to stroke his head for a while.

"I brought your jacket. It's pretty warm." I started to take it off, but he stopped me.

"K-Keep it for now. It...looks good on ya. But don't tell anyone I let ya wear it. Only special people get to wear it." He glanced away. I could tell he was feeling a little better.

"Thanks." He held me close to his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat. It was a little fast, and so was mine. I glanced back at him.

"What?" He asked. I blushed a little.

"If....if you ever feel like this again, please promise me you'll come talk to me. I don't want to see you hurting. I'll be there to comfort you, and be someone to talk to." I spoke softly.

"Ya really are too nice..." I turned around and faced him. I cupped his cheek with my hand.

"I'm just being me. So please, promise me you'll come to me." I looked directly into his blue eyes, and they wavered. He started to lean in, and I leaned in as well.

"Mammon?! Y/N?!" I heard Asmo's voice call out, and I immediately moved away from Mammon.

The brothers walked into the cabin, and looked relieved to see us. I felt Mammon tense up behind me.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked. Mammon's hand grasped mine, and I squeezed it.

"Thanks goodness you two are alright." Satan sighed. Asmo walked towards us, and I braced myself for whatever was about the happen.

"I'm sorry that I beat you up, and I didn't mean what I said." He apologized.

"I'm sorry for accusing you of stealing my money, or whatever." Levi glanced away, his cheeks slightly red.

"I.....apologize as well." Lucifer said in a low voice. That surprised me. I never thought I'd see the day when Lucifer would apologize to Mammon.

"I-I guess I can forgive ya..." Mammon stood up, and helped me stand up.

"Let's celebrate by going out to eat." Beel said. I rolled my eyes. Of course Beel would suggest that.

"I'll take care of the bill..." Lucifer sighed. I looked back at Mammon, and smiled.

"Shall we go?"

"As long as you sit next to me..." He blushed a little.

"I wouldn't want to sit anywhere else."

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