
You belong to me alone (Yandere Lucifer x reader)


"Good morning Lucifer!" I said cheerfully as I went downstairs. He looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning Y/N. Did you sleep well?"

"Yep! Do you know who made breakfast today?" I asked as we walked to the dining room together.

"Today was my day to make breakfast." Lucifer said. I beamed.

"I bet it's going to be delicious then." Me and Lucifer walked into the dining room.

"Y/N~!" Asmo ran over and glomped me. I laughed as I hugged him.  I don't understand why he does this.

"Good morning Asmo!"

"Would you please refrain from causing so much noise so early in the morning?" Lucifer separated us, and pulled me away from Asmo.

"Why are ya being so grumpy today?" Mammon asked as he took a bite of his breakfast. Lucifer ignored the question, and sat down.

I took the seat next to his, and he immediately seemed more relaxed than he was a second ago.

"Thanks for making breakfast Lucifer." I then took a bite of food. My eyes widened.

"Is it not to your liking?" Lucifer asked with a hint of worry in his voice. I shook my head.

"It's not that, it's just really good!" I quickly reassured him. He smiled.

"I'm glad you like it." He smirked. I'm so lucky to get home cooked breakfasts like this.

Once we finished breakfast, we all started walking to school. Lucifer stayed by my side, which made me happy.

3rd POV

Lucifer looked at the girl next to him, and couldn't help but smile. He enjoyed her company, and she always brightened his day.

There was something about her that made him feel strange. He wanted Y/N to be his, and his alone.

He didn't want his brothers to get in the way. He didn't want any of them to even talk to the human girl.

Y/N meant too much to him. He had a plan to make her all his, but it would take some waiting. Luckily for him, Lucifer was a patient person.


We arrived at school, and we all went our separate ways to our different classrooms.

I sat down at my desk, and Asmo sat down next to me. He suddenly clung to my arm.

"You're so cute Y/N."

"But you're cuter!" I said back. He gasped and nuzzled my face.

"What did we do to deserve such a cute girl like you? I could just eat you up." The bell rang, and Asmo reluctantly let go of me.

During class, I started to feel a little weird. I was starting to get a headache, and it was somewhat painful.

"Miss L/N?" The teacher asked. I looked up, and I winced. It hurt to move my head quickly.

"Sorry, but I'm not feeling too good." I pressed a hand on my forehead.

"Hmm, I reccomend that you get someone to take you home. For now Asmo can help you to the infirmary until someone can bring her home." The teacher said.

"Careful. I wouldn't want to see your pretty face in any pain." Asmo said as he helped me stand up.

On the way to the infirmary, we happened to run into Lucifer. He had a concerned look on his face.

"Y/N? What happened?"

"She doesn't feel too good, so the teacher asked me to take her infirmary until one of us can bring her home." Asmo explained for me.

"I'll take care of her from here. You should get back to class." Lucifer took me by the hand, and pressed me close to his chest.

"Ok~ make sure she gets there safe." Asmo left, leaving me and Lucifer alone.

"Lucifer...it hurts..." I whimpered. There was a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"It's going to be all right. I happen to be free at the moment, so I can bring you home." He explained. We started to walk forward, but I stumbled. My vision was starting to blur a little bit.

Lucifer managed to catch me, and picked me up. I could feel his heartbeat from under his uniform.

"Sorry.....for bothering you." I shifted a little. He chuckled, and his chest vibrated.

"It's not your fault. Just...get some rest." He whispered. My eyes started to close, and I fell asleep.

3rd POV

Lucifer looked down to see that Y/N was unconscious, and another smirk appeared on his face. He was happy to know that the drug he had mixed in the girl's food worked.

He walked outside, and started walking back to the manor. Lucifer couldn't stop himself from glancing at Y/N's sleeping face as he walked.

She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He absolutely loved how naive and adorable she was. It was part of her charm.

Once he made it back to the manor, he went to his room. He placed the girl onto his bed, and lightly kissed her on the forehead.

"You belong to me now, and me alone."


I woke up with a splitting headache. My vision was blurry, and I couldn't make out where I was at first.

"I see that you're awake." I heard Lucifer's voice nearby. I rotated my head slowly, and saw Lucifer laying beside me.

"Lucifer...? Why are you in my-?" I blinked a few times, and my vision got better. I then realized that I wasn't in my room...I was in Lucifer's.

"I brought you to my room...so you could become mine." He said in a sensual voice. I shivered.

"W-What do you mean?" I tried to move, but I was restrained by something.

I glanced downwards, and noticed that my body was tied down by thick ropes. No matter how much I struggled, the ropes didn't budge.

"I've been infatuated with you, and I want you for myself. If you try to resist, you'll be punished. But don't worry, I'll try not to harm your beautiful skin." Lucifer ran a hand up my side, and I shivered again.

"Please....stop..." I begged as tears ran down my face. He brushed his thumb under my eyes, wiping away my tears.

"Don't cry my dear. After all, you're in safe hands. My pesky brothers won't bother us..." Lucifer leaned over, and kissed me roughly.

"You're mine forever."

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