
My Savior pt 2 (Beel x reader)


"I...did it..." I croaked. The last time I summoned someone was when Solomon gave me his power temporarily.

However, since I'm not as powerful as him, I was nearly drained of all my energy. Beel looked down at me, and his eyes widened.

"Y/N?" He kneeled down next to me, and I weakly smiled at him. I lifted my hand and placed it on his cheek.

"B-Beel....I missed you..." I spoke softly.

"W-Who is this man?!" My father yelled. I glared at him and tried to stand up.

"Gah!" I winced as I tried to stand. My stomach was hurting again. I held my stomach.

"Let me see." Beel simply said. I lifted up my shirt to reveal the large bruise that had formed last night.

"H-He....did it." I looked to my father again, and he physically flinched.

"Why you little-!" He took a step forward, but Beel quickly stood up.

"I won't let you hurt her."

Suddenly, the room filled with light again. When I could see again, Lucifer was standing in the middle of the room.

"It's good to see you again Y/N." Lucifer said as he kept his gaze on my father.

"L-Lucifer....d-don't.....hurt him. He may deserve it....but...don't..." I could hear him sigh at my request.

"As you wish. However, I will be taking him with us. The attic seems like a suitable place for him."

"W-We're....going back h-home...?" I ask wearily. Beel smiled and nodded.

"H-Hold on! Y-You can't just take me and my daughter!" My father yelled.

"I-I...am no longer your daughter." I said coldly.

"What a nuisance. It's disgusting how some humans turn out this way." Lucifer walked over to F/N, and shoved him against the wall, knocking him out.

"Y/N, take a few things with you. We can come back here whenever you're ready to collect your other belongings." Lucifer picked up my father and slung him over his shoulder.

I noticed the necklace had fallen from F/N's hand, and I started to move towards it. Beel noticed this, and grabbed it for me.

"Stay still." Beel put on the necklace on me, and I smiled. I inched to my dresser. Though it was still hard to move.

I opened it and grabbed a couple pairs of clothes, my D.D.D, and the music box. 

"I-I'm ready..." Beel picked me up carefully, and Lucifer opened an external portal.

I closed my eyes as Beel carried me through the portal. When I reopened them, I saw the familiar interior of the House of Lamentation.

"I'll take our prisoner upstairs. Beel, I suggest staying with Y/N tonight." Lucifer started to walk away, and I looked up at Beel.

"Welcome home Y/N." He smiled at me, and I could barely smile in my tired state.

"I-I...missed it."

Beel carried me to the room I stayed in for a whole year, but I guess it's my room permanently now.

He laid me down on the bed. He placed the things I had brought with me onto the table in the corner of the room.

"I'll get you some food, water, and something to help your bruises. Just stay in bed." Beel left the room, and I glanced around.

I sighed. My entire body felt weak, and breathing was starting to hurt. My breathes were short.

Beel reentered the room. There was a bowl with steam rising from inside in on of his hands. In the other hand was a glass of water, and some sort of container.

"Here. Let me help you sit up." Beel placed his arm around my back, and helped me into a sitting position.

He handed me the glass of water, and it was gone in a few seconds. He then handed me the odd container.

"Lucifer said that this can heal external wounds and bruises overnight." I opened it, and there was a strange looking cream inside.

I scooped up some with my middle and ring fingers, and lifted up my shirt to rub it on the bruise. I hissed through my teeth as I put a little pressure on the bruise.

"When did this happen?" Beel asked.

"Y-Yesterday..." I answered as I kept rubbing the cream on my bruise. Once I finished, I closed the container.

Beel put it aside, and held the bowl of food near my mouth. It looked to be some kind of soup.

We didn't have to say anything since I knew what he was going to do. Beel took the spoon and scooped some soup in it, and held it to my mouth.

I opened my mouth, and he began to feed me. We sat in silence as he continued to feed me until the bowl was empty.

Beel left to take the glass and bowl back to the kitchen, and returned a few minutes later.

By the time he had gotten back, I was laying down on the bed. He got into bed with me. He inched closer to me.

"Don't worry. He can't hurt you anymore. So you can sleep."

As he said that, I noticed how worn out I was from the last couple of days. I fell asleep almost immediately.

I opened my eyes, and I was met with Beel's sleeping face. He looked so innocent when he was sleeping. Well, he's always been innocent, but that's besides the point.

I remembered that I had put the cream on my stomach last night, so I pulled up my shirt to check.

The bruise was no longer there, and area where it used to be didn't hurt anymore. I smiled a little bit.

I was about to get out of bed, but I was stopped by a large hand grabbing mine.

"I thought you were still sleeping." I said as I turned to face Beel.

"Y/N....why didn't you call me?" He asked in a sad tone. My chest hurt a little.

"....It's because I didn't want to be a burden." I mumbled.

"But you're-"

"I know, but that man made me believe that. He constantly told me that I was a  burden, and it's hard to get rid of that mentality after having it for so long." I explained.

"Why did he do all of that to you?" I took a deep breath.

"Apparently he was using my mother for her money, and she figured that out. She was originally planning to run away with me...

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