
Lost and found (Lucifer x short reader)



We were visiting Lord Diavolo's enormous castle later today. Of course it's huge since it's a flipping castle, but since I'm somewhat short, it intimidated me with its size.

I getting ready until...

"Get back here dammit!" I ran after Mammon, who had stolen my earrings from me.

"Good luck catching me Shortie!" Mammon yelled back at me. That struck a nerve.

I took a turn and started running down another hallway a top speed, trying to cut Mammon off.

I managed to get in front of him, and I ducked down into a little ball. Before Mammon could stop, he tripped over my body and dropped the earrings.

I quickly grabbed them and made sure that they didn't break, luckily there wasn't a single scratch on them.

"Call me Shortie again, and I swear to Devildom that I'll-!"

"What's going on here?" I turned around to see Lucifer with an annoyed look on his face.

"He tried to steal my earrings." I showed him the earrings, and he frowned.

"Mammon...." Lucifer's voice got serious in a matter of seconds. I saw Mammon physically flinch.

"W-What's the big deal about some stupid jewelry?!" He asked. I glanced up at Lucifer, and blushed.

"I-It's none of your business! They're important to me!" I stormed off, hiding the fact that I was blushing like crazy.

I went back to my room, and finished getting ready to go to the castle. I looked at the earrings, and smiled a little.

"Y/N?" Satan's voice brought me back to reality.

"Satan? When did you get in here?" I inquired. I didn't even hear the door open.

"I've been calling your name for the past 30 seconds. Come on, we're going to the castle." I nodded as he left the room.

I put in my earrings, and hurried out of my room. By the time I made it to the front door, everyone was waiting for me.

"Jeez what took ya so long? We could've been there by now." Mammon complained.

"Maybe if hadn't stolen my earrings we would've been there 10 minutes ago." I spat back.

"Lolol! She totally got you!" Levi laughed. Asmo gasped.

"How dare you try and steal something from our adorable little Y/N." Asmo said as he patted me on the head.

I slapped his hand away, and glared at him. Does in this damn household have to call me short?!

"For your information, I hate being called short." I opened the door and slammed it before any of the brothers could say anything.

I felt tears threatening to fall, and I tried biting on my tongue to stop myself from crying. Unfortunately, it didn't work out too well.

When I arrived at the castle, Barbatos was there waiting for me. I kept my gaze on the ground so he couldn't see my face.

"Good afternoon Y/N. Where are-?" I silently brushed past him, and started walking down a random hallway.

I didn't even bother to pay attention to where I was going, and I eventually tripped on my own feet.

"Ow! Dammit..." I tried standing up, but my ankle hurt like crazy.

I looked around, but nothing looked familiar to me. Each direction seemed to lead me deeper into the maze of hallways and rooms.

I leaned against the wall, and managed to stand up on one leg. I started to hop forwards, using the wall for support.

3rd POV

"What was all that about?" Mammon asked in a confused tone. Beel spoke up.

"She's mad at you guys."

"For something as trivial as that?" Satan questioned.

"I didn't mean to make her mad..." Asmo said sadly. Lucifer sighed, and started walking to the door.

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