
Teasing (Asmo x tsundere reader)


"Come on~ you can't lie to me." Asmo kept prodding my cheek with his finger.

"Shut the hell up! I already told you the truth, what more do you want?" I glared at Asmo.

"I can tell you're lying~" He continued to poke my cheek.

"If you don't stop that now I'll bite your damn finger off." He quickly pulled his hand away from my face.

"Why don't you just tell me that you like me?" Asmo asked.

"I don't!" I snapped.

"You can't deny it forever dear~ I know that you like me." Asmo teased.

"I-I don't like you that way! Now get the hell out of my room!" I yelled. Asmo simply strolled out of my room, leaving  me alone with my thoughts.

I quickly shook my head. What was I thinking? I stood up from my bed and went to get a drink of water to calm myself down.

I got to the kitchen and drank a cup of water, and sighed. I placed the glass down, and decided to go back to my room.

When I got to my room, I immediately went to my soft and fluffy bed. I sat down for a moment.

I sighed again, and laid down, and rotated my body so I was facing away from the door.

My body subconsciously curled up in a ball, and I clenched my fists. I was frustrated with myself.

Someone suddenly knocked on my door, and I groaned.

"Who is it?"

"Is this not an appropriate time?" I heard Lucifer's voice.

"....come in." I quickly made myself into a blanket burrito, making sure he couldn't see my face.

"What are you doing?" Lucifer asked.

"I-I'm cold! What of it?" I spat out.

"Did Asmo come in here?" He sat down on my bed. He was the only one who knew of my crush on Asmo.

"...maybe." I grumbled.

"I could always tell him for you-"

"Don't!" I scrambled over to stop Lucifer from moving, but he didn't even move an inch.

Instead, he was wearing one of those stupid smirks on his face. I blushed a lot and hid my face.

"You know he already knows, so why don't you tell him?" His voice was slightly muffled because of the blanket.

"It's embarrassing...and besides. He wouldn't like me back..." I could hear the own defeat in my voice.

"How can you be so sure of that?"

"....because I'm always mean to him. I'm only like that around him. There's nothing I can do to stop that." I explained.

"He's never gotten mad at you for acting like that towards him has he?" Lucifer continued to question me.


"Then I don't see the problem. You humans worry about some of the most trivial things."

"Hey! You'll understand it when you're in love someday." I sat up.

"I believe Asmo's room light was on when I walked by his room." Lucifer stood up, and left.

I hopped out of bed, and marched to Asmo's room. After taking a few deep breaths, I softly knocked on the door.

No answer. I glanced at the floor, and noticed that the light was indeed on. So I knocked again.

"H-Hey. Are you in there?" Again, I got no answer. I started getting annoyed.

"I'm coming in then. You better not be doing anything weird." I opened the door, and I noticed that Asmo was in bed.

I turned the light off, but I slowly advanced towards the bed. Asmo was facing away. I closed the door so no one else would hear what I was about to say.

"Listen...I know that I'm always mean to you." I started. Even though he wouldn't hear me, I still wanted to say it.

"And I push you away a lot of the time, but...I don't mean it. W-What I mean to say is....that I like you..." My face was red.

"I-I....like you...." I turned to leave quickly, but I was stopped.

"That was so adorable~" Asmo said in a cheerful voice. My face was about as red as a tomato.

"W-What? B-But I-I thought y-you w-were...." I couldn't stop myself from stuttering.

"Nope. I was waiting for you~" He pulled me onto the bed, and held me close.

"H-Hey!" I started to struggle, but I knew that he was a lot stronger than me.

"You're my girlfriend now right? So this shouldn't bother you~" Asmo placed his head on top of mine.

"G-Girlfriend....?" I asked.


"... you're not just saying that because you're a playboy.....right? You won't leave me when you get bored of me....right?" There was fear and anxiety in my voice.

"Of course not!" Asmo responded in a serious tone.

"Good! Because if you do....I'll beat the living hell out of you." I grumbled.

"Then I guess I'm stuck with you, but I'm fine with that." He kissed the top of my head.

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