
Performance (Idol Mammon x Idol reader)


"So, where's our next performance?" I asked our manager Satan.

"Well, you guys have gotten more popular after your battle with Rengoku." Satan started.

"I still wanna punch the guy that came on stage..." Mammon mumbled.

"Don't worry. I don't have eyes for anyone else." I laced my fingers with his.

"Ahem." Satan cleared his throat, and I sighed.

"Anyways, I've actually booked us a small venue not too far from here. You're going to debut your new song." Me and Mammon gasped.

"Ya mean Crystal Glacier?" Mammon asked.

It was the newest song me and him have been writing, and we've only finished it recently.

"Yeah. I was thinking you two could also choreograph a performance to go along with the song." I raised an eyebrow.

"Why? We've never really done anything like that." I said.

"You would only have to do it for the first song. I think it would also be a good change of pace." Satan smiled.

"Hey, if anyone can pull it off, it's us. Right parther?" Mammon looked into my eyes, and I nodded.


"I'm glad you two are on board. Starting tomorrow we'll start practicing your routine." Satan left the room.

"I know that look in yer eyes." Mammon said after a few silent moments.

"W-What look?" I tried to hide my face.

"The "I ain't too confident" look." Mammon pulled me to the couch.

"I'm nervous about this. What if I mess up? I don't want to let you, Satan, or the fans down." I buried my face in his chest.

"Hey! Don't get all shaken up now!" Mammon wrapped his arms around me.

"Sorry...I can't help it." My voice was muffled by Mammon's clothes. He sighed.

"Listen, we're Demonio! We can do anything!" Mammon lifted my chin up, and slowly kissed me.

That single kiss made all of my worries dissapear instantly, as if they hadn't existed in the first place.

"Thanks. I know we can do this."

So for the next couple weeks we thought of a choreographed performance, and Satan was training us like crazy.

"Ah-!" I tripped on my foot, but Mammon managed to catch me.

"Idiot....are ya okay?" Mammon was blushing a little.

"Yeah. S-Sorry..." I balanced myself, and Satan shook his head.

"You've fallen a few times now Y/N. I think it's because you're too focused on your feet movenents." He said.

"Which is ironic because I'm trying not to fall..." I mumbled to myself.

After we finished our training for the day, my mind was racing.

"Mammon..." I whispered. We were currently laying in our shared bed together.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Our performance is tomorrow..." I started.

"Yeah. Satan's really been drainin' us for the past couple weeks." He sighed. He was right though.

I would feel a little sore each day after we practiced, but there wasn't too much pain.

"It doesn't feel like it's been a couple of..." I trailed off. Mammon was looking directly into my eyes.

He leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him, and leaned into the kiss.

"You get worried too easily..." He said in between kisses.

"I know...but you're always with me to calm me down..." I whispered.

"D-Don't say that crap! Idiot...." Mammon glanced away.

"Don't act like you don't like it." I chuckled.

I squeezed Mammon's hand as Satan drove us to the venue. He squeezed it back, reassuring me.

Once we arrived, I awed at the stage. Sure, it's nothing like a full-blown concert stage, but it was still amazing to me.

"Ya ready partner?" Mammon said with a confident smile.

"....yeah. Let's do this!" I smiled.

We headed backstage, and not too long after I could hear the sound of multiple footsteps.

"I can't believe the show got sold out so quickly..." I said.

"I'm surprised as well. Looks like you guys are more popular than I thought." Satan smiled.

"Demonio, you're on in 5!" One of the staff called out to us.

"We got this, so don't freak out." Mammon grabbed my hand before squeezing it one last time.

Soon, we were walking onto the stage, and the crowd cheered for us. I had a large smile on my face.

"Hey! Are ya guys ready for our new song?!" Mammon asked the crowd, and they answered with a cheer.

"The song is called Crytal Glaciers. We hope you enjoy the show!" I blew a kiss to the crowd.

Ever since the battle with Rengoku, I decided that would be the signature thing I do for each show.

Our performance began. I moved along with the music, and I could see Mammon doing the same.

Our voices synced together, and the crowd was cheering and dancing along to the song.

I looked at the people near the front, and I met the eyes of a familiar face. It was the same guy who jumped onto the stage during our face off with Rengoku.

There was a look of admiration, but also anger in his eyes, causing me to immediately look away from him.

After we sang that song, we also sang a few of our other songs that have already been released.

The show finally ended, and I downed an entire bottle of water instantly. We had taken pictures with some of the fans who managed to catch us before heading to the car.

Someone suddenly pulled me on the arm, and I ripped it away from them. I turned around to see the same guy from the crowd.

"H-Hi Y/N." He said with a smile.

"Hiya. Did you enjoy the show?" I said, smiling back. But in reality, I was somewhat mad he touched me without permission.

"I did. So...are you still with Mammon?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

"You should break up with him." He said.

"U-Um..." That sentence made me very uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry. I can't do that." I said after gaining my composure.

"Why not?"

"Because she loves me. Now, buzz off." Mammon came out of nowhere, and stepped in front of me.

"Tch." The guy turned on hid heel, and stomped away.

"I can't believe that guy came back! I'll make sure he-!"

"Calm down. If it ever comes down to it, I'll call you for help. After all, you're my boyfriend right?" I kissed him on the lips.

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