
Princess of Devildom (Belphie x reader)



I am Diavolo's younger sister, which means I am the princess of Devildom. It may seem cool, but in reality it's difficult.

Diavolo has always been SUPER overprotective of me, and it feels like I've been restrained by him.

The only places I'm allowed to go without an escort is the House of Lamentation and R.A.D.

I can't go into anywhere else without my brother, Barbatos, or one of the demon brothers.

But I've already been going to the House of Lamentation for millenia now.

Another thing I was restricted from was relationships, but that's a rule I had to break.

I've known the demon brothers since they first came down here from the Celestial Realm, so we've been friends for a time.

One of them caught my eye instantly, and that was Belphegor, or Belphie as me and his brothers call him.

At first I envied him. He was probably the most carefree person I know. He had everything I didn't, and that was freedom.

But he also cared deeply for me as a friend at the time, and we soon became best friends. Eventually, my envy turned into affection.

I ended up falling in love with him, and he felt the same way as me. The only problem was my brother.

We decided to date in secret. Beel figured it out quickly, and he promised to keep it a secret from anyone.

Then there was Barbatos. Since he can see into the future, he already knew we were going to date before we knew ourselves.

Surprisingly, he's actually on my side. He wants me to have the freedom I crave for, and he said he would turn a blind eye to me and Belphie's relationship.

Which brings us to today. Whenever I want to go somewhere, Belphie is usually the person I ask. Sometimes Beel if Belphie is sleeping.

"Hey Belphie, can we go out to town for a little bit after school?" I asked him during lunch.

"Sure." He smiled at me.

"Why do ya always ask him? Why not me?" Mammon cut in. I deadpanned.

"I have a list of reasons. First of all, you've tried to steal things from my house on multiple occasions." Mammon sweatdropped.

"Second, you would try to use her in some way to get Grimm and try to get free things.

Like you "forgetting your wallet" or something like that." Belphie added on.

"I-I wouldn't dare to do those-" Mammon started.

"Seriously? You still try to act like a saint even though we've caught you doing this multiple times?" I sighed.

"There's no hope for him Y/N. So ignore him." Belphie chuckled, and I did the same.

"Hey! Ya know what? I'm leaving, and I ain't gonna sit with ya again." Mammon stood up.

"Actually, we're leaving first." I looked at Belphie, and I could tell he understood what I meant.

"See you later." Me and Belphie got up, and headed outside of the school.

"Hey!" Mammon shouted, but it fell on deaf ears.

We went behind the school, and sat down on the grass next to each other. Our hands met, and our fingers intertwined with each other.

"Finally, some peace and quiet." I said.

"Yep. Hey, after we go to town, wanna come and hang out?" Belphie asked as he yawned.

"Of course. I'll wake you up when it's time to go to class." He rested his head on me, and soon fell asleep.

This may seem like a risky move. Belphie using me as a pillow seems like an intimate thing, which it kind of is.

However, Belphie's habit of falling asleep pretty much anywhere makes it seem normal.

As for the hand holding, everyone knew that me and Belphie were close as friends, so this looked even more normal.

The bell rang, and I lightly shook Belphie awake. So we walked inside together.

"Are you ready?" Belphie asked me. I nodded.


So we walked to town, and just walked around. Moments like these are were what I treasured most.

Just the two of us in our own little world with nothing to worry about, and I loved every minute of it.

After we had finished walking around, we headed back to Belphie's house. Though we wanted to find a place to be alone together.

"Let's go upstairs." Belphie whispered.

I followed him up to the place he used to be imprisoned in. By now he's gotten over that.

We sat down on the bed, and he placed me onto his lap. I blushed a little bit, but I leaned against him regardless.

"Today was fun. Thanks." I looked up him.

"No problem. I'll do anything to make you happy." He kissed my forehead.

"Anything?" I kissed him on the lips, and he kissed me back.

3rd POV

Diavolo nearly broke the doors of the manor as he hurried inside. The other brothers heard it, and went to greet him.

"Lord Diavolo, what's the-?" Lucifer was cut off.

"Have you seen Y/N?! She hasn't texted me!" Diavolo asked as he started searching the house.

"I haven't seen her since lunch, so I dunno." Mammon shrugged.

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Belphie yet." Satan added.

"They're probably just hanging out together." Beel said with a stoic face.

"We need to find her!" Diavolo began to search each and every room of the house.

The brothers followed him. They were curious as to what the two were doing. Eventually, they ran out of rooms.

"Where could she be?" Diavolo said in a sad voice.

"Perhaps they're in the attic-"

"Y/N!" Diavolo dashed up to the attic.

He looked through the door, and saw something that made him freeze all together.

His precious little sister was sitting on Belphie's lap, and kissing him!


"Y/N..." I whipped my head around to see my brother standing there.

"Did you find-? Woah! What's going on up here~?" Asmo said as he came up the stairs. The rest of the brothers entered the room, as well as Barbatos.

Without thinking, my hand reached for Belphie's. He squeezed it. I could tell he was trying to give me confidence.

"Diavo...." I stares directly into his golden eyes.

"I cannot allow this. Come on, we're going home now."

"....no." I said sternly.

"Excuse me?"

"I. Said. No." I tightly gripped Belphie's hand.

"Did you hear what I-?"

"I don't care! I'm only a few years younger than you, and I'm old enough to make my own damn choices!" Tears started to well in my eyes. All the words I've been meaning to say for centuries now started pouring out.

"Y/N...." Diavolo went silent. Belphie tightly hugged me as I cried.

"You don't give me any freedom! I might as well be locked up in my room all day!

I don't give a damn if you want me to break up with Belphie. Because I'm not going to. No matter what you do...because I love him." Belphie squeezed my hand again.

"Y/N....I'm sorry." I looked up to see Diavolo smiling sadly.

"I've always been overprotective of you, and I never considered your feelings on the matter.

So, from now on, I'll allow you to be free." I jumped up and hugged Diavolo.

"Thank you...." I whispered.

"As for you Belphie, please take care of her. If you so much as hurt her-"

"I won't. I can promise you that." Belphie smiled.

"Aww~ I'm so jealous of you!" Asmo went over to Belphie.

I let go of Diavolo and sat next to my sleepy boyfriend.

"Love you Belphie..." I whispered.

"Love you too." He kissed my forehead.

"You're seriously doing this while we're here?!" Mammon said.

"If you have a problem with it, then leave." I retorted.

"Ooh! You got yourself a feisty one Belphie." Asmo chuckled.

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