
Trapped (Mammon x reader)


"Hello?" I called out into the void around me, but no one seemed to be...wherever I was.

Suddenly, I saw a circle of light above me. I looked up, and I was surprised to see Lucifer's slightly worried face.

"Lucifer! Lucifer can you hear me?!" I called out to him, but he didn't seem to hear me.

"Mammon you idiot. Now her soul is trapped in there!" Lucifer yelled, making me flinch.

"It wasn't my fault!" I heard Mammon's voice, but I couldn't see him. Even though it was pointless, I jumped up to try and escape.

To my surprise, my body floated up, but I bumped into some kind of invisible barrier.

I tried banging my hands on it, but nothing seemed to be able to break it. I placed my forehead against it.

"This mirror isn't a normal mirror. It traps the soul of whoever looks inside of it. That's why Y/N's body fell." Lucifer explained.

"How to we get her out of there?!" Mammon quickly asked.

"Unfortunately, we can't do anything from here. She has to find her own way out." Lucifer said.

"Can't we break the mirror or somethin'?" Mammon's face soon appeared, showing me that he was holding the mirror.

"Don't. If it were to break...her soul would disappear." Lucifer's voice had a serious tone to it.

I could feel myself shaking at the thought of that happening.

"So we're just supposed to sit here and do nothing?" Mammon asked.

"No, going to watch over her body until she manages to get out of there. Hopefully it won't take long." Lucifer spoke.

"Are ya kidding me?!" Mammon yelled.

"You were the one who caused this. Be grateful I'm not hanging you from the ceiling." Lucifer retorted.

"Grrr....fine! I watch her body! I'm taking her body to her room." Mammon grumbled.

"When she gets out, be sure not to look inside the mirror. It's fine if you do it now since it's already occupied.

But don't do it when it's empty, or you'll be trapped as well." I heard Lucifer add on.

The image in the circle started to shake a lot, signifying that Mammon was moving. For a few seconds, I saw my own body.

Mammon seemed to pick it up, and placed the mirror upright on my body, so I was able to see his face.

There was guilt and sadness in his eyes, and I pressed my hand against his cheek. Well, from my perspective my hand was on top of his cheek.

3rd POV

Mammon looked down at Y/N's unconscious face. He didn't mean for this to happen.

He opened her bedroom door, and placed the girl onto the bed. He even covered her with the blanket.

Mammon closed the door, and sat down on her bed. He looked inside the mirror.

There was a little floating flame in the middle, and flickered.

"Y-You better come out of there soon! I can't watch yer body all day. I a busy guy after all..." He paused for a moment.

"What am I doing? It's not like you can hear me...so why the hell am I still talkin'?" Mammon started rambling.

"Ya know what? Screw it. I'm sorry for getting ya stuck in that stupid mirror! It was my fault, and I'll make it up to ya.

So....get yer ass out of there, fast. It's not nice to keep the Great Mammon waiting."


Mammon seemed to put down the mirror after saying that. I let my body fall away from the circle of light.

I started banging my entire body against the barrier.

"Let me out! God dammit! I need to see him! I need to tell him that I forgive him!" I started punching the barrier.

"I. Need. To. Give. Him. A. Big. Hug!" I slammed my entire body against the barrier.

Even though I was getting tired, I kept slamming into the invisible wall. Every time I did, it felt like I was getting slightly farther.

"I can't keep him waiting!" As I said that, I heard the sound of shattering glass.

I sat up, gasping for air. The room seemed to be spinning, and I felt nauseous.

It took me a few moments to catch my breath. I looked around to see that I was back in my room.

I looked down, and saw my hand before me. Then I heard a soft snore, and I looked next to me.

Mammon was facing the other way, and seemed to be fast asleep. Without wasting another second, I hugged him from behind.

"Hm...?" Mammon turned around, and looked into my E/C eyes.

"Wha?! You're back!" He suddenly hugged me back, but hey. I'm not complaining.

"It wasn't your fault...I know it was an accident." I mumbled into his chest.

"Wait. Ya heard me?!" His whole face turned red.

"I could hear and see you." I chuckled.

"Okay! Since you're back, I'm going to my ro-" I grabbed his wrist.

"Nu-uh. You said you would make it up to me. So you're staying here tonight. Got it?" He sighed.

".....fine. You better share the blanket..." He got underneath the blanekt, and I immediately snuggled up to him.

"You can have the blanket because I have a demon who will keep me warm." He slowly wrapped his arms around me.

"Idiot..." He mumbled.

"Love you too."

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