
Biggest fan (Levi x voice actor reader)


I was currently in the human world, and I was sitting in a room with a couch, table, and a camera.

I was kindly asked to be a guest on "Otaku Monthly", an online talk show.

"Are you ready?" The host asked me.

"Yep! Just don't call me by my real name." The man nodded.

I was currently wearing a Ruri-chan wig, and contacts that made it look like I had purple eyes.

I also had on a decent amount of makeup. I hated the stuff, but it was necessary.

"We go live in 3...2...1..." The camera man counted down, and I look a deep breath.

"Hello and welcome to Otaku Monthly! Tonight, we have a special guest with us!

We have the voice actor of Ruri-chan herself!" I heard a clapping track, and I cleared my throat.

"Thank you so much for having me~" I talked in Ruri-chan's voice.

"So, what's it like to be a voice actor?" I pondered for a moment.

"Well, it can be difficult sometimes, but it's a whole lot of fun!" I smiled.

"If you don't mind, we're going to ask our audience for some questions for you." I nodded.

"No problem at all. Ask away." I could see the comments flooding with questions.

"Oh! Here's a good one to start with. Why don't you reveal your name to the public?" I sighed.

"I'm very wary of what could happen if people knew my real name. I just choose to be cautious." The host nodded in response.

"Oh! We're getting a comment from the leader of the Ruri-chan fan club: "Rurin☆Revi-tan!" I nearly broke character.

"What does it say?"

"They're asking you to sing." The host said.

"Alright! Just for you Revi-tan~" I winked at the camera. Levi is probably flipping out right now.

I started singing a song that I learned a couple months ago. I didn't hide my voice since Ruri's singing voice is my normal singing voice.

When I finished, the host was clapping, as well as the people behind the cameras.

The rest of the podcast went well, and it was finally time for me to return to the human world.

I walked outside, and Lucifer was waiting for me. By now I had changed out of my cosplay.

"Are you ready to go back?" I nodded.


So Lucifer took me back to Devildom, and I was suddenly taken from the front door.

In an instant I was in Levi's room, and by his monitor.

"Y/N! You missed it! Ruri-chan winked at me!" Levi skipped to the part of the podcast where I winked at him.

"Wow! You must've been super happy." I tried to sound surprised.

"I was! Man! It would be totally cool to meet her voice actor some day!" Levi's facial expression made me think of a child's. He looked super excited, like a kid on Christmas.

"I bet you will. What would you do if you met her?" Levi pondered for a moment.

"I would ask for her autograph! And record her doing Ruri-chan's voice!" I chuckled.

"I'm not surprised. Well, I'm going to my room. Text me if you need anything." He returned his gaze to his monitor as I left the room.

I sighed. After changing into my pajamas, I belly-flopped onto the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I noticed that I was now underneath the blanket, which made me confused.

I curled under the blanket to keep myself warm. I wasn't ready to move yet. It would mean that all the heat would disappear.

My D.D.D suddenly buzzed, and I groaned. I lazily picked it up. It was a text from Levi.

I decided not to respond. If I did, that means I would have to get up, and I really didn't want to.

Instead, I plugged in my headphones, and started listening to music. Specifically the song I sung on the podcast yesterday.

It was stuck in my head, so I wanted to listen to it. At first, I was just humming along with it, but humming soon turned into lip syncing, which turned into singing.

3rd POV

Levi noticed that Y/N hadn't responded to his texts, making him think that she wasn't awake yet.

So he decided to go and wake her up. Levi had gone into her room last night to fawn about Ruri-chan, but Y/N was already sleeping.

However, she wasn't underneath the blanket, and he decided to cover her so she didn't get sick.

He was about to knock on the door, but he heard something from inside; singing.

Levi stared at the door in shock. He had instantly recognized the song and the voice that was singing it.

But how could that be possible? There's no way it's possible...right? Levi cautiously opened the door.

He saw Y/N wearing headphones, and was completely immersed in her singing. She didn't even notice that Levi had entered her room.

Levi was completely bamboozled. The human who came to Devildom.......was Ruri-chan?!


When I finished the song, I opened my eyes to see a shocked Levi.

"Levi.....I'm uh...." I tried to get the words out.

"Prove it." He said in a serious voice. I cleared my throat.

"I'm....Ruri-chan." I said in her voice.Levi hugged me. I blinked a couple times.

"I can't believe it-! You're really her!" He had the same sparkle in his eye as yesterday.

"How about that autograph and a voice recording? But I hope you understand why I don't want my name out there.

Mostly because of Mammon bugging me about selling my autographs or something." He nodded.

"I'll even add something special too." I winked. He dashed out of the room.

Levi came back with a boxed action figure of Ruri, a sharpie, and his phone. I wrote my autograph on box.

"Can I get it on my phone case too?" I smiled.

"Of course." I wrote a smaller autograph on the case.

He took out his phone, and pressed record, and I smiled.

"Hi there! I'm the real life Ruri-chan~! Thank you for being the leader of my fan club! I wouldn't want it to be anyone else." I winked at the camera.

Levi blushed immensely, and I got closer to him.

"Don't forget! You can't show anyone or tell anyone. Promise?" I kissed him on the cheek.

"P-Promise....oh my Devildom I just got kissed by-!" I covered his mouth.

"Don't break the promise already. But I'll forgive you." Levi fainted.

"I guess that move was super effective..." I sweatdropped.

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