
Siren's Lullaby (Lucfier x siren reader)


I stared at the vast body of water before me. Me and the demon brothers are on a weeklong vacation at a oceanfront cabin.

Diavolo insisted that we came here for our break from school. Though I knew why he specifically picked the ocean.

Everyone was either sitting on the beach or playing in the water. Lucifer was next to me, and I could feel his eyes on me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to get in the water?" He smirked. I knew what that meant, and it didn't surprise me.

After all, he and Diavolo were the only ones to look at my file in the first place. I wasn't ready to confront him yet.

Not when the others were around.

"No. I'm perfectly fine sitting in the shade of this umbrella." I pointed up to the colorful umbrella above us.

"Suit yourself. It is better then dealing with them." Lucifer looked over at Mammon and Levi, who were having a massive splash fight.

For the rest of the evening me and Lucifer chatted until everyone decided to go inside.

I smirked. I just needed to wait until "everyone" went to bed. So I stayed up late, and waited for all the lights to turn off.

When all of them were off, I silently slipped out of the cabin and rushed to the ocean.

The sand felt cold on my feet. I reached the edge of the water, and took in the beauty of the area around me.

The small waves making a calming noise as it collided with the sand, and receding back into the ocean.

I took a step into the water, and I felt my legs changing. I quickly jumped into the water, and felt the cool water hit my face.

My tail appeared, and it felt slightly strange since I'm used to human legs. I let out a breath.

I got so excited that I leapt out of the water and laughed.

"You seem to be having fun." I flinched as I heard Lucifer's voice.

"Hey there....land lubber." I chuckled.

"So, you thought you could sneak out and take a midnight swim?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow.

"You know damn well why I had to sneak out. I'm not exactly comfortable telling anyone yet." I spoke truthfully.

"Maybe I'll let it slide, but I have one condition."

"What is it?" He got closer to the shoreline.

"I want to hear you sing." My eyes widened.

"W-Wait! Y-You do realize I'm part siren. If my song actually works....you might not be able to resist it." He smirked.

"I'm one of the strongest demons in all of Devildom. It won't work on me." I took a deep breath.

"It's your fault if you end up in the water..." I swam a little father out, and looked at the moon.

3rd POV

Y/N started singing, and her voice seemed to echo out to the seemingly endless ocean.

There were no words, but it was incredibly soothing in Lucifer's ears. However, he wasn't going into trance.

He silently listened as the half siren sang her beautiful song. Even if it was quiet.

The wind carried her hair to the right, and kept it in the air. She looked stunning in the moonlight, and Lucifer couldn't look away from her.


When I finished singing, I turned to see Lucifer looking at me and softly clapping.

"Thanks..." I slowly made my way out of the water. My legs returned, and luckily my clothes came back, but they were soaked.

"You have goosebumps all over your body." Lucifer pointed out.

"It's nothing. I'm going to bed any-" Something big was placed on my shoulders. It was Lucifer's coat.

"Y/N. You're sleeping in my room tonight." My cheeks blazed.

"B-But....why are-?" He grabbed my hand, and started dragging me to his room without giving me a chance to speak.

"I-I need my pajamas."

"Fine. But if you don't come back...you'll be in trouble." I nodded quickly.

I quickly went to my room and changed into my pajamas. Then I returned to the room Lucifer was staying in.

He was already laying down, and I slowly walked over to the empty side of the bed.

Lucifer's hand reached out for me, and pulled me into bed. I let out a small yelp as I landed on the soft mattress.

"A-Are you sure my song didn't....work on you?" He pulled me closer.

"I'm sure, but it doesn't mean I wasn't already under your spell." He kissed me on the forehead.

"U-Um...." I hid my face in Lucifer's chest.

"Goodnight Y/N." His eyes slowly closed.

The warmth of his body was enough to lull me to sleep.

I woke up, and saw that Lucifer was looking at my face.

"W-What are you doing?" He ruffled my hair a little.

"Admiring your face. It looks...cute when you're asleep." He blushed a little.

"Looks like you really are under my trance. I've never seen you blush."

"You're the only one who's seen this expression. So keep it secret." He smiled at me.

"Maybe..." I chuckled.

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