
Siren's lullaby pt 2 (Lucifer x siren reader)

It's been a couple days since Lucifer saw my siren form, and nothing has really changed.

We were still at the cabin, and I was enjoying myself. Though there is something bothering me.

"Hey Lucy...can I talk to you in private?" I whispered.

He nodded and we stood up from our spot on the beach.

"Where ya going?!" Mammon called out to us.

"Leave them be Mammon. Maybe they're going to make out~" Asmo teased.

"Quit it you two! We aren't going to make out!" I huffed as me and Lucifer walked behind the house.

"Is there something bothering you?"

"Yeah. Ever since I sang that song...I've been having weird dreams at night."

"Weird dreams?" Lucifer inquired.

"Yeah, and it's been the same dream. It goes like this..."

"Hmm...maybe other sirens are trying to get in contact with you." Lucifer suggested.

"But why? I'm not a fully fledged siren..." I placed a hand to my chin.

"Let's fine out then. Do you think you could sing the song you hear in your dreams?"

"I think I can. Will you protect me if something happens?" I felt pretty anxious about this plan.

"Of course. You're mine after all." He kissed me on the lips.

So we waited til nightfall, and I got into the water. I glanced back at Lucifer, who gave me a reassuring nod.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I tried to remember the song that I've heard in my dreams.

I opened my mouth, and the vocals just flow out as if I've known the song my entire life.

3rd POV

Lucifer listened as Y/N sang. It was drastically different then the song she sang a couple days ago.

It was powerful and haunting, but graceful and beautiful at the same time. It sounded like she was calling out to something.

Lucifer could hear faint voices from somewhere joining in her song. The voices synced with Y/N's.

Y/N recognized one of the voices from her dreams.

A few heads sprouted up from the water, and revealed a few sirens. They all stopped singing.


I started to back away, but a familiar face was among the sirens.

"M-Mom...?" She slowly swam over to me and hugged me.

"How have you been sweetie?" She asked with a smile.

"I've been doing just fine! But...who are they?" I pointed to the two other sirens.

"That's Serina and Serenity. They're twins." My mom introduced me.

"A human!" The twins hissed as they pointed to Lucifer.

"Calm down! That's Lucifer. You know, Prince Diavolo's right hand man." Lucifer gave them a patient smile.

"O-Oh..." The three of them seemed to be nervous.

"Did you call out to me in my dreams?" I changed the subject.

"Yes. We heard your song, and we could tell that you have the power to become a fully fledged siren." Serina said. She had shorter hair, so I could tell the difference between them.

"We called to you so we could take you home." Serenity said with a smile.

"H-Home...?" I asked. What did they mean?

"To the ocean!" My mother had a smile on her face.

"Wait. Can't I come back on land?" The twins started laughing.

"Of course not. Once you come home, you'll become a complete siren. You'll be able to swim forever. Like you always wanted to." My mother said.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going." All of their smiles dissapeared immediately.

"What do you mean? Don't you want to see your family." My mother tried to reason with me.

"I don't care about them. I've never met them. Besides, I have my own family here." I turned to Lucifer, and I beamed.

"Do you think you have a choice in this?" The twins grabbed me by the arms, and started dragging me out to see.

"Hey! Let go of me! Luci-!" Suddenly I was out of the water, and placed in something warm.

It was Lucifer's jacket.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't touch her that way." Lucifer glared at the sirens below. He was in demon form.

"Y-You-!" My mother gritted her teeth.

"Call me what you want! I don't care if you disown me, or call me a traitor! I love him, and you can't do anything about it." Tears welled up in my eyes.

I trusted my mom for so long, and seeing her like this broke my heart. I knew there was nothing I could do to help her.

"You wreched child...fine! Stay on land for all I care! That demon will leave you eventually!" My mother yelled.

"That's very unlikely. She's mine after all, and I don't plan to let her go anytime soon.

Now, I suggest you stay away from her, if not....I may have to punish you." Lucifer spoke in a dark tone.

"I hate you!" My mother said before her and the twins swam into the depths of the ocean.

Those words echoed in my head. I held onto Lucifer and cried. He carried me back to the room he was staying in.

I went into my room and changed into my pajamas, and went back to his room.

I immediately got into bed and clung to Lucifer. He held me close, and tried to calm me down.

"It's going to be alright Y/N..." His deep voice helped to calm me down.

"D-Did....I do the right thing?" I asked weakly.

"You did what you thought was right." He started to stroke my head.

"Lucifer....don't leave me. Ever." I mumbled.

"I promise to stay by your side." He kissed my forehead.

Next chapter