
Not So Smart After All

You see a small gargoyle looking man walking around. "68" He mutters. You look at what was falling and you say "You're smoking the fairies? Good. They're nasty little things." The small man turns around and peers at you. "You're not Sarah." He says. "I'm y/n. Sarah's my cousin." The small man smiles "Well how is she?"

"Have you two met? Oh I don't have time for this, I need to get to the castle." You almost forgot why you were here. This was a terrible challenge for you. You would never reach the end if you kept on getting distracted. You look around. "How do you get into the Labyrinth?" You ask. "Through the door." He said. "Thank you...?" "Hoggle." He said. "Hoggle." You nodded your head and walked in to the Labyrinth.

To the left, the hall kept going on forever and ever. And to the right, it was just about the same. "Which way are you gonna go?" Hoggle asks. "Mm, right." You decide and then you start to walk. He watches you walk away and huffs "Well she's no Sarah that's for sure."

You didn't seem to be going anywhere, the walls looked identical, and the only way you could tell you were moving at all was because the entrance had disappeared. You looked at the wall. "Up and over I go." You sigh and start climbing the wall. Stones start disappearing but you use them as foot and hand holds. You finally get to the top.

Jareth watched you from the crystal ball and narrowed his eyes. Usually when someones cheating like that, he would go over and warn them. But he couldn't really be bothered. It was just another 13 boring hours. He looked at the boy named Jack who was sitting down with his arms crossed. Both of them were quiet, and not at all fun like Toby and Sarah.

You looked close and saw there were entrances. "It's a trick of the light...IT'S A TRICK OF THE LIGHT!" You said in victory. The wall then promptly threw you off, making you land on your shoulder. "OW!" You shout.

"Oh no! What happened?" A small voice said. You looked over and saw a worm. "I've got some tea that'll heal the pain. Come on in, we can help you." You check your shoulder. Good, it wasn't dislocated, just throbbing intensely. "No thank you, I have to get to the castle." "Why?" "To save my cousin." "Why?" "I don't need an explanation for why. He's my cousin and that should be enough." "Well you should go left then, but I wouldn't if I were you." "Well you aren't me, and I really can't waste another minute. I'm sure your tea is wonderful but...I have to go." "Oh well." You go through the entry and take a left.

"You weren't supposed to do that." Jareth mutters. No one had ever gone left before. They never heard the worm out, and went right. No matter, he can just swap places with it. "What type of goblin am I going to be?" Jack suddenly asks. "What? Do you have so little faith in your cousin?" Jareth asked amused. "I just want to know...am I going to be a hot goblin like you, or am I going to be...shorter." Jareth looks over. Most kids were toddlers and babies so no one had ever asked him that. "What is hot?" "Will I look human, and have people fall for my looks?" Jack asks. "No." Jack tsks and shakes his head. "Damn..."

You come across two doors, with 4 guards. "One of us tells a lie, and one of us tells the truth." "I tell lies" The red one said. "I tell the truth!" The purple one said. "You can only ask one of us 1 question."

You thought for a moment. "Well in this world, I don't know if you can see color, know how to count, know what words mean, or if you can even see or not. Aha!" You stepped closer towards the red one. "Did I just ask a question?" The red one groans. "Don't make me say it....UGH! No. No you did not." You pump the air and then go to the purple one and it opens.

In the hall laid a bunch of moving tiles. They shifted and reappeared randomly, and below it was a pit of certain death. You watched it closely for a moment and sat down. You started humming. It was a beat. Ah curses what was that song again. You break out into song as you limber up.

"What's the nerd doing?" Jack asks looking over from the floor. "She's singing. Now quiet." Jareth says shifting away. He would no longer take any child over the age of 7, for personal reasons of course.

Human teens were goblins of their own category.

You sung the song and stepped on the tiles and made it across to the end.

A wall showed up right before you could go through. "As soon as I see that Goblin King I'll-" "What'll you do?" A smooth voice asks.

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