
Help Is On The Way Dearie!

The goblins teetered away and disappeared. The Labrynth book lay on the ground. Sarah couldn't take her eyes of the book. She opened it to see if Jack or Y/n was mentioned anywhere. This wasn't like the neverending story after all.

She clutched it close to her chest. Her cousin and brother was in danger. She needed to get help.

"MAM! MAM!" Sarah yelled, running across the forest. "What is it?" "Jack and Y/n! They've gone!" Some of the adults look to Sarah. "I...I wished Jack to disappear and he did! Y/n went after him and I don't know where they've gone." Mam's face paled. "Oh Gods. Um...We'll find them Sarah don't worry."

Mam ran inside and stopped the reunion and told everyone that the children were missing. "Oh they're probably off in the woods somewhere! They'll find their way back." "Jack ran away and Y/n chased after them. Neither of them have phones, both of them probably are scared." "Lass it's fine!" Sarah's grandma said. "No. It's not fine. And I'll be damned if I stay here one moment longer listening to your bullshit." Mam said and grabbed her coat. "Come on (m/n). We have our children to look for."

Sarah's eyes widened. Her Mam never got angry with their grandparents before.

Mam, Aunt (m/n), Papa, and Uncle (f/n) rushed towards the woods and began combing it, keeping each other on call.

Sarah rushed up to Papa. "Papa can I look with you? It's my fault they're gone." "No sweetie, it's not your fault. Go ask Grandma if she can take you home." "We live hours away." Sarah said confused. "To Y/n's house. So at least we know where one of our children is." Sarah nodded and ran to find Grandma.

"Papa asked you to drive us to Uncle (f/n)'s house." "Oh those Weans always making trouble." Grandma huffed and then said "Well come on. I'll drive you there."

They drive to Y/n's house. Sarah immediately went up to your room. "GOBLIN KING! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! BRING THEM BACK! I'M SORRY! BRING THEM BaCk..." Sarah started crying. She didn't want her brother to become a goblin, or her cousin to never come back. She looks around, hopeless, when she sees a sword.

Then she gets an idea, the most dangerous idea that she's ever gotten.

It was up to her to help.

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