
GOT: Human Sculptor

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A boy wakes up in the body of a slave in New Ghis, in the GOT model. After awakening his power, under circumstances not good for him... He begins his journey to control the world with his 'servants'. (A.N. I do not own the Game of Thrones Franchise, this is solely for my own entertainment! The picture isn't mine, and if the artist wants it removed then I will.)

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Chapter 101. The Beginning.

I have been here for three years now, I found myself in the body of this nameless slave... For someone from the 21st century, it is certainly hard to adapt to this world. My name was Alexander Martin and I was an accountant, so all my experience and studies are useless! After realising I was screwed I started doing what I was ordered to do, guarding this mansion of one of the masters of New Ghis.

My life was simple, I would stand for hours guarding a door waiting for my master Daario Kzerrt to order me to escort him to various places in the city along with other slaves. But today he decided that something in me irritated him and decided to have me beaten to a pulp by the other slaves and poised between life and death throw me into the mass grave with other bodies to die.

As my consciousness began to dull I thought about what my two lives had been, the first led to my death during a robbery and the second to suffer the pains of hell as a slave and then beaten to a pulp for no reason at all... During my thoughts, next to me I notice a corpse of a mercenary working for the master who had disappeared a week before. Already missing... Touching his corpse I see a screen appear with him on it!

Fuck I'm really dying if my mind starts playing these tricks on me.... I look again but he doesn't seem to have disappeared but instead on this screen I see a series of folders where I see: general health, life force, circulatory system, neural system, skeletal system, muscle composition, memory and other folders listing all the body data I was in contact with at the time. In a desperate attempt to escape this situation and cure myself, I tried to transfer the life force from his body to mine! As I felt a strange energy flow through my body I felt my wounds close and heal, my happiness had never been greater since I had come to this world and I felt that I could change my life with this power. After the flow of energy stopped my mind collapsed and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was still in the mass grave, next to all those corpses piled up like a garbage dump. I looked around and I noticed the corpse that had allowed me to survive and I could see it had deteriorated, you could see the bones and some body parts were missing that it used to have and at that moment I realised what that energy was! I was absorbing his body in order to heal myself, at that moment it occurred to me that if I could absorb his flesh perhaps I could also absorb other things besides his life force, such as his knowledge, so I could learn how to fight and have more detailed information about this world. My mind was racing to think of various scenarios and I even had the 'resources' to test them!!! This power opens up several possibilities for me, but I still have to save my life and get out of this shit pit!!! Then I will try to transfer his memories, probing his mind I see that I can extract what interests me and import it as my knowledge and skills making them my own as if I had trained and studied them for years. Absorbing his knowledge I finally realise where I am... FUCKING GOT!!! New Ghis looked familiar but... Fuck! King of the

Night, Jon Snow! Daenerys fucking Targaryen! The fucking Dragons! It couldn't be a fucking normal

medieval world... No of course not AHAHA!!!

(A few hours later.... LOL)

OK, let's take it one step at a time...

After plundering his knowledge, his body has been reduced to dust... It all still seems surreal to me what is happening, but after living here for years as a slave and seeing the filth that the human mind can give birth to, I think that doing whatever I have to in order to survive is not so wrong... Morality in this historical period does not exist, otherwise there would be no slavery! I have to be strong and walk this road, just to survive.

Coming out of these depressing thoughts I touch my body and see my image and my various folders and I start to think that maybe by absorbing the 'resources' around me I can make physiological and qualitative changes to my body, touching a fat guy next to me I start to change my body and facial physiognomy making it look like Achilles played by Brad Pitt: 6'1" (I raised the height a bit), shoulder-length blond hair, blue eyes and a sculpted physique.

After finishing the absorption he too ends up in the dust, I look around and realise that I will have a lot to do... But hunger is starting to disturb me, so I have to look for a way to get out of this cemetery. I approach the gate and see only a guard, understandable since there is nothing to steal in this place, then walking slowly I approach and knock him out I tie him up and take him to an area away from the entrance covering him with various corpses and gagging his mouth. I put on his armour and walk out into the street going to a tavern and enjoying my well-earned meal.

After returning to the mass grave I begin to absorb and strengthen my body, making my bones harder, my muscles better, my eyesight better, I improve my speed and flexibility and absorb all the battle skills and useful notions I have found from various corpses. I now turn my attention to the guard who watches me fearfully after seeing what he considers, from his mutterings, dark magic... Tch! Ignorant!

Touch it and the same image appears as always! Wow! Let's see what I can do... In the meantime I put him to sleep, afterwards I enter his mind and look at everything he has experienced and his knowledge and honestly he doesn't know shit! Another loser like me... I go into brain chemistry and instill absolute fidelity, pass on all the combat knowledge I've learned from other corpses and improve his physique by making him taller and stronger and with the various enhancements.

I wake him up, he looks around confused and after seeing me he kneels down.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Raise your head" I said and he did as I commanded.

"Your name shall be Leonidas, your only purpose in life is to serve me! Whenever I order you to do something you must do it, whatever I ask! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master, your every command is law!"

Well, I can also act on living people and control them perfectly. Now all that remains is to get in touch with someone rich and influential to start a new life in this world.... A person to control, I'd say it's time for revenge Daario Kzerrt!!!!!! You will be the first of many...


Hello everyone! This is my first work, which I hope I will be able to write and that it will finally be to your liking!

I am a beginner author, as you can see from my nickname LOL.

Let me know your opinions on it.

Take care.

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