
A Crimson Sun 1/2

Lucius woke up in a cold sweat, unable to fully dose off to the realm of dreams.

He dressed in a black cotton robe with elegant golden weaves that flowed down to his ankle, adorned by gold tipped heeled boots. He tied his hair in a simple low ponytail, leaving two long strands of white hair to frame his defined cheekbones down to his collar. A small chained circlet the frame his crown of hair. ladened with regal gold chains that ever so slightly hung down just above his eyebrows.

Lucius gathered his things, slinging them over his shoulder. He stepped into the cozy air of the tavern, to be greeted by a bubbly Narri cleaning the tables.

"Good morning!" Narri barraged Lucius's ears.

"Yes, morning." Lucius grumbled in reply, holding his left ear whilst walking to the door.

"Breakfast will be done soon." Narri announced as Lucius opened the heavy wooden door to the outside air, making him shiver slightly.

"I won't be gone long...Hopefully." Lucius finished as he walked out and shut the door.

The streets of Falkreath were weird. On one hand it was a miserable town where people came to die, but on the other? A town of great history. A town that reflects the crimson of the morning sun, in a way that casts a veil of illusion on the depressing colours of dreary grey and brown. If only for a moment, Lucius thought he was back in Alinor. Wandering the streets as a brash, and naive, child once again.

Lucius's steps ran in rhythmic silence on the cobbled path as he checked his gold pouch, assessing last nights damage.

'I had 122 septims. 30 for both rooms and breakfast. leaving 92...So why do i only have 34 septims left!' A baffled Lucius thought, before he remembered.

'That damned girl drunk my money away!' Lucius huffed and increased his tempo towards Grey Pine goods.

A swinging sign hung from the post by the door, depicting a burdened set of weighing scales. Straw roof, wooden beams, and rope tied fencing decorated the exterior.

A tinkering of a bell was heard as Lucius walked in. A man of average height and muscly stature was stood idle behind the counter. Buttery blond hair that fell behind his ears, matched with his deep blue eyes.

'Looks like he's seen a few battles in his time. Eyes just like dear ole dad." Lucius closely observed.

"Well met, i'm Solaf. Unlike my brother, I've no dislike of strangers. Met lots of 'em while I was a Stormcloak." Said Solaf enthusiastically.

"You're a Stormcloak?" Lucius cautiously probed, knowing of there usual outlook on his race.

"I was once, but not any more. I was wounded in a skirmish up near Windhelm. This was years ago, mind you. Now, maybe I don't pick up a blade in Ulfric's name no more, but I still hold with his ideals. Skyrim is Nord land, and we ought to rule it. We don't need no help from the filthy Empire on that count!" Solar said with a roaring passion.

"Right..." Lucius gave him an odd look. "I'm here to trade, is that fine with you?" Asked Lucius.

"Of course you can!" Solaf said with a sincere smile.

"You mentioned a brother? Who is he?"Lucius made small talk whilst pulling out his items, pleasantly surprised by the lack of aggression for once.

"His name's Bolund. He's the one who works the lumber mill down by the river. If you meet him, don't expect much in the way o' conversation. He ain't one for talking, especially with folk he don't know." Solar replied, happy to talk of his kin.

"That's understandable, especially in these trying times. So, i have three taproots and some spriggan sap. How much will that bring me?" Lucius carefully placed them on the counter as he spoke.

"Ah. Run into a spriggan did ya? Well, the sap will be 50 pieces for both. Hmm, let's say 45 for the roots. They're fairly common." Solaf said glancing up from the items into Lucius eyes. A shadowed, questioning tone towards the end.

"The sap's price is fine. But, don't try and give me shit and call it gold with a pleasant smile. We both know it's worth more than 45 septims. Give me 30 minutes and an alchemy table and i can make potion worth three times that with one of them...Hmm?" Lucius tried bargaining with his logic. Eyes burning into Solaf's skull.

"The problem 'friend' is that no one around here knows that foul art." Solaf challenged, staring back.

'There's an alchemist down the street...' Lucius mentally deadpanned.

Lucius took a quick glance at Solaf's stores and saw a dusted book with a small, faded insignia for destruction on it.

"Fine, throw that dusted book in with the 45 and we'll call it a done deal." Lucius concealed a grin with a closed eye smile, and offered his hand.

Solaf quickly turned to the book and dropped it on the table, along with the gold. "Fine. I had a feeling you'd be a slimy one. Let be done with it before you take my dagger too." Said Solaf. "Damned knife ears." He lowly hissed.

'Ah, there's the racism. At least it's deserved this time. The vulgar route always works with soldiers huh' Lucius giggled in his mind, taking the book and gold before turning to leave.

"A pleasure doing business with you." Lucius 'pleasantly' waved and made his way back to the inn.

Whilst walking back Lucius took a quick look at the newly acquired book, dusting it off.

'Just a 'flames' spell book. Oh well, nothing risked also means nothing gained. At least i have adequate enough gold now.'

Lucius opened the door of the tavern and saw Ciri eating from a bowl at the fire talking with the barmaid, not one of them noticing him walking in, and quietly closing the door.

"Can he fight too?" Narri asked leaning forward a bit. "I always wanted to go on an adventure, but i couldn't leave Valga on her own." She said with a cloud over her.

"I know he's good with magic, not so much with a sword, haha." Ciri said wiping her mouth of the soup.

"Ahem." Lucius cleared his throat. "Not good with a sword huh?" Lucius rhetorically mused as the pair slowly turned to look at him. "Also. You owe me at least 5 drinks after last night." Lucius said, pointing at Ciri while walking to the bar to get his breakfast. Not seeing the glum look Ciri sent his way.

"Damn!" Ciri cursed.

Lucius sat opposite the pair with some bread and an apple. "So. What were you talking about?" Lucius played innocent.

"Oh, oh nothing." "You." Narri at least had the decency to look sheepish, while Ciri bluntly answered with a teasing look over at Narri.

"Mhm. Ciri, now you aren't drooling on my shoulder and playing with my pretty hair. Do you still want to come with me?" Lucius playfully asked with twinkling eyes, taking a bite of the apple.

"Oh, i won't hear the end of this will i?" Ciri grumbled, palm on face. "Never." Was Lucius's quick response. "Yes, i would like to go with you, if that's okay. I don't know this land, or its people and it's always better with a familiar face, if only newly familiar. You seem to be a good person, Lucius." Ciri smiled looking into his eyes.

"Ooooh~, careful now. If you keep looking into my 'pretty' eyes you could fall in love." Lucius quipped.

"Bastard." Ciri insulted Lucius over the table with a tinge of red painting her face. "I was drunk." Ciri groaned out.

Lucius let out a silky laugh.

"Of course you can follow me. You might be the only one who'll talk to me without bringing up my ears." Lucius said wiping a tear from his eye. "We have to head through Whiterun because of the war so we can stop off there. I heard it's a nice city." Lucius said after composing himself.

"Hm, is it far? Any potential dangers?" Asked Ciri.

"It's not too far, and in regards to danger, i'd say bandits and wolves, though i'm not so sure myself." Lucius voiced." Are you ready to leave? I'd like to get going before midday."

"Just me, my sword, and recently gifted coin purse." Said Ciri, tapping the pouch on her belt, ignoring Lucius twitching eyebrow.

'She didn't even spend a septim...' An irritated Lucius realised.


Yeah, part 1/2 again i'm sorry. it just didn't feel right, dragging it along unnecessarily just to get the plot started faster. I really don't want to rush it. Plot will probably begin in 4-5 chapters as a rough estimate.

Fun fact i learnt that inspired the chapter title:

In 1770, the sky over East Asia turned crimson red for nine days. A swath of sky over Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and the eastern coast of China looked as if it had been set ablaze, illuminated in a scorching red light. No one knew what caused it, and we only knew it happened thanks to a few scant recordings that survived the intervening centuries. It wasn't until modern astronomy gave us a better understanding of aurora events centuries later that we learned what prompted it: A magnetic storm caused by solar activity likely struck Earth's atmosphere, creating a crimson spectacle few people have seen since.


I don't know, i thought that was pretty damn cool...

Currently hungover, running on 3 hours of sleep, and don't wish to live. May have effected the quality of writing...

Yeah, i read a science article after having a drink. I know i'm weird.

Have a good one.

I am the pen of my word. Comments are my body, and ink is my blood. I have written over a thousand words.

Unlimited trash works!

Pythiacreators' thoughts
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