

Salman says to Yusuf, I wanted to know your opinion , Salman cuts him off by saying this, and starts rambling.

On February 13th, at 11:00 pm, there is a knock at the door of Salman's house. When Salman opens the door, Yusuf looks fresh and fit in a new full suit and coat.

Salman asks Yusuf to come inside the house, Yusuf comes in, Salman ask Yusuf. brother! Are you going to, or returning from, a feast or party?

Yusuf says. Neither I am going to participate in any feast or party, nor am I coming back, I don't want to sleep tonight, so I thought that Brother! I will not let you sleep either, I will keep bothering you all night.

Salman says, I have spent the hundredth night of my life, the whole night in thoughts and awake, today it will be known, who gets tired, who gets bored, who wins, and who loses.

Around 11:30 PM, Salman and Yusuf spend time talking inside the house, then Yusuf says to Salman, Brothe! Let's go to the roof today and talk under the open sky, Yusuf climbs the stair straight to the roof, but Salman goes to the room and covers the pice of hot cloth (loie) and then comes up. there are some chairs, but Salman and Yusuf both are standing and talking.

Yusuf says, Brother! Look at the sky, how much it is decorated with stars, bright clusters of stars are visible everywhere in the sky, if these bright stars were not in the sky, and these stars did not shine, then the whole sky would be black, every night. Black and scared. For fear of which no one goes out at night.

Then Yusuf points to the sky and says: Look, bro! How bright this star is shining, Look at these two stars, talking to each other like us, Look at these five stars, as if playing a game in a circle, Look at these twelve stars, as if meeting with each other and trying to solve a problem, look at these fourteen stars, consulting each other to run a system.

Salman says, Yusuf brother! All these stars are called galaxies, there are more than a trillion stars in a galaxy, and there are trillions of galaxies in this universe, the exact number of which no one knows.

Yusuf says, Brother! Each star receives light from the sun to shine, which is called a solar system. About thirteen stars revolve around one sun, and there are billions suns in a galaxy.

Salman says, Yusuf brother! This solar system also includes this earth, on which we are standing and talking, this moon is also included in this solar system, which is shining above us, and is looking at us, when The moon is in its full youth, then the name of this moon is Mahtab. In love with this moon, Chakur (a bird) has been trying to reach the moon for thousands of years on this moonlit night, flying all night trying to go up, when his strength is gone, then he take a sigh, shows his compulsion , when he can't do anything, then despair pulls him to the ground, heartbroken and every time he fails, he falls to the ground, but even after every failure, Chakor (bird) continues his strugle. Does not stop trying, then the second time completely fresh

Continued on Post-20

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