

Resuming his quest with zeal and spirit, thousands of years have not changed this habit of the Chakor (bird), the Chakor (bird) is a very stubborn bird.

There are thousands of stories about this moonlit night, but today's night is also very important.

Now Yusuf looks at his watch, the time is near to12:00, there are some seconds left, Salman also looks at his watch, then says, Yusuf, the special significance of this night is that from tonight the winter will be end, spring will begin, greenery will be everywhere, flowers will bloom everywhere, fragrance will bloom everywhere, exactly after 12:00 the 14th of February will begin. Now Salman and Yusuf both look at their watches, the time is 12:00,

Yusuf tells Salman, Brother! The whole world celebrates the 14th of February as the day of declaration of love, Yusuf puts his hand into his coat, and says, Today I will also declare my love, pulling out a fresh red rose from the coat.

Salman also pulls out a fresh red rose from his loei (warm cloth), much to Yusuf's surprise, but Yusuf quickly gives the flower to Salman, saying, " I love you brother."

Salman also gives his flower to Yusuf and says, I love you too, my dear brother, both of them smell these flowers, then both of them put their hands in their pockets, they take something out, but both of them keep their fists closed . hold, both smiling slightly,

Salman says, Yusuf! There is a gift for you in this fist, which will always remind you of this beautiful moment in life, but this gift will not be given to you.

Yusuf says, Brother! The gift is also for me, and you won't give it to me, why? .

Salman says, because I will put on this gift with my hands on one finger of your right hand, now you direct the finger of your right hand towards me,

Yusuf hides what is hidden in his fist in the fist of his other hand. , extends a finger of his right hand towards Salman, Salman has a silver ring in his fist, on which a red ruby ​​is attached, Salman puts the ring on one finger of Yusuf's right hand.

Yusuf says, Bhiya! Do you think that you have won, while I have fully prepared for today, I have also brought for you a gift, which will remind you of this beautiful moment for the rest of your life. I will also not give you that gift in your hand,

Salman says, why not give me? Yusuf says, because you didn't give me, they both laugh at this. Then Yusuf says, Come on bro! You also extend one finger of your right hand towards me. Salman extends one finger of his right hand towards him, Yusuf puts the ring on one finger of right hand of slman. They both hug each other and love each other very much.

(Anila also loves the parrot and Irfan, then continues talk)

Yusuf tells Salman, Brother! I had kept this program secret, no one knew anything about my intention, then how did you understand it?, and gave the flower is answered by the flower, the ring is answered by the ring, and love is answered by love.

Continued on Post-21

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